Guru Fat Bastard

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Everything posted by Guru Fat Bastard

  1. This translates as "but when I try to catch, what the awareness itself is". Be aware of when you are trying to catch, what can't be caught. In trying to catch what can't be caught, what is already there is missed. Inquire:"Am I the awareness I am trying to catch?"
  2. Ask yourself: Where & When do I experience I? "You" are always in the non located,"place-less place", Here, and the time-less, eternal, Now. Here &Now is neither in space or time.
  3. Being nameless,it is all names and none of them. Name is non essential. Giving more importance of the name over "That" itself is seriously missing the mark. The name or word is man's invention,and never That itself.
  4. As far as "integrating" goes, it's already integrated as the opening up was the integration. The attachment to the experience is what will keep you/it from further progression. If you stay steady with the practices,there will be more openings/experiences that come and go, so let them. Trying to re-experience or capture a previous experience is a fools game. What doesn't come and go and is beyond all experience is the real. All else is bondage.
  5. Or.. "If I neither accept nor reject what is there right now,I am no longer bound by it." It is often assumed. because of the belief that "I" am not already free, that there are only the 2 options. The very act of trying to accept or reject re-enforces the idea that 'I" am not free. There is always the 3rd option (neither accept or reject),which shows that you are always beyond what you're trying to accept or reject. See that whatever arises in experience: If I accept it,I'm attached (i.e,bound) If I reject it,I'm attached (i.e,bound) If I neither accept or reject,I am free.
  6. Sounds like a kundalini awakening. Heightened perception,bliss,timelessness, are all indications that the life energy (prana) is finding expression due to the clearing of some obstructions in the nervous system. How long have you been meditating?
  7. Note that when you are living fully in, and from, the here and now, and not in the unreality of mental projections,imaginations,thoughts/thought stories,there is automatic acceptance of everything as it is. There's no resistance and no effort or trying to accept. In this abidance of the thought free,ever present,timeless here and now,there is an all inclusive,non judgemental acceptance of the whole, as it is. This is unity,oneness,unconditional love.
  8. Awareness is not an object that can be focused on. "You", are the awareness, that is aware.But you are taking yourself to be someone/some-thing that is separate from it and can objectively focus on it as a "thing" (subject-object dualism). Notice: 'I am aware of my thoughts" Then notice: "I am aware" Then notice: "I am" Then notice: "I" Then: drop the "I"
  9. Until one accepts that their own ignorance is the cause of all the trouble and taking full responsibility for it,they will continue to blame it on some imagined second entity (ego,god,devil,whatever..) to avoid that responsibility. They are the cause and they are also the solution. And as per Osho- "Because you don't know yourself,you have to create a substitute". And the first step to "knowing thyself" ,is to take full responsibility for ones own ignorance instead of creating an imagined substitute to place the blame on. Supplicating non dual philosophy to avoid taking responsibility such as ,"there's no one here to take responsibility" ,is a cop out and an escape to avoid taking such responsibility.
  10. The belief in a non existent ego is the obstruction to realizing there was never the existence of a thing called ego.
  11. What ego ? Where's the existence of an ego?
  12. Pretty interesting. They float and whisp around the whole time but there's a decent glimpse if paused at 3:34-3:36.
  13. 2. What contemplation is not.
  14. 1.Pure Love
  15. Sadhguru is Woke AF,no doubt. Now,the dime-a-dozen "satsang non-duality teachers" randomly popping up every other day are highly questionable. One very deficient aspect they are lacking is wisdom. There's a gaining of wisdom knowledge that comes with awakening (sort of like a cosmic download),that one did not have prior to the awakening,that some of these "satsang neo advaita/non-dual teachers" are seriously missing. It seems they may, at best, have had a brief no-self experience,and now claim to be "enlightened". But they are far from "enlightened".
  16. The room,the one that thinks they're in the room,the dmt worlds and it's inhabitants,are all projections,dream-stuff,appearing in the emptiness of the Absolute.
  17. You can't know it,you can only be it,which, you already are. It's being "veiled" by the assumption,and/or belief,that you're this person (mind,body,name and form), and, it's associated conditioning. All of which have been superimposed upon what is essentially "you". The "body" is nothing but the food that has been gathered and consumed over time.No food and water= no body. What is called your mind (i.e. psychological mind), is nothing but the impressions (i.e. conditioning) you've gathered over time. So,what you think and identify as "you",is nothing more than the accumulations of food and impressions you've gathered over time,and superimposed on what is essentially and truly "you". Form, superimposed on what is fundamentally formless. Being prior to body and mind,who are you?
  18. Very true and wise words. If the fire is blazing,nothing will stop it. If it is wavering....well, maybe next time around.
  19. Except what is. And the nothing of what is, is also the everything of what is. No one who's 'enlightened" ever said, "Gee,this enlightenment thing really sucks",lol.
  20. If someone is suffering,and you tell them there is no one suffering,does this help,or end, their suffering? Most likely,they will respond with great disdain toward your effort to help. If however,they are to led to,in whatever way, to their own experience of the end of suffering,then this would be of great significance. If the unreal,non-existent "self" is the cause of suffering,and one finds through their own experience that this "self" is non existent,then suffering ends. What does exist, eternally exists, and if discovering what eternally exists through ones own experience ends the illusion of suffering, is this of no value? What use is it to wait until physical death,when it can be found here and now? The ending of the individual self, is not the end of what "you" truly are,and what truly is. Fear of death is suffering, in and of itself. Is there no value in finding there is no such thing as death, and that what "you" truly are, is eternal? With the end of the illusory 'self",there is also the ending of the fear, of the illusory death. In my own experience,the value of realizing this alone was worth all the seeking. I am nothing, but yet, still I am. What a glorious mystery.
  21. I always laugh when I hear a teacher say this because they were seekers themselves. Otherwise,they would not know there is nothing to find. Seeking happens regardless, whether there is value or not. Seeking is the same as desire. And the desire,is to be desire-less. When there is no desire there is peace,contentment,happiness. Seeking to end desire through experiences and objects will never work because experiences and objects are only a temporary solution for a never ending perplexity. Even the desire to be desire-less is a desire. If one day,by grace, it is finally seen that seeking to end desire through external means is a never ending process,and the knowledge to turn inward is made known,one takes that same seeking energy and turns it towards the source. This is the "spiritual" search,although it's the same search for the same thing one was trying to find externally. Finally at some point,through this inward seeking,one comes to realize that what it's been seeking is itself. It's mis-identification with a believed,yet non-existent,creation of imagination was the "sin" (i.e. mistake). So, there is value in seeking. And the value in seeking,is in finding there was never a need to seek. But the end of seeking would never come,if there was never any seeking to begin with.