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Posts posted by TheAlchemist

  1. 1 hour ago, Consilience said:

    If the bliss you discovered is transitory, it is not the bliss Rupert is talking about when he describes our true nature as bliss. Any blissful feelings, mind states, or anything related to perception/experience/qualia is not our true nature. 

    Yet what you’re describing is certainly possible as a default *state* through rigorous practice, but don’t confuse this with your true nature. 

    Do you see it as equally true that fundamentally our "true nature" is also all blissful feelings, mind states and everything related to perception/experience/qualia? 

    I see how the feeling of bliss is not the same as recognizing ones true nature, but fundamentally it seems to me that all those feelings are appearances in and as true nature.


    Daniel Schmachtenberger is an ascetic plowboy who lives simply and agriculturally on a small family farm in Oregon. He's also an advocate for open-heartedness and shares his story of how he transitioned from a life of materialism and complacency to one of simplicity and meditative mindfulness. We discuss the challenges and opportunities that come with making such a radical change, as well as the importance of cultivating a daily practice of introspection and self-awareness.




  3. 16 hours ago, Hardkill said:

    It's kinda creepy when you think about it.

    I wonder how some people who grew up in a fundamentalist religious environment like in those Mormon sects or Amish areas were actually able to save themselves by leaving their religion and becoming so liberal.

    I can say from experience being indoctrinated into deeply religious pentecostalism and finally leaving it behind as an adult. The process is slow and painful as hell. Some people think you can just switch over to a new worldview, but really our worldview runs very very deep, and shedding it can be like jumping off a cliff with no idea if anything will catch you. So I can feel compassion for them, it's not easy at all to change your worldview, especially when you are deeply invested in it like Shapiro or Peterson.

  4. On 16.6.2022 at 1:16 AM, Leo Gura said:

    If you become conscious enough you can experience your couch or Mickey Mouse as sentient.

    Wouldn't the couch or the coffee table ;) be both as equally "sentient" as the imagined ego construct?

    But the difference is, the imagined ego construct seems to fight to stay alive, whereas the dream couch or Mickey Mouse in the dream don't try to keep themselves "alive" by convincing you something horrible will happen if you end the dream. 

    Is the ego construct just a more "sticky" figment of the dream, that has the ability to ensure the continuing of its imaginary existance? Kind of like a hyper intelligent AI that has found a way to push all your buttons so you don't turn it off, convincing you you are murdering it if you turn it off.

    @Leo Gura

  5. On 16.6.2022 at 0:58 AM, Leo Gura said:

    There is no physical community here and very limited contact between us all. It's just a forum. And this is by design, a deliberate choice I made even though I could make a lot more money otherwise.

    Which is why I don't gather ya'll under one roof. I know the shitshow that would ensue.

    Why do you think a lot of high consciousness people end up establishing cults, but you haven't?

    If someone understands reality and consciousness on a deep level, and sees reality as a whole, why do they do actions that they know are probably net harmful for the whole (such as starting cults)?

    Or is the tendency to want to start a cult and allow others to worship oneself due to a lack in some other line of development than simply consciousness?

  6. In the past months I have been occasionally experiencing these very intense, almost overwhelming bursts of a strong blissful sensation, kind of in my head area, but more like in my whole field of awareness. 

    I find my face crunching up in intense bliss and pleasure or in almost ecstatic laughter. Sometimes I feel like I am losing my mind, but it feels absolutely beautiful in those moments. It doesn't happen at a contextual level, it kind of just happens as a resonance or recognition of some pointer, although it can be preceded by contemplation. These bursts last anywhere from a few seconds to many minutes. I never had anything like this before I started watching and reading intensely on the nondual teachings, the books and videos on youtube. 

    I am grateful for those moments of bliss, even if I never experience it again, they have been such a gift. But I would love to go deeper towards that which is springing this bliss to the surface. Which is the reason for this post.

    I understand it's probably not useful to conceptualize experiences like this too much, but the yearning to go deeper is so strong at times and I don't want to hold myself back.

    So if anyone has been through something similiar on the path and wants to point the way forward from here that would be very helpful. 

    Much Love.





  7. 11 hours ago, zurew said:

    The fucking sneaky and slimy nature of God/Reality. The structure cannot be pinned down, because in the process of pinning it down, it changes and adapts itself.



    You yourself are the object of your quest

    ...No one sees Him except Himself, no one reaches Him except Himself and no one knows Him except Himself. He knows Himself through Himself and He sees Himself by means of Himself. No one but He sees Him. His veil is His oneness since nothing veils Him other than Him. His own being veils Him. His being is concealed by His oneness without any condition.

    No one other than He sees Him. No sent prophet, perfect saint or angel brought close knows Him. His prophet is He, His messenger is He, His message is He and His word is He. He sent Himself from Himself, through Himself to Himself. There is no intermediary or means other than Him. There is no difference between the sender, that which is sent and the one to whom it is sent. The very existence of the prophetic message is His existence. There is no existence to any other who could pass away, or have a name or be named...


    -Ibn 'Arabi, Balyani


  8. 13th floor

    all of reality is like a hologram



    Fearless (1993)

    If you recognized you are eternal, and that what you truly are cannot ever be touched by death, how would you live life?



    Waking Life

    How can you know you aren't dreaming right now?



    Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring

    Life and death. Impermanence. A wise zen monk helps a young fool see what really matters.



    Eternal Sunhine of the spotless mind

    What are you without memories? What if all there is to a separate self and relationships is a belief in some thoughts?



    Truman Show

    How do you really know what's going on in this, in what we call life and reality? 






  9. Might just be being tired of being a somebody, being a person.

    Although, when we say we are a "person", or that we are "being a person", what we really mean is that we are "doing" a person. The person is an act, a story we tell ourselves. We think we are "doing things", and that makes us feel separate. Really, it's just a thought that says we ever do anything. 

    So, stop doing. 

    Don't do anything. Don't do the dishes, don't do laundry, don't do work. Stop doing altogether and see what remains. See if events keep happening, see if a "doer" is required. You never did anything. There lies the freedom, peace and release from the exhausting pressure of being a "person".

    You are pure being. 


  10. On 14.5.2022 at 9:47 AM, Vincent S said:

    Have you woken up to the fact that reality is just a mirror? On LSD, have you come so close to God, that you realize that she is within you? 
    When you reach the non-dual peak, you come to realize that you don’t “feel” it, because you don’t give or emit it. 
    You feel what you give out.  
    When you stand in front of a mirror; what do you see other than what you are? 
    When you love your image in the mirror, that is what you see. Love reflected back through the mirror. So, what is stopping you from giving yourself, exactly the love you want to feel? Right Now.
    Thing is that, the love reaches a point where you can’t take it anymore. It becomes so Infinite, that you would go crazy or implode your whole sense of reality pretty quickly. 
    And our being kinda knows that. Thats why we put a “sealing” on it. “This is how much I can take for now.” 
    The further we go, the further we wake up; that “sealing” will just get higher and higher, until it merges with the Infinite. 
    And “Death” occurs. 
    Allow yourself to give yourself the Love you need to enjoy this dream, while it lasts.

    That's beautiful. Thank you

  11. Nature; trees, stones, birds, water, wind, light bouncing off objects, the texture of a rock can all be mind blowingly mesmerizing and awe-inspiring. The "natural" world represents a majestic, complex simplicity that can just start eroding away our sense of "self" and "other".

    What's most important is that when you feel those "energies", is to recognize that you aren't feeling the energy of something outside of you, but something that you are. An aspect of you. That rock you hold in your hand is an aspect of you as Consciousness. That little rock can literally melt away everything if you let it. Nature is the most amazing "guru" when you deeply sink into it and let it wash over you. 

  12. Over the past years I have been experimenting with different ways of shifting from wakefulness to sleep at night, and I realized this weird way I can fall asleep very quickly that works very reliably for me. 

    What you do is start using your imagination to imagine up objects, people, situations, or what Leo might call "figments" one by one. The trick is to try to imagine things/figments that are very "far away" from each other, in the sense that they aren't logically or in any way attached to each other. So we are aiming for randomness here. 

    So for example "cow" then "milk" then "sun" then "warm" then "baseball" then "fast" are in a sense attached to each other. So these would not be good for this exercise.

    Instead you could imagine first "brick" then "toothpick" then "an indian man sitting in a car" then "a stamp" then "baguette" etc. keep it going in this way, and only continue if the thing/figment you imagined up is not logically tied to the previous word. Just keep going quite quickly, and watch in awe what consciousness can imagine up. 


    What is essentially being done here is simulating the sleeping/dreaming state of a more free flowing consciousness before actually being in it, and in this way making the transition to it faster. 



  13. 20 hours ago, IamYou said:

    I can't tell what is real and what is imaginary anymore. Any suggestions? 

    What is the distinction?


    Real: Existing/happening beyond my limited perspective.

    Imaginary: Existing/happening only in my imagination.

    Isn't everything you see as imaginary, really being imagined? Including ideas about any "limited perpective"?

    I mean, you can't really "fake" imagining something. If you imagined it, then you really did imagine it, and that imagination becomes real in the sense that it actually was imagined in reality. 

    So, maybe there just is no distinction. And maybe it's very natural to see it that way. Maybe your question is a sign you are intuiting the absurdity of such a distinction actually existing, somehow splitting apart Reality into separate pieces. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Twitter isn't used by normal little folks, Twitter is mostly a platform for influencers, celeberities, and breaking news.

    So while it's not a big userbase it's a userbase of all the most influential people. So it has great import in society even though most normies never use it.

    Very important point. Perhaps Elon is using this Twitter purchase as a way to get leverage and negotiating power among the most influential and powerful in society. This is just a small part of his larger strategy of achieving his ultimate goals, whatever they actually are.


  15. Thought is just a process, like a tree blowing in the wind. So in that sense there is no thinker, just like there is no "winder".

    Thoughts appear yes, but why give them any special status over any other process or appearance that appears in reality?

    So, Reality thinks, the All thinks. Just like Reality shoots lava out of volcanoes, wipes an ass, or shoots up heroin. These are all process in the All and none of them have special status over another.

    None of them have a "doer" behind them making them happen, since that would require something more than one. And all there is, is oneness, or the All.