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Posts posted by hamedsf

  1. that's natural, if you consider yourself a yellow person you should understand that you have built it upon many stages: purple, red, blue and orange so trying to deny those parts will create an inner resistance.

    tomorrow I might climb up to the turquoise but still wouldn't deny my inner red.  

  2. the problem with most of men is that they put the pussy on the pedestal, getting disrespected and still jumping through hoops. I wouldn't be able to get up my dick for the woman who would try to disrespect me.

    well, the solution is: don't be a thirsty guy and value your sexual energy.

    I still don't mean stop dating or sexual affairs but what I mean is that you could invest that energy into making money, creating stuff, heavy sports and so on and so forth. 

  3. well, why do you think they tell you you should do a radical self-love (even towards bad parts of you) in order to improve yourself?

    because radical self-love brings enormous self-acceptance. you can only change the mind program merely by accepting it to a significant degree.

    and don't forget that self-acceptance is the first step, you should take the next step which is demonstrating behaviors that go against your former self!

    only feeling something positive wouldn't help!