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Everything posted by Tefikos

  1. I thought that my life-purpose is something else, but now I want to dedicate my life to serve actualized forum.:D
  2. Hey, even if you don't like what she posts, you don't need to verbally attack against her. Remember that there is a real person who has feelings.
  3. I'm just curious, what are you trying to get from posting this over and over again here? What message are you trying to tell us and why are you doing it?
  4. I agree and there is a possibility that no matter how psychopathic the person is, there is a possibiliy for healing. I just read a book where one guy who was a total psychopath, told how he healed completely in the prison. Of course it is a rare case, but it still is possible.
  5. Low dose is a way to go, increase it when you feel more comfortable and find psychedelics that works better for you. For example 2,5 grams is a perfect dose for me, I don't like at all how confusing mushrooms can be with higher doses. Fear to trip is normal, just remind yourself that truth and progress are more important than anything that might rise during or after the trip, you can handle it.
  6. I didn't realize that Andrew Tate is a role model here. ?
  7. I use it with a therapy context, in similar way that a mdma therapy is done, but without the therapist. I don't think that there is just one right way to do it, but it just depends what you are trying to get from the molecule.
  8. At least pfized does something good to the society at the same time, so they can't be compared.
  9. I have usually done 100 to 120 mg dosages with occasional 40mg redose, two hours after the first dose. Mdma is awesome, but remember to keep atleast 3 months between your trips. It has crazy healing potential, if used properly.
  10. Do you try to fulfil something inside with food? What do you feel when you get an urge to eat? Is there some need you try to fulfil with food? Are you trying to avoid something you feel inside with food? Try to inquire these questions, when you find the root cause for your love of food and when you fulfil/fix it, the need wont be that strong anymore, unless you get starved. Like I love coffee and can't think what my life would be without it, but I try to fulfil my need to feel loved and secure. It gives me the same feeling I had when my mother hugged me when I was a child.
  11. In the realm of hungry ghost; by Gabor Mate, is really good book to understand addictions. It really helped me to understand what addictions are, why people get addicted and how addictions can be fixed. Highly recommended!
  12. 1. Kiwi 2. Mango 3. Cherries 4. Blueberries 5. Banana
  13. Not going to therapy and banging myself against the wall with trying to heal myself alone.
  14. How feminist groups are red?:D This is really interesting and important topic, but I believe there are many other factors also in play, that are creating the difference. In higly green Finland for example, the game tactics that works in states, doesn't work that well here, because women doesn't value that dominant and macho males anymore.
  15. Damn, this was difficult, because my life was really dark after I was nine years old. Before, it was pretty okay, even though I had already developed anxious attachment style, but I was always with people, so it was compensated. - When I was in close physical contact with my little sister and when we played together. - When my grandfather always took me to sit on to his lap and gave me attention. When we walked long walks together, until I didn't have any more energy left to walk and he carried me back to home on his shoulders. When he showed interest to my interests. - When I was sick and my parents cared for me and gave me love and attention. When I got injuried and especially my mother cared for me and gave me lots of love and attention. - When I got gifts from others, chrismas especially felt so speacial for me, because I got so much attention, love, care and gifts. - When parents did little things for me like peeled an apple and cut it in to little pieces for me to eat. - When I always got food from my grandparents house, I always loved the foods they cooked and was so happy when I was there. They cared for me so much and gave me so much attention and love. - When I hanged out with my friends, I was so full of joy for exploring our little surroundings with them. I was so happy when we just were together and when we played together. This was the time when I could be totally what I was and others around me accepted me fully without any judgements. - When I was in close physical contact with my mother, I felt so safe, loved and protected.
  16. @Majed I had similar sexual urges in the past as well, before I made peace with my sexuality and embraced it. I realized that when I think that my sexuality is bad and try to repress it, then I will get urges toward things that are bad and shameful. I am a bi-sexual so I had a lot of shame around my sexulity and the shame was the reason for sexual urges toward the most shameful things. Also when they're just fantasies, there is nothing wrong with them, most progressive sexual therapists would tell the same.
  17. Interesting, thanks for the share.✌️
  18. I'm super confused at the moment, I always looked at new-agers as people who doesn't really know the truth, but now I am questioning myself, have I fooled myself all this time?...
  19. Mental disorders are as real, as being injured in a car crash is. You can't just ignore the injury and keep living your life. Yes, there is a problem with just giving a diagnosis and then medicating it without therapy, but that will change in the future. Some people really need medication in the same way as we need pain killers if the physical pain we feel is unbearable. Theraphy is like a surgery for the mind, without it, it can't heal and fuction propertly, like a broken bone would not heal and work propertly without a surgery.
  20. Financial freedom. Abundance of sexual relationships. More friends who share the similar interest for deep topics and spirituality. More spiritual way of living. Having more empathy and compassion for myself, others and world at large. Total awakening:D
  21. I feel confused, because lately I have felt so weird, but I really don't know what or why that feeling is. It feels like something isn't anymore the way it was and I feel sad for the loss. It feels like I can't never anymore go to that what existed in the past. I have no other choice, but to embrace the new and different, but that is scary, it's unknown terriority and I don't know how well I will survive with it. I fear that people won't accept me anymore and they will begin to judge me. The need to belong just blinds me at times and make me to think like, I would need to modify myself for the likes and needs of others, or otherwise they would begin to judge me and then they would abandon me. Even though I know that, not everybody are going to judge me or abandon me, when I'm different and most of them will accept and embrace me as I am. It takes a while for some people to get used to the change that happens in me, but eventually most people will accept it and even if they don't, it's not the end of the world, cause there are others that will. The need to be seen, heard and accepted as I am will eventually dominate and surface all the hidden shadow aspects of the self. Then the need for belonging will eventually be fulfilled, cause I will belong to some group as I am, not as something else, that is more socially prefered and accepted. I feel the way I feel, cause I live in a abnormal society with it's abnormal standards for what it means to be a "normal" human being. Those standards have nothing to do with truth, it's all about what at somepoint in our history we're useful for us. Now it just creates suffering and gives nothing, maybe it was normal and useful in the past, but it can't be that anymore. Anything that is not useful and produces suffering for some of us, should not be seen as normal anymore. I can't wait to read the book: myth of normal, from Gabor Mate. I have high expectations for that book, so I hope that I wont be disappointed:D