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Everything posted by jimwell

  1. If this is what you really want, then yes. You need to clarify it to the 2 guys. You don't need to be violent. Just be assertive. If it happens again, then let them taste their own medicine. Steal their milk or food. That can stop them from doing it the 3rd time. Your assumption that the 2 guys punctured the tires could be wrong. Don't accuse them of doing it. It really seems you are in a bad environment. Get out of there as soon as possible.
  2. Yes, what you said is true. But you need to do everything in your power to be free from your sin or karma as soon as possible. If you are still in your 20s or 30s, that's very good. You have much time and energy to do it. Even if you are already in your 40s or 50s, you still need to do it. Better late than never. Generate much self-love and take care of your body and soul, every day, every week, every month, every year.
  3. I remember you. In the past, your profile picture was a gorilla. When Connor Murphy was still active in this forum, you asked him whether he was a homosexual because you wanted to suck his dick. You're a homosexual. So, your claim of having fucked at least 6 women this year must be bullshit. I have a sharp memory, so what I just said is probably accurate. I highly doubt your other claims. You're a troll and an attention whore. You have scammed the forum members who took you seriously. Congratulations!
  4. I understand how frustrating it is. Life is fucking difficult, not just for you, but for everybody. I hope your tinnitus will heal and you'll become a successful musician. I hope you'll find a way to rectify your money problems. I hope you'll find a way to make your life satisfying.
  5. Go ahead! Reach your highest potential and live your best life. That's the way to go. The problem is you cornered yourself by wanting to be a financially successful musician who performs for tens of thousands of people or even millions. And if you can't accomplish that "highest life", you will murder yourself. You do care about others' validation. It's obvious. You need millions of humans to listen to your music, otherwise your life is boring and you prefer to end it. The correct mindset is: "I want to create the best music and share it with millions of humans. I hope they'll be happy when they hear my splendid music, and I'll be rewarded with millions of dollars. But I also understand that people have different preferences. They might not perceive my music the way I do. And there are other forces beyond my control which could hinder me from sharing my music with millions. But hey, I'll be happy if I can share my music with some, including my friends. I hope I'll make enough money from it to sustain myself. If not, I hope they'll at least enjoy and appreciate my music. What really matters is I am able to do what I love. I create music, and I know my music is very good." This is a healthier, less needy, and a more realistic approach. But it seems you are interested in being in the top 3 or 5 percent, which is unrealistic. It can happen, but the possibility is very low. See? You need millions of people to listen to and appreciate your music. If that can't happen then life is not worth living. You'll murder yourself instead. This mindset is foolish. You also claimed you don't need others' validation. Your self-deception is grand. @Sine Suppose he becomes a very successful musician who performs in front of tens of thousands, and is very rich. I won't be surprised, in fact, I am more inclined to believe that he will feel the same way he feels now. He will never be satisfied. If the problem is the internal wiring, the external situation doesn't matter. That's why the most important thing a human can do is to develop his internal world; heal childhood trauma and any form of dysfunction, and develop their character or soul. The external situation then slots into place or at least becomes less significant.
  6. Are you sure about this? You might discover how to heal it next year or 2 years from now. Keep observing and researching. Go for it. If you generate much money via devilry, still go for it. Money is a very powerful, all-encompassing force. So, I understand why you'll go the evil route. But just ensure that you compensate your devilry via creating as much beauty and goodness as you can (financially support humans with tinnitus, build homes for the homeless, feed the hungry, etc.). Yes, God is an asshole this way. But remember that we all have our own shit. Leo has been tortured by his intestinal and low energy problems for many years. Don't underestimate his shit. Having low energy to materialize your principles and desires is very humiliating. I also have my own shit. After recovering financially from my last divorce, I was feeling secure and comfortable. But then I lost more or less 70,000 USD from an online investment just a few months ago. It devastated my soul. I also cursed God . I have recovered mentally-emotionally from that tragedy. But I haven't recovered financially. So, remember everybody has their own shit. Sounds good. But be careful about defining what a good life is. If you mean you need to be as rich and as famous as Justin Bieber to have a good life, then you slander the definition of a good life. And you'll probably end up murdering yourself for the wrong reasons. There is much beauty in existence. Are you sure you don't get awed when you see beautiful women, trees, flowers, dogs, landscapes, architecture, parks, etc.? Are you sure you don't get significant enjoyment when you travel around your country? Have you even tried travelling to a foreign country? It's even more splendid and magical (if you know which country to travel to). If you don't see beauty and enjoyment in the things I said, you are already fucked. It doesn't even matter anymore whether you become a financially successful musician or not. Your real problem is you take things for granted. You need to enhance your perception and appreciation of beauty. There's something wrong with your worldview. It seems you need other's validation to make you happy and approve of yourself. Go and create music, and master it. But if you don't become as famous and as rich as Justin Bieber, that's ok. What matters is you do what you love, you master it, and you know that the music you create is a work of art. Others' reception of it is secondary. Here is an important lesson to learn. Her name was Miki Matsubara. She accomplished your musical dreams. She was a very famous Japanese singer, songwriter, composer, and rich as fuck. She accomplished it all in her 20s. But when she turned around 40, she regretted her musical career. She said her financial success and fame hindered her from living her best life. She burned all her musical collections and written musical pieces. She realized all this when she got cancer which eventually killed her. Her life story is featured in the video below. Turn on 'CC' for English subtitles. You can see her in the official video of her popular song "Stay with Me". Turn on 'CC' for English subtitles. And how about Kurt Cobain, the vocalist of Sound Garden and Linkin Park (Chester Benington is his name?), and many other famous and rich rockstars who ended up murdering themselves? It shows you that reaching the top of the musical world is not everything. Living a satisfying life is all about knowing yourself (your values, desires, repulsions, strengths, weakness), loving yourself (appreciating and being grateful for your gifts; and still loving yourself despite your flaws), seeing and appreciating the beauty of existence (many of them I already mentioned; and yes, it includes awakening). Money is there simply to keep you alive and to help you accomplish what I just said. I already answered this. What is the greatest miracle if you can't love yourself deeply or unconditionally? What is the greatest miracle if you rely on other's validation to satisfy you?
  7. I hope God will finally show you love. The form of love which you can see and appreciate. I know you are doing your best. I hope you will continue trying to improve your best. If your best is not enough, it means you need to improve it.
  8. Answering these questions answers all the other questions. I think you should prioritize earning money and healing your tinnitus. Everything else is secondary. You can continue loving music. But don't rely on it to generate the money you need. It's disappointing but it needs to be said. For every 1 financially successful musician, 99 are financial failures.
  9. I use MS Edge to copy-paste youtube video links and it correctly embeds the videos. If it "fails", wait for a few seconds. If nothing happens, delete the link and then paste it again. It should succeed by the third attempt.
  10. In Japan, cyclists usually use sidewalks. It's safer for cyclists to be on sidewalks than to be on roads. Japanese pedestrians have no problems sharing sidewalks with cyclists.
  11. Apple is very good at deceptive marketing, its buyers or fans such as you don't even know that they have been deceived. If it's only partially true then it is not true. If Apple was really being honest with their marketing, they would advertise their products something similar to this: iPhone 13 is the best on the market. Take pride in owning a phone which uses cutting-edge technology and has an affordable price. Of course, it is all made possible via the exploitation of the blood and sweat of underpaid wage slaves around the world, especially in China. On top of that, Apple has been a secret supporter of forced labor. But Apple is very good at pretending to be ethical. So, join us and be a pretender. The video below is the source. Capitalism and marketing are metaphorically dirty in many ways.
  12. If you watched the video I shared until the end, it should have been clear that China is catching up fast.
  13. It is because to be alive is to be evil. We just need to be at peace with that. All human activities such as dating, business, marketing, politics, etc. involve some form of exploitation and deception. And deception is devilry. I started a business myself and I was guilty of deceptive marketing, at least to a slight degree. I needed to do it, otherwise I wouldn't persuade a sale. How would my business survive without some form of deception? The point is to minimize the evil things you do while alive. You will always be a devil in some form as long as you are alive. You just need to be at peace with that. It's also good to create as much beauty and goodness as you can while alive. That compensates for your devilry.
  14. In the end, the old man is just doing what he believes what he should be doing. He walks his talk, and that's integrity. It's also philosophy in action. Luckily for him, he is satisfied with living alone on the island, and that's what matters. It would have been better if he was completely self-sustainable, which means he doesn't need to receive money from his sister to shop on another island for survival needs once a month. Yes. I think the best way is to have both worlds. You can participate in this current civilization and its systems in your own way. Enjoy your PC, internet, coffee, pizza, brothels, bars, cars, stupid sports, museums, parks, and wage slavery (if possible ?). And from time to time, you can go camping or glamping alone in the wild for 1 month. Doing so is synergy. Participating in the current civilization highlights the beauty and simplicity (though it's actually complex if you deeply investigate it) of the wild and nature. Being alone in the wild and nature highlights the beauty and complexity of the current civilization.
  15. This perspective on pain is partially true. In reality, it is much more complex than what the OP suggests. If pain is all it takes to awaken or liberate somebody, every wage slave (almost everybody) would have been awake and free by now. Everybody wants to escape the PAIN of wage slavery, and understandably so.
  16. The best language is superior in functionality (grammar and logic), simplicity (grammar and vocabulary), and how it sounds (determined instinctively). I'm using my smartphone to write this post so I can't expound. I have heard many languages. When it comes to the most beautiful-sounding language, I must say Mandarin Chinese. I'm not sure which the least beautiful-sounding language is. But Russian is a top contender.
  17. I also considered renouncing society and living alone in the forest after getting fired from my wage slave job for being sensible, creative, and integrous; and after my divorce which caused me to lose almost everything. I was too disappointed and repulsed by how selfish, deceptive, and conformable humans are; without or little respect for truth, goodness, and intelligence if these things inconvenience them. But now, I am less bothered by humans' lack of integrity and intelligence. I even appreciate the beauty and intelligence of capitalism and other systems society created. I see the faults of such systems and how they should be improved, but simultaneously, I don't take the value produced by such systems for granted. I'm considering a career change or a new life trajectory. But renouncing society which is what you are considering and what the old Japanese man featured in the video below has been doing for more than 20 years is not one of my options. If he's still alive, the Stage Green philosopher is 86 years old this year. What are those options? There will always be wage slavery because we all need to survive. Wage slavery enables survival. The only way I see how wage slavery ends is when AI reaches a very advanced level, it could replace 90% of all wage slave jobs. Capitalism and probably the money system also need to significantly evolve as a result. Why are you done with people and "the machine" of society? It's better if you expound it.
  18. I recommend you finish watching the video first. I think China will be much more dominant than you think. But I'm having a difficult time seeing how Mandarin Chinese will replace English. English is spoken around the world and has the most language learners. And computers, Programming languages, AI, and other IT devices are English based. The future's very interesting. When I say future, I mean the next 2 decades.
  19. Here's a very good video which demonstrates how the US has already started to collapse and will be replaced by China as the world's Super Power in a few decades. I wonder whether English will also be replaced by Mandarin Chinese as the global language.
  20. Post of the Day
  21. This is an intelligent reply. They are not transphobic. They accept transgender people or at least indifferent to them. And their opinions are nuanced. It doesn't mean they hate or want to persecute transgender people. You are too needlessly sensitive. There are 3 reactions or feelings towards LGBTQ+ people; support or approval, indifference or tolerance, and hate or disapproval. As long as it's not hate (transphobic), it's good enough. You can't expect all people to show support to LGBTQ people. And it's wrong to label indifference as transphobic. I am indifferent to ALS people, to be honest. Many people support ALS sufferers. I'm not one of the supporters. But it doesn't mean I'm ALS-phobic.
  22. It's obvious to me. You are the only consciousness in existence, and your life is a dream or an illusion. So of course, you are dreaming or imagining Leo. Leo is just an illusion pretending to be real when he tells you that from his POV, he is dreaming or imagining you. It's a very consistent and deceptive dream.
  23. Here's a very good and honest interview with a former male-to-female transgender who was "analized" or raped when he was a kid by his own father. Jake was also a drug addict and had a brother who had drugs and alcohol addictions which caused his early death. It's a very informative interview. I resonate with him because I was extremely mentally-emotionally (verbal and physical) abused by my own father my entire childhood (except during my first 5 years of existence) and teenage years, and was raped by my own grandfather when I was a 4. I was also an alcohol and cigarette addict for 13 years. I tried meth and marijuana many times during my teenage years but was not addicted to them. At the near end of the video, he says he can't find love, understanding, and forgiveness. It's because healing is a very long process which usually takes a decade or more if he even succeeds. If not, he'll live being deeply traumatized or hateful, or both his entire life and will die in a similar way (which is very tragic). Many end up murdering themselves. But he is on the correct path; quitting doing drugs, directly facing his childhood trauma, and acknowledging the deep pain and anger embedded in his soul. He also asks "Why would anybody want to do it to his own kid?" His father raped him for 2 reasons: to satisfy his father's pedophilic, homosexual desire; and to inflict pain and trauma to little Jake as his father's way of exacting vengeance for the pain and trauma inflicted on his father when his father was a kid (whether it involved sexual abuse or not). That lessened his father's own trauma and enabled him to be more functional. In the sense I explained, God is crazy.