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Everything posted by PenguinPablo

  1. @Emotionalmosquito too many variables to consider in the two examples. Presumably, the guy in the desert will appreciate water more than the guy that has an endless supply. What do you mean by have a better experience, exactly? Highly subjective... But if you say highly self actualized individual than this also presume they operate from a higher state of consciousness. Hence, the neet incel may experience a higher peak of relief, but ultimately coming at this from a lower place idk
  2. Some of the harshest people I've seen trying to do the "tough love" are some of the biggest fools I have ever met It's easier to solidify your false egoistic structure by lecturing "others"
  3. That's just basic thermodynamics. Anyone that's a gym rat is keenly aware of this basic idea that you can burn more calories by controlling your diet versus exercise. I was about to make an argument for why going to the gym is positive But the truth is many people break down their bodies by being to harsh with them Probably better to be the yogi that is gentle with his mind and body, as opposed to wearing down that connective tissue through ego training Benefits from resistance training though main ones would be: 1. mind stays sharps. best way to retain cognitive function 2. and insulin sensitivity i mean it can be a bit of both egoic motivation but also being motivated by the health benefits
  4. Sounds like you just described the plot of Chimp Empire
  5. Biden is a solid dude but DAMN he old Trump is a fkn disgrace Sad state of a affairs
  6. Where do you recommend in LA?
  7. @creativepursuit But the chase itself is kinda fun too. The journey itself. Wtf else am I supposed to do? Stare at a wall for the rest of my life...
  8. Biden belongs in a fucking nursing home And Trump is so full of shit But he's charismatic... which means Trump will win if it comes down to these 2 clowns
  9. I guess it depends on who you ask and what metric. God realization? Non-duality? etc...
  10. @aurum I naively bought into the hype and dropped out of a solid STEM degree in my early 20s because I bought into to this stuff Now I'm trying to put my life in order (and back in school) I can't complain too much I don't live in the Middle East But I would be in a much better place if I continued down a route of practicality
  11. Some people will weaponize the pendulum swing. Like that black teacher that created a deepfake of the white principal saying racist shit. Situations like this are disgusting and completely undermine the fight towards equality whether it be race, gender, etc... I think there should be consequences -- as long as the evidence is there to fully support
  12. @Lifelover88 sometimes getting what you want comes with unexpected twists and turns the grass is always greener on the other pesticides
  13. @aurum I mean even community colleges are offering bachelors degrees. You can get a solid career as a backup basically debt free. Do the business on the side. Instead of risking everything on your crazy business venture that will probably fail.
  14. @Javfly33 @Thought Art we need guard rails for people. People are so hopeless without some (plenty of) direction
  15. your are becoming a philosopher
  16. @zurew finally some critical thinking!
  17. Kriya Yoga feels much more dynamic. Just because you're alternating between different kriyas -- some of which are pretty intense and quickly calm the mind -- as opposed to sitting down trying to calm your mind down with mindfulness for 30 minutes Also have adhd.
  18. Why pay a human $50,000 a year when you can pay $10,000 for a robot that will operate for years
  19. The most feminine and beautiful girls are the ones with the child-like joy, unencumbered with trauma and bitterness. It still applies. A negative smart person sucks the life out of everything.
  20. @Jannes Thats not really a reason. Offering free content is literally a marketing strategy.
  21. @Leo Gura The way the kid (Jake) just matter of factly says: "I'm just doing what I like to do" - sounding super unimpressed that others make such a big deal out of what for him is normal.
  22. Truly amazing The black pill kids were truly ahead of the curve Though it seems the "forever alone" slogan has died off Yet, the accuracy Forever alone, indeed and it is lovely rejoice
  23. What... I'm not But that's great advice on 1 girl a day Todd V said 3x3 (3 girls, 3 times a week) minimum to get really good