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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. This where we have to consider the arena of collective change: education, activitism, raising awareness. Why do people say they feel unsafe around trans people? Why do people say they feel unsafe around people of the opposite sex? It's possible to change these things. For the same reason, some women like to go to gyms that are only for women. These women feel insecure with themselves for whatever reason... These reasons could be they were raped or molested or just have confidence issues... People have numerous ways they feel that are sometimes out of our control. I remember there was a situation in California where I man sued a gym that only allowed women and won, rolls eyes. I think after that the gym was no longer allowed to be an all womans gym. Of course in the ideal world people would feel so secure with themselves that they feel comfortable with any gender in the bathroom. Now that I think about it, there was a time when I trans person walked up to me and grabbed my bicep and squeezed it, and said handsome. I didn't punch her in the face or gave her a dirty look, I just smiled and said thank you then walked away. I enjoyed the compliment but can you imagine if I did that to a woman? I think a common problem that many of us face is we think the world should just change overnight or even in our lifetime but we need to be more patient. Here's something ironic, many African Americans that I have spoken to living overseas have often told me, they feel more racism in America than a place like Korea, Japan, Russia, Portugal, Singapore. A possible theory I have thought of is a place like America talks about it so much that it becomes a problem... also there is an underlying issue of violence and aggression in America that many places in the world have less of.
  2. What are these rights you are talking about and how does society take them away? (I'm not being sarcastic, I'm actually interested to understand) If my daughter is a professional fighter and someone that used to be a man is now a woman fights her, I would be opposed to it. If there was someone who was trans for an interview and she listed herself as she, I would say her of course and I would hire her based on her abilities. If my office had 2 bathrooms and she used the females bathroom and some female staff said she felt uncomfortable with a trans person in the bathroom then I would get a 3rd neutral bathroom. All this is so confusing and at any way along the process a person may feel offended for several reasons, HR, managers have to constantly communicate with everyone to cover all the corners. I would hate to run a company like Netflix because with 100,000++ employees, someone is bound to be upset at something.... I have plenty of gay friends but at one time I had none and had to learn things along the way. At one point or the other, we have to be patient and learn on either side. From an intellectual pursuit, I find homophobia, transphobia or any phobia interesting and I don't have any interaction with any trans person nor do I actually make an effort to look for friends at this point in my life unless it happens organically. I have 1 1/2 jobs and a family. The odds of me meeting a trans person is so low because there just arent many of them in society. I'm a straight man, not aggressive and I hardly went out clubbing as a younger person. On the top of my head I probably went out bars or clubs 10 times in my life... out of those 10 times, I have gotten into 2 fights. When you are in a room of drunk people, they tend to do stupid things which is why I stopped going to places with loud music and drunk people. In social places like that, there is bound to be some guy with emotional issues... I can image a trans person going to places like that their odds of a confrontation can be greater because they are in a room with low conscious people... If they went to a meditation retreat the likelihood of them being discriminated is very low. If I can talk to a trans person that has ever been assaulted, I would probably ask them their story, when and where it happened, why etc
  3. I've seen it and read the books, I have a good grasp of the concepts. TERFS is an interesting idea... just because you exclude a certain type of person doesn't mean you hate them. Thinking about how it refers to me on some elements of my life I am a fairly successful person, I'm attracted to women, I have pretty specific criteria when choosing a partner. Good looks, smart, family-oriented, kind are usually what I look for. If a fat lazy person that doesn't like kids is attracted to me and I reject them, does that make me Exclusionary? What if a trans person wants to have sex with me and I reject, does that make me exclusionary? what if I don't like to eat certain foods? am exclusionary? Just by labeling yourself a "feminist" already creates exclusion in many other things.. the term TERFS, Feminist, any IST is an oxymoron How many aspects in our lives do we exclude someone or something?
  4. He's mostly green and some yellow, if you listened to his commentary he makes points that everyone suffers, that statistically black men are treated just as bad if not worst than trans... but its all relative. His general message in the netflix special is we should all love each other. If you listen to his last special he mentioned his good friend a trans comedian defended him because he gave her an opener slot when he came to oakland, not even knowing how good she was. This friend was then harassed and canceled from the trans community, then spiraled into deeper depression and committed suicide. Many people in the trans community have lots of wounds to heal from... in the first place they grew up not loving who they are and their environment as a child wasn't supportive in helping them explore their sexuality and gender.... but really how many parents are equipped to handle such things?? Their wounds prevent them to see and listen to things.... It's not anyone's job to love you but it's your job to find a way to love those that you want love from. Personally, I was a victim of hate crimes which got me fearful, angry, sad, and many other emotions... if I can turn back time, I would have given myself that advice.
  5. It's documented that the same group of companies run other companies... All you have to do is go on yahoo finance and look at who owns shares in all the top listed companies. How organized are they? We probably will never know
  6. He's a nice civilized man so he isn't that type to be disrespectful to Joe. Equally, there are experts with similar credentials that say opposing things, so saying something is scientific and rock-solid doesn't hold much ground. On top of it, you are choosing to trust someone rather than doing the actual science yourself to discover the truth. Personally, I admit that I am lazy and do not care so I choose to trust those experts out of good faith. I suggest for you be intellectually more honest. The FDA also approves junk food and cigarettes all of which give you cancer.
  7. There is already collaboration between both countries and the US does have a base there. China isn't going to attack taiwan even though they want to take it over. America already gave a shit load of money to Isreal, spending more in Taiwan would be a terrible idea. The news is trying to create tension because that's what they like to do....
  8. Of course its too late for many of those people, my point is, the culture has created this mess by not being conscious enough to focus on important things. If the news was more focused on bringing people together instead of focusing on a stupid tweet trump made, they could have created marathon charity events all over the country. Trumptards and Woke could have transformed their communities together. There is no one in media conscious enough to admit they created the problems that exist in society by not being conscious enough. At the same time, I'm also guilty of not creating any media that is going across the world. We all created covid by either not being conscious enough and or tenacious enough by exceeding our limitations.
  9. Both left and right pick small little problems and make them a HUGE thing to distract people from bigger issues. The abortion issue is a little tinder and has created a wild fire that people go berserk on, the left chooses BLM, trans issues and people go crazy over those things. All those problems are real but the left and right inflate them while both sides continue to point the finger, divide and conquer Clowns like Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Candice Owens, TYT people, Kyle, the Hill, all fall for it and create division despite having what they think, good intentions.
  10. Come on' man if you asked anyone which they would rather be fit, healthy and unvaccinated or obese and vaxed most would rather be the healthy person. I think most people should be taking it but at the same time, your immune system plays a bigger role in immunity. Most of the idiots that are hospitalized made bad decisions in their lives way before covid even happened. The general problem with TV and media is the low-quality content they put out. They rarely talk about nutrition, being happy, exercise EVER. The biggest problem with hyper-capitalist America is its consumerism, creating obese people, materialistic, scared of the world, popping pills left and right is how they keep the machine moving. I hold CNN and other media outlets on a higher standard than some podcasters because I know if they wanted to, their power to change the world is tremendous and yet they waste it all away focusing on problems and creating them.
  11. The best defense for any sickness and disease is to take good care of yourself and your body. Even if you take the vaccine you should do those things. There is a HUGE correlation of those that died from covid and obesity. It's a no-brainer if you put crap into your body and treat yourself like shit mentally and physically that you would get sick one way or the other. I don't know if Joe is right or wrong but the difference with the MSM and Joe is they definitely have more weight on truth than Joe does. That makes them more arrogant and more certain when they speak which can be more dangerous. Honestly by now most people have made up their minds and either go against taking vax or not. People with certain personalities are more gravitated to listen to CNN and those who are more gravitated to listen to Joe have a different personality profile. Reality renders itself from the observer and that makes us all crazy
  12. Its good that he did that to them. They are bad actors that gave Trump free marketing by talking about him so much because they wanted ratings. They also take a lot of advertising money from the same fools that lobby both parties. I think CNN asked him to go talk them Rogan for damage control. I listened to the whole interview and Joe asked some pretty valid questions and the Gupta dude didn't throw his network under the bus by being completely honest.
  13. The dude is not even a scientist, he's just a representative for science just like a pharmaceutical rep.
  14. Much better interview and content than the one with the Chrisma dude.
  15. It would be nice to have Leo on his show but I don't see him doing it frankly speaking. Unless somehow him and Leo come in contact in person by chance and talk, then get invited by him personally. I think you guys are expecting too much from Joe. He's just a regular dude trying his best in life. He's not spiritually inclined because he doesn't feel like he needs it in his life. He's not into the spiritual part of yoga even though he does it often for its physical benefits. He calls the other part woo woo.
  16. fake news listen to her speak The research you looked into is funded by the same people such as bill gates that invest in impossible meat. Animals that feed off the plants give back more than they take. Fungi grow from their feces and their dead carcasses, circle of life
  17. @PurpleTree she definitely would have done a better job than Biden in Afghanistan and would not have left weapons, tanks, and helicopters behind for terrorist to use. She would have beat Trump more easily than Biden because of her cross-appeal and there would not have been the capitol hill incident. Personally, I liked Marianne Williamson the most but she had no chance, Tulsi and Andrew Yang were next on my list. Just because someone goes on fox doesn't make them conservative. She's in support of drones because she was a medic or is medic and saw a lot of soldiers injured from battle... The drones minimize the need for soldiers. The better alternative which is more costly is to spend money and build up these countries where you extract resources from but why would they do that when they can just take it?
  18. Its a matter in which they are farmed. If they were 100% free range they would be carbon positive because they fertilize the soil and eat all the vegetation that would die out and catch on fire which ironically will be far more devastating for the environment. Having them all congested in cages is what's impacting the environment. If any animal including humans were farmed that way it would do the same thing to the environment.
  19. Its not true. I live in a place where people are over 80% vaxxed. People are still getting infected and the hospitals are getting filled. The mortality rate is very low but the infected rate is going up. Everyone goes outside wearing mask and only 5 or less people can eat out together in one table. Still infections are raising... Another country that has just about all of its citizens vaxxed is Isreal. Their infected rate is going up
  20. The vaccine works on saving lives but vax or not, you can still spread it to someone who either has the vax or doesn't. I don't believe people should be forced to take it but at the same time, I feel most people should be taking it in America.