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Everything posted by Roy

  1. No we don't. They are clearly at odds with each other. The former is eroding the latter and it's having disasterous effects on society. I guess it doesn't matter though. We can't go back now. We are in the midst of the decline like the Romans were. Just enjoy the show!
  2. First off you're cheating, so I would stop that. You could really hurt your girlfriend if she finds out. It's bad karma for your soul. You need to have more respect for yourself and your integrity. The best thing you can do for yourself is stop immediately. Paying money to do it is even more icing on this stupid cake. Also 95% of men on this forum and globally will never be able to attract and keep a "10". Who gives a fuck? There is so much more to life. Chances are you spend tremendous amounts of money and effort to get her then find out she's a bitch or the sex wasn't as good as you dreamed it would be. @Someone here You're a very immature person. You need to count your blessings. Get your shit together and spend that money on therapy, not cam girls.
  3. Learning to practice gratitude and paying deliberate attention to the subtle things your partner does for you is a good start. What men crave most especially in intimate relationships is to feel useful and validated. Simple phrases like, "thank you for doing this for me you did a really great job." is like food to the soul of a man. Also just generally acknowledging that you're likely going to maintain the longest and healthiest relationships with someone around your attraction level, income bracket, and overall "value". If there are significant imbalances between two people they are usually not going to work out, or someone is going to have to change too much to maintain the relationship. Which isn't healthy and usually means one of the people will leave, because homeostasis hates being stretched and disrupted too much. You gotta make the most of who you can get, but have proper expectations so you aren't pushing them too much to be someone they aren't. Also think about what you bring to the table. If you are expecting your man to contribute large amounts of money, labour, planning, and taking on most of the responsibility, while not actively participating yourself, he will eventually get bitter and realize he's wasting his time. If he has any self-respect that is. The last thing a man wants to do is come home from the ultra-competitive and violent world, tired and dirty, to be nagged to do even MORE. A relationship with the feminine for a man is supposed to be a sanctuary and place of peace FROM that world.
  4. You don't need marriage to validate serious commitment. It's just a delusional formality.
  5. That's exactly what it means, and it's correct! People should be free to leave whenever they like. Maybe it shouldn't be "easy", but it certainly shouldn't be difficult either. Marriage is a farce and a trap that primarily serves women. They demand commitment and guilt the man for "not being serious enough" if he doesn't propose, but they are the most commitment phobic initiate 80% of divorces when things get hard. Nobody deserves SHIT. Don't enable this entitlement parade. You get what you earn for yourself, period. The idea that things should be split equally when the contribution likely wasn't equal is absurd on it's face AND under the surface. It just incentivizes women to break the contract of marriage, why wouldn't they? Free passive income, assets, and potential meal tickets for life. You wonder why they initiate divorce at such a staggering majority rate, that's why. I've seen too many men lose their houses, access to their kids, and have to slave away paying alimony while some other guy she met comes in and rails her in the old husbands bed and then plays with HIS kids in the morning. All because her "feelings changed" or "she needed more excitement". It's vomit inducing.
  6. Exactly. Although I think it made sense in the past, but the cultural and economic climate now make it a suicidal endeavor for men specifically. Would you get on a plane that had a 50% chance of crashing? Obviously not, well that's what marriage is in the West now with the divorce rates. I've seen too many horror stories and sexist family court shakedowns. I won't go into it that deeply because it will trigger too many people here. I've had my eyes opened after enough relationships and the things I've seen in life that I've pretty much got both my feet in MGTOW. I am extremely individualistic and won't take the risk that comes with conjoining with another person too much. It can ruin your life. I've been very careful to vet my partners so I haven't had anything bad happen to me, but I never want it to happen either. I am content having a series of partners I will love and spend time with, but it's a fairy tale to pretend each one of them will last "til death do us part". Reality just doesn't work that way. If you truly love someone you will allow them to walk out of your life at any time freely, and should expect the same freedom if you decide to leave. That's entirely easier to do when you don't live together and aren't bound financially. Everyone thinks they know their significant other at some profound level, but are blindsided all the time when they do something that ends the relationship, or can't see the end down the road somewhere with incompatible life paths and circumstances. It's bitter sweet because I grew up blue pilled and brain-washed about how love and relationships are "supposed" to go, only to find out humans work in almost the exact opposite way. If life is a meal, your life purpose/career goals are the steak that gives you prime nutrients, your family/friends are the mash potatoes to give you a filling base to the meal, your hobbies/personal interests are the salad side that gives a little spice to life, and your partner/lovers are the vegetables that aren't that necessary or the center focus of the meal, but are a nice addition to compliment things.
  7. The entire gun obsession and culture is like a massive collective mental impairment and hallucination. Let's imagine a world where everyone just loved torches and had to have torches with them all the time. It's my right to have a torch! I am a responsible torch owner! Blah blah blah all the usual. Eventually we start seeing more and more fires everywhere, and it's getting pretty hot. There are just so many damn torches and so many damn people. Maybe we should do something? Let's put the fires out! Alright makes sense that's a start. Maybe we should make things more fire proof! That's also kinda reasonable. Maybe less torches would be a good idea too... NOOOO REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you just can't handle the heat? Why do you hate my torch?! When is the last time a torch burned something on it's own?! Torches don't start fires! People start fires! We could have a million torches and if people are careful we won't have any fires..... Sigh.....
  8. I follow the NBA quite extensively, if you looked at my blood under a microscope you'd see hoops and basketballs.... I'm of the opinion the NBA should come down on Ja with the biggest hammer possible. Suspend him without pay for an entire season. They need to make an example of him and ring him out like a dirty dish cloth in front of the world. There are too many vulnerable black youths in America (and not just black) who are victims and easily impressionable to a toxic culture. They look up to these guys as role models and heroes. Ja seems to have no awareness of the influence he has as a rich, black, popular basketball player. We don't need people in his position waving Glocks around on social media. It perpetuates a destructive cycle of violence, poverty, etc. He doesn't look cool doing it either, even if it is "legal". The only people who think it's cool are ? who are stuck in a ? life, and will never accomplish anything meaningful or contribute anything to their communities.
  9. The total lack of accountability and double standard between men and women is fucking knee slappingly funny to me . For almost every scenario I've seen or heard in life; When men cheat, there is typically self-awareness and simple admission of selfishness. "She was so hot, and presented me the opportunity. I know it was wrong, but it felt good so I did it anyways." or "Got my dick wet, I'll deal with the consequences later." When women cheat it is somehow the MANS fault, and it's a GOOD thing they cheated in their mind like it's justice. "You weren't paying enough attention to me, look what you made me do. This is on you." It's awful no matter who does it, but it's interesting how we default to the angle of "Why didn't the man simply work on his bedroom skill? He could have avoided all this!" I get it's a self-improvement angle, but we should be more pointing out why doesn't the woman take emotional responsibility and just break up with a guy she isn't happy with? Or straight up communicate in plain English, "Please can we work on this or I will leave you." None of this bullshit of being vaguely upset and expecting the guy to omnisciently put together all the clues and mindread exactly what the woman wants. If you're in a marriage that's even more reason you need to bite the bullet and have an uncomfortable confrontation to work out the issues. If you're such a child you need to cheat and insult the sanctity of your union you shouldn't have even got married in the first place. You took the vow girl, "man up" as they say Marriage doesn't mean a thing in this day and age anyways. People treat it like a joke and divorce all the time. Getting married is basically a meme at this point. Anytime I hear of an acquaintance or couple getting married I think "the poor bastard" and put my hand on my face (in my head not actually lol).
  10. Everyone? Because people don't actually care about bitcoin, they care about the idea that it represents a shitload of real money if they exchange it. If people had actual faith in crypto, they would be holding onto it a lot more through all the turbulence. But nobody does have any real faith in it, especially the people at the top of the hierarchy who create these coins. That's why they rug pull and cause hysteria and the markets crash all the time. Everybody who cashed out is crying laughing at the whole thing and wiping their tears with fiat.
  11. Just because you live in a rural area, doesn't mean you have to live there.
  12. Currently in a committed relationship with a great woman, but I kind of came across her by random circumstance. Didn't really seek it out. Before that the biggest struggle for me and I'd would argue most guys is probably the rampant hypergamy and delusional expectations women have these days. This is all supported by verified app statistics and marriage/divorce rates. It's an inarguable reality these days. It's probably just a phase in the development of culture, so it's likely things will balance out in the future. Though with the way technology is going I'm not optimistic. The tentacles of social media have infiltrated every aspect of our lives unrestrained, and with the way AI chatbots and how good dolls are becoming I find it possible we could have a scenario where people organize themselves so the top 10% of men have a harem over nearly all the women in society except the bottom 20% they don't want. I could see this happening for a little while but everything would collapse pretty quickly and people will be clamoring for stability and sanity again. Also just meeting feminine women that are happy being feminine women these days is extremely rare.
  13. It costs money to live anywhere. I was saying moving isn't some incredibly difficult endeavor like a lot of people make it out to be. If you really want to do it it can happen quite easily.
  14. There really isn't much productivity to be had by worrying about this stuff. Your best bet is to live your own life and if you're REALLY uncomfortable go move to some rural quiet place. There are lots of peaceful places in the world. The mass shootings in the US are childs play compared to a lot of things that happen in the world on a daily basis. Notice how you're selectively ignoring them and they don't even garner a thought. It doesn't cost that much money to move if you really want to. It just takes a few thousand dollars and some willpower and you can be in a completely different place in the world.
  15. Florida seems like one interesting place with some interesting ass people.
  16. Women aren't cautious enough, they are more promiscous than ever these days.
  17. lmao and women wonder why the entire male sexual strategy is to basically have sex ASAP. Their emotions and moods change like the weather. At least you can model weather
  18. Life's a bitch, and then you die.
  19. Exercise every single day, no exceptions. It might not solve the issue, but it will brute force improve your sleep.
  20. Just don't approach any hood rats and you shouldn't get shot lol.
  21. Mass shootings are a symptom of a deep cultural sickness and lack of hope, values and leadership in society generally. Guns facilitate an easy and destructive way to express this sickness. If you take them away, the sickness will still find a way to express itself. You have a society hooked on drugs, medication, alcohol, pornography, poison food, toxic work habits, etc. All deluded in a stew of social media and no general purpose or meaningful things to work towards for the common person. It's no wonder people are going so crazy they are shooting each other.
  22. Don't mistake my silence and ignoring as lack of having a response or argument. I just don't feel the need to give you the time of day, nor that you deserve basic respect in our exchanges because at this point I think you're a clown and from your very first message you were mean. I'm too busy of a person and have too many important things to accomplish every day to expend energy on this kind of thing.
  23. I know it sounds silly, but try to be like Peter in Office Space after he gets hypnotized. Just a calm, careless confidence and fearlessness.
  24. Honestly I'm close to booking one. Nothing more frightening than a baby. Basically unless you are deliberately planning and are set up for one it's a giant wrench in life. It would be a massive obstacle for all my goals, and leech on my resources of time, energy, and finances. It can mean a lot of things. Personally I think a high value man is someone who is sought by their community for their abilities and leadership. A man with enough influence who can steer the world in a productive and positive direction.