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Posts posted by jimwell

  1. 19 minutes ago, mmKay said:

    You are generating the emotions . You don't actually feel others suffering.  If you don't imagine it you don't suffer yourself.

    The OP did not imagine the suffering of others. He saw and knew the suffering of others. One of the horrors he saw was probably a Palestinian girl whose skeleton was shattered and powdered by an Israeli bomb, with her mother crying in extreme pain. The OP did not imagine the pain, nor did he speculate whether the mother and the girl actually felt pain. The OP saw and knew the pain, and then felt the pain.


    20 minutes ago, mmKay said:

    That suffering is just a partial truth, and if you focus on it too much it will make your bitter, resentful, restless and overly emotional 

    Yes, I agree. Balance is the key.


    20 minutes ago, mmKay said:

    Since this is the mechanism of how Empathy works, if OP is miserable because of other's suffering, it is a valuable skill to turn it off on command, and turn it on after a break 



    26 minutes ago, mmKay said:

    I called it "OCD" very lightly, not in the clinical sense.

    I had a problem with not emphasizing that the Oneness-Suffering worldview is valid. Calling it OCD is too simplistic and reductionistic. That is why I started with "This downplays or even invalidates the sense of the Oneness-Suffering worldview." in my last post.

  2. 1 hour ago, mmKay said:

    Not being able to turn off empathy and disconnect imagining others suffering would be acertain OCD in my opition, and is a recipe for unnecesary suffering .

    This downplays or even invalidates the sense of the Oneness-Suffering worldview. This is one of the reasons I dislike psychiatry. It's all too material and "chemical". They miss the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of human "mental illness".

    If you think about it, Leo would be considered mentally ill by traditional psychiatrists. Of course, tell a psychiatrist what he thinks of a human who spends most of his time and energy investigating truth via injecting psychedelics into his ass; spending thousands of hours contemplating the nature of consciousness; and who is willing to neglect socialization and other survival needs, and even die for it. That psychiatrist would respond with "mentally ill." A normal human doesn't do what Leo does. Only an insane and "mentally ill" human would do such things. xD

    I was diagnosed with OCD when I was a teenager. I was told by my psychiatrists and OCD books that my OCD thoughts and anxieties were meaningless signals from my brain caused by a chemical imbalance. How simplistic and reductionist such an explanation was. Having high love and respect for literal and metaphorical cleanliness is NOT normal; it can only be OCD.


  3. 11 hours ago, Nilsi said:

    that begs the question of what wholeness is. if you were truly in touch with the interconnectedness of everything, would you truly be happy seeing all the misery and pain around you? and would you be content just sitting around being "happy"?

    That's a valid point. I embraced this idea when I was 20. I felt the suffering and problems of the world. I wasn't responsible for all the evil and suffering in the world, and my external situation was generally good; but I felt miserable because I instinctively felt connected to all humans and animals.

    In retrospect, I realized that this mindset is not the best one to have. It's even an error in a way. So, what's the best mindset for this situation? It is this: YOU LIFT THE WORLD UP, NOT LET THE WORLD BRING YOU DOWN. Be happy and make the world happy, or at least better; do not let the world make you suffer with it.

    But I must also say that embodying the mindset "The world is in immense suffering, and I feel connected to the world, hence, I also suffer." has a good side. It makes you more sensitive and empathetic to the suffering of others. It can also help motivate you to do what you can to make the world better. That way, you can grow as a person.

    It's all stages of development. One must experience one stage first before going to the next one.    

  4. On 5/27/2024 at 7:32 AM, puporing said:

    Sure, I can explain based on what generally people value here:

    Intimate Relationships

    Tried that, due to gaps in consciousness I always end up being someone's "free therapist" or punching bag, getting tricked that they might have basic integrity. Cannot find anyone that understands Love. People generally want to "imprison you" or use you as some "thing" to show off, and put you into a box with a "specific role" in mind, look a certain way, talk a certain way, and if you deviate from that all hell gets loose (generally). And those who are already in "relationships" don't generally give a fk about everyone else that they might come across. It's like other people just don't exist anymore. Same is true with "family systems", if you're not part of someone's family you don't exist to them very much nor do they give a fk about you.

    Why do people even want babies? Do they even consider how painful that process is for the mother? And how it basically enslaves them? Usually no. They just take for granted someone with ovaries should have babies, like some kinda biological incubator. So imagine being boxed into this thing that most people think this is what you're good for and only what you're good for.


    I have no true families I can hardly avoid my biological parents, who are similar to the above, try to box me into something they want of me and most likely transphobic.


    So far I have not had a single job where someone in position of power doesn't try to manipulate, abuse, take advantage of me. If you're a biological woman most people in position of power will never promote you or give you your fair pay for your abilities. They will pay you the lowest of the low because they think you don't know better as a "woman". And when I tried to be self employed, I still run into bad people like certain customers who will trash your stuff on purpose, business "partners" like Airbnb trying to get out of paying you damages, other people that might be in the picture of your business constantly trying to screw you over and steal from you and you have very limited ways to fight back that don't require lots of money. 

    Thanks for the explanation. I acknowledge its validity and sense. I could add many shitty things to what you already mentioned, but I'll add only one: I don't like the fact that you and I need to murder other living things to stay alive. What kind of bastard would design such shit?


    On 5/27/2024 at 7:32 AM, puporing said:

    Have you found any Light yet? There's much Light to uncover which leads you back to Heaven.

    I don't know what you mean by "light" and "heaven". For me, heaven is found inside this hell (Earth). Beauty, goodness, intelligence, mystery, love, excitement, peace, joy, and satisfaction are heaven; and thankfully exist in this world. I have witnessed, experienced, and enjoyed heaven many times. And I want to witness, experience, and enjoy even more of it (with more variety and quality) in the future. :)

  5. 12 hours ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

    I think he might be right the evidence and data clearly point to another being besides a God who created the world. 

    If there is, God still created the world via that being. Everything exists because God wills it.


    16 hours ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

    These horrible things that have happened in the world and continue to happen show how bad the world is. Also, this is evidence that shows that the world might have been created by an evil being rather than a loving God. 

    The fact that these things continue to happen in the world and they don't stop is more evidence to the fact that this world could have been created by a devil.

    The devil is God. God is devilish and bastardish, but also possesses mind-boggling intelligence and beauty.

    To make it even more complicated, God is also an archangel. Think about the good things which exist in the world. It's also overwhelming if you're sensitive to it and know where to look.

  6. 6 hours ago, Razard86 said:

    1. Never give someone an experience that you wouldn't want. 

    Generally good. But reality is complex. Some people want what you don't want, and vice versa. You think nobody wants to be punched in the face? Ask the masochists. Nobody wants his wife to be fucked by other men? You'll be surprised by the number of cuckolds out there.


    6 hours ago, Razard86 said:

    2. Never give someone an experience that they wouldn't want.

    There are times when you can't know what others might not want.

  7. On 5/18/2024 at 10:07 AM, puporing said:

    But at least for me once I reached a certain level this world isn't very attractive even from what you call a "selfish perspective".

    Would you mind explaining that? I'm curious about what you mean exactly by that. I would appreciate a few examples.

    I see variety of shitpiles in the world and often feel disappointed. When I look at my own life, I see imperfections and disappointments. It seems life is inherently difficult and unsatisfying.

    I came back from my spiritual walk and run, and the entire experience felt very different from "real" life. The entire time, I saw beauty, sacredness, and mystery. And I felt love, excitement, and satisfaction. I felt grateful I was born and alive.

    But now after a few hours of staying at home, the anxieties, disappointments, and dissatisfactions are starting to resurface.  

  8. 54 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

    But then I started to question: What makes us different from AI? And honestly, there isn’t any difference.

    AI is more intelligent than humans in many ways. The difference is that a human has a sense of self and experience, AI doesn't. Would you rather be an AI robot or a human? I'm glad I'm a human. :)

    Paradoxically, the quote below is created by AI (Copilot).


    The Human Experience:

    • Our sense of self, memories, and emotions shape our existence.
    • We appreciate beauty, love, laughter, and the richness of life.
    • These aspects make being human a unique and profound journey.


  9. 4 hours ago, BlueOak said:

    Because they keep doing military drills to simulate invasions, one day, it will not be a drill.



    4 hours ago, BlueOak said:

    Here's a future prediction for likelihood from global security consultants:
    2024 - 2028

    I don't have much time to read articles, but I was able to read this. It has valid points but fails to consider the amount of effort and resources China needs to use and lose for a Taiwan invasion. 


    4 hours ago, BlueOak said:

    I do not know if it's definite that China will invade, but I tend to agree it's likely. A further reason that doing it now makes sense is because Ukraine and Israel are both taking the US's attention up.

    No, because the 2 conflicts haven't drained and will probably not drain the USA's economic and military powers. But a direct war with Russia can. 

  10. 4 hours ago, hyruga said:

    China is too busy building infrastructure.

    Very impressive. That boy in the video was having a blast.

    I have seen futuristic building and IT infrastructures across China. One of those is a solar-powered, driverless bus. That was also impressive. China has surpassed both the USA and Japan in these domains.

    The boy in the video implied that Wuhan airport is the best airport he has ever been in. It simply means he has never been to New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido, Japan. But I have my own standards. What I consider beautiful might not be beautiful to others. I simply had a romantic time sitting in front of a big glass window while drinking hot coffee and eating cookies, observing the falling snow and the airplanes accumulating snow. Such moments are unforgettable.


    4 hours ago, hyruga said:

    Personally I don't think China will attack. The people there are concerned mostly with money making. The Chinese don't hate the Taiwanese and vice versa. 

    It's not about the people. It's about the governments. The CCP wants Taiwan badly.

  11. On 5/24/2024 at 8:00 PM, BlueOak said:

    Because a longstanding possibility has been that China will invade Taiwan in June of this year.

    xD Where did you obtain this information? 


    On 5/24/2024 at 8:00 PM, BlueOak said:

    Weighing those against your hope of this being nothing, (and mine) that this is likely more posturing to expose how the allies will react when China invades, there is a possibility.

    The video below was recommended to me by YouTube just minutes ago, and I’ve just finished watching it. I feel compelled to share it because it clearly illustrates why China hasn’t invaded Taiwan.


    But I disagree with the video creator who said China would never invade Taiwan. It’s true that China has too much to lose in invading Taiwan. It’s also true that the USA’s military power deters China, but only as of now.

    China is very passionate about reuniting Taiwan; it will eventually invade Taiwan to materialize its national and political vision, despite the heavy cost. China is simply buying time to prepare for the invasion. If Russia engages in war with NATO and Russia surprisingly hold its ground for a few years, China's invasion of Taiwan will be expedited.  

  12. 7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Not just sitting on your couch.


    Travelling solitarily, and living in a foreign country are also good ways to develop self-reliance. 

    Facing your fears and traumas also build internal strength. If you feared driving because of the possible consequences, then you must go and drive regularly. If you got fucked because of it, dealing and overcoming it would make you stronger and wiser. 


  13. 3 hours ago, Razard86 said:

    14. An awakened species is clear that it needs nothing. Humans in an unawakened state often create a need-based experience.

    Such a species hasn't and will not exist. Perhaps an awakened species which feeds on sunlight or stones could exist.

    On planet Earth, survival has always been dirty and cruel. But that can change for the better when AI and robotics become advanced enough.  

  14. 50 minutes ago, jimwell said:

    What happened to this forum was strange. 

    It had little impact on me. But I hope Leo is alive and ok. 

    I mean Leo is supposed to be the first one to announce the forum's restoration and explain what happened. He used to do that. But not this time. 

    This makes me suspicious. There's something wrong. 

  15. 54 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    Loneliness is your opportunity to connect with God. I'm thankful for those moments although loneliness can be hard too. That is the whole point of it: loneliness can break you and make you negative or it can build character.

    I enjoy my social time but I prefer my me-time too. My greatest hurdle is being able to switch between those 2: being in my head versus being in the world.

    When socializing you have to be almost 0% in your head. That is why extraverts are great at making friends. And that is why introverts are not so good with making friends: they are in their head and have this energetic wall up. It is hard to connect to such a person. It is not personal so no need to make a victim mindset out of this.

    At the end of the day, you and the father are one. Everything you need is already inside of you. Your aloneness is identification with negativity and separateness. If you identify with that, outer reality will just reflect what you believe. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Trying to fix the outer circumstances without fixing the inner circumstance is masochism.

    When you are alone, you are not "alone", you are with your Self. What is your relationship to it? Everybody has their divine spark or energetic imprint or personality. You should see yourself as a gift to the world and the other people. This will define whether you have a high vibe or low vibe.

    Congratulations on posting the best comment on this thread.

    What did you just eat? You need to eat that frequently. :D

  16. 1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

    Last week i told her fuck you for the first time and now i realize i almost have no money in bank account and job status is meh. So yeah lol Talk about being unrresponsbible, Now i face true reality lol

    xD This is the money world in the end. You're as free as the money you have in your bank account. 

    Try to connect to your intuition and feeling then ask yourself "Despite my mother's shit, do I feel a loving connection to her though it's vague? Is there a part of her which genuinely loves me?". If the answer is a sure NO, then you must eliminate her from your life. If the answer is YES even if you're not sure, then give her the benefit of the doubt and work on your relationship. If you feel you need to distance yourself from her, do it for 1 or 2 years and see what happens. 

    My mother was one of the most ignorant and toxic mothers in the world. I cut her off a few years a few times. But somehow I felt there was a part of her which genuinely loves me. I responded to that aspect of her and worked on our relationship. After many years of work and drama, my mother became one of the most loving mothers in the world. 

    I probably can add more details and explanation, but it's difficult because I'm using my smartphone to write this. So, I'll stop here. 


  17. On 4/13/2024 at 1:22 AM, bebotalk said:

    Over the past few weeks, I've had the following discourse with pretty women:


    - Shouted at a group of pretty women, as they purposely cut in line in front of me at McDonald's. they looked shocked, but I didn't care. it's the norm not to cut lines. Being born with a pretty face or nice body doesn't give one a right to circumvent social norms. If that bothers people, then not everybody comes from your shoddy environment or possesses similarly shoddy comprehension. 

    - Told one in their face on a train not to touch me, as she and her friend were literally leaning into me on a train station platform. Mind your own space, one doesn't need to touch another. 

    - Scolded another hottie, when she asked me for directions to the nearest supermarket whilst I was sitting in a city centre park, eating sandwiches. As she asked me when literally had a mouthful of food, and thus couldn't speak, but she got "irate" at me not responding immediately. Yes, the world revolves around you. You're so cognitively shot that you don't get that basic truth that it DOES NOT revolve around you, since you were raised in a shoddy and pushy environment, like most pretty women seemingly. 


    Since women are hot are enemies, and act as such, I treat them as such.

    You and I know that the core reason you hate and harm beautiful girls is because you love and admire them, but they don't love you back.

    You reminded me of Elliot Rodger. I read his manifesto a few years ago. He hated girls because of the same reason I stated above. Initially, he did the things you did. I even remember him pouring hot coffee to a beautiful girl who he couldn't get. xD You and he are dangerous, but also pathetic.

    I'm issuing a strong warning: If you continue down that pathetic and twisted path, you'll end up the way Elliot did. After all the harm he inflicted on beautiful girls, he eventually murdered them before murdering himself.

    Here's a recent case of mass murder committed by a twisted Australian a few days ago, who might have been walking a similar path to you and Elliot. The 40-year-old Joel Cauchi also struggled with sexually attracting girls because of his poor social skills and schizophrenia.



    I know you're too selfish to try to put yourself in the shoes of beautiful girls. But I think it's better if I talk about their perspectives. Yes, many of them may come across as rude, arrogant, or entitled because they possess the power of physical beauty. And you can't really blame them. If you were a man with a beautiful face and body, emitting masculine energy, and highly sexually attractive to girls, you couldn't help but be very self-confident or even arrogant.

    Beautiful girls capture the hearts of dozens of boys in person, and hundreds, even thousands more on the internet, every day. That's how powerful they are. It's the reason they can earn a living without exerting as much effort as everybody else does. That's the power of their physical beauty. Their entitlement and arrogance are understandable. The beautiful girls who are confident but not arrogant are the mentally mature ones.

    Another strong reason beautiful girls can appear rude and arrogant is because they feel they need to. Throughout their teenage and adult lives, tens of thousands of boys have hit on them. At work, male colleagues hit on them almost daily. Every time they walk down the street, a dozen male pedestrians hit on them. Inside the mall, another dozen horny boys, including pickup artists, hit on them. This constant, repetitive sexual aggression from boys makes beautiful girls feel repulsed and exhausted. It's important to note that almost all of these advances are UNWANTED from the perspective of the beautiful girls, constituting forms of sexual harassment.

    How would you feel if an ugly and dirty male Indian homosexual with bad English approached you and initiated unwanted sexual contact? You would feel repulsed, correct? Now, imagine experiencing that scenario multiple times every day. It would undoubtedly make you feel extremely repulsed and annoyed; you might want to murder that homosexual.

    That's how beautiful girls frequently feel. They endure various forms of sexual harassment almost daily, leading some to develop defense mechanisms such as aggression, rudeness, or arrogance to deflect unwanted advances. Beautiful girls aren't as physically strong as males, so their defense mechanisms are often subtle, indirect, or aggressive but non-physical. These mechanisms are sensible and valid. Beautiful girls have the right to say NO to horny boys the same way you have the right to say NO to that ugly Indian homosexual. (I'm not being racist to Indians. I remember this user complaining about Indian callers with bad English, hence an Indian homosexual is a suitable example.)

    How do I know these things? I also frequently experience what beautiful girls experience. I'm not bragging but I must acknowledge that I tend to sexually attract beautiful girls (and ugly ones), and male homosexuals and bisexuals. Possessing beauty is a gift from God but it is also a curse. I frequently endure unwanted sexual advances, and most of them leave me feeling repulsed and annoyed - it amounts to sexual harassment. There's only a small percentage of girls who I want to fuck or impregnate.

    I'm lucky because I can defend myself from sexual predators. Male homosexuals and bisexuals are much more sexually aggressive than girls but they fear and respect me, hence their sexual aggression towards me is implicit and subtle. Just a few hours ago, I deflected an implicit sexual aggression from a male homosexual neighbor via screaming at him and calling him a fagg0t until he walked away. I made my defense mechanism explicit because the implicit sexual aggression had happened too many times and my implicit defense mechanism was not enough to stop it. Humans are too greedy and immature to stop their shit.  

    I feel very sorry for beautiful girls because they tend to be easy targets for sexual predators. And beautiful girls tend to endure explicit sexual aggression from horny boys, resulting in significant mental-emotional pain. And in some cases, beautiful girls are even murdered by these sexual predators as documented by the video below.

    If you have some remaining goodness and sanity in you. Try to understand what I said. You can't blame beautiful girls and you can't hate them that much. You are free to dislike them but STOP harming them.

  18. On 4/12/2024 at 6:54 AM, Ishanga said:

    Jacques Fresco already invented this idea, a world without Money, a different sort of society where AI controls the resources so that all get what they need and there is no lack in the world, its basic idea but very cool imo...

    Very cool indeed. Fresco was a very intelligent man and a true revolutionary. 

    I think his vision will materialize. The only question is when. Just look at the current development of AI and robotics; it's already amazing and magical.


    On 4/12/2024 at 11:53 AM, ryoko said:

    As long as you're not cool with the idea of everyone doing nothing, this world have no chance of materializing.

    You should have said "As long as you're  not cool with the idea of everyone doing nothing, this world have no chance of materializing."

    Who will farm, fish, and cook to satisfy your hunger? Yes, eventually AI robot will do the slave labor. But as of now, we need to work. 


    On 4/12/2024 at 1:11 PM, aurum said:

    Of course, it's possible that Jacque's work will be rediscovered. Or perhaps his ideas will inspire someone else in the future. But I would be wary of chasing these utopian dreams. You might just end up spending your whole life on a dead end.

    Fresco was not a failure, and his work is NOT useless. His vision and work provide the north star for humans.  

  19. On 4/12/2024 at 7:22 AM, Paul5480 said:

    I am God. The real God. Me! This is absolutely incredible.

    I am not a human amongst other human beings. I am God, imagining all human beings.

    There are no others! This is such a pleasant realization. I am the whole of reality.

    There is nothing that I need to aquire. The universe in its entirety is mine. It's all within me, inside of my mind, literally!

    Talk about a boost in self esteem!

    This is the greatest thing I have ever discovered or realized by far.


    Sounds very romantic. I love it.

    But in the end, God needs to sleep, eat, and shit.