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Everything posted by Ulax

  1. I think you'd need to find a way of meeting whatever core needs their belief in rigid ideology meets for them. Imo, in these types of debates all that is happening is the lower consciousness party is continually just trying to keep their needs being met. I.e. need for belonging, need for understanding of the world. Non violent communication could be a useful resource for understanding this further imo.
  2. "Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness" by Sharon Salzberg Book about loving kindness/ metta meditations/ practices.
  3. I see. interesting take. Hadn't thought about it that way. But makes sense.
  4. I don't really get the outrage from world leaders. Israel attacked Iran via their syrian consulate. Then Iran attacked back, in a more symbolic way than anything else. Maybe I'm missing something but it seems a bit strange to me.
  5. Yello peeps, Thought I'd start another journal up. Closed my previous one for now at least. Have been feeling pretty isolated without a journal, and would be nice I feel to start one up again. Still battling against the mental health issues, namely dissociation. I've made some big steps forward I'd say. I'm currently seeing an osteopath/ cranial guy, and also an acupuncture lady once per week. The acupuncture is pretty mind blowing because it has given me my first experiences of coming out of dissociation. It was pretty shocking to me at first because it showed me just how dissociated I've been all my life. Like, I expected things to be different outside of dissociation but not as different as they became. Mostly in terms of the difference in vision. Such a mind fuck for me all of this. Acupuncture is the first thing that has made any noticeable difference to my dissociation. And thank god for that. I'm a couple of sessions into the osteopath guy too now. The osteopathy is very interesting to me. It works through the practioner touching or holding various parts of your body. I think there is some sort of energy work involved with it. But I feel the combination of these is great. I'm v grateful to have the financial means to access these both simultaneously. Also, have been working a lot on see-hear-feel meditation. I've found some stuff that actually works. Namely, outer see with rapid finger tapping. Have been dealing with lots and lots of flashbacks though. And, lots of effects of gaslighting. Because a big thing has been lots of people denying my CPTSD and dissociation. Its been an incredibly isolating experience for me. I also have a two week mahasi noting retreat booked in for next month. Have also met with two potential therapists. Both with a somatic focus and a focus on dissociation. Plus, recently cut out a friend from university.
  6. @bebotalk Imo, at a certain point you have to ask yourself what you want from life. Is this the way of living that you want in life?
  7. I used to sometimes. But only really when going cray cray on the dance floor of the club lol.
  8. Eat your words fallout haters
  9. @bringa Also, https://integralguide.com/
  10. David Tian has great videos on this sort of topic imo. Including this one: Dude really changed the trajectory of my life.
  11. @Schizophonia I get you. Also, thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify.
  12. @Schizophonia Hence, why I said 'period' and 'can'. I meant to imply that it can be the case that for a person that overcomes the suffering.
  13. I think going through a period of serious suffering can provide a level of depth and humility to a person. However, if it goes on too long then the value really fades.
  14. Yeah I agree. Look at people's actions not their words. Compare these people to folks like Leo or Shinzen Young who put out 95% of their content for free. And where the 95% isn't just an elaborate sales funnel.
  15. Can try IFS therapy, Somatic experiencing, ideal parent figure protocol, gestalt therapy, TRE. Would recommend ifs therapy the most. Can also work on loving-kindness/ metta-medtitation. Here is a book for that I recently came across: Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness, by Sharon Salzbe Also, would recommend Patrick Teahan's youtube channel
  16. The Ideal Parent Figure Method (IPF) is a new breakthrough treatment for attachment disturbances created by the late Dr. Daniel P Brown at Harvard Intro resource: https://www.reddit.com/r/idealparentfigures/comments/vl27y9/introduction_to_the_ideal_parent_figure_method/
  17. Gotta do them field reports boio
  18. You're welcome mate. Also, it might be helpful for you to start each noting cycle by internally saying 'I love you' towards the chosen sensory experience. In that way you also build a loving attitude towards all experience. (I get this might not make sense until you get an understanding of shinzen young's mindfulness system)
  19. Have you worked with Shinzen young's see-hear-feel meditation techniques?
  20. Am applying the principle of patience, and mastery mindset. Have shortened my meditations. Was trying 2 hours twice per day, but a wiser pace, imo, is doing 1 hour sessions, going to see how doing 3 of them per day works. I'm also interested in experimenting further with see rest, and centering prayer. Been seeing improvements with both. Still having issues with metta meditation but will keep experimenting. But with the see hear feel technique im using at the moment its clear to me that many gains are on the way.