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Everything posted by StarStruck

  1. What is the meaning of this movie? Last part of the movie was so psychedelic. It doesn’t make sense.
  2. Who is the adorer and who is the one who is being adored?
  3. In my childhood my parents were selfish so I have trouble with being selfish in a healthy way and I’m being selfish in indirect ways. So I have been doing some Jungian shadow work and some mindfulness I discovered it bothers me a lot when others are selfish so probably that is a part of myself that I disowned. In my opinion everybody should find their balance between selfishness and selflessness to live a good life. I think a lot of spiritual people have trouble with this. That is why I was so drawn to Andrew Tate who I saw as my alter ego shadow. The thing is that I can’t be ruthless as him. I borrowed some of his selfishness and I did some wonders as I integrated my alter ego shadow into my psyche. In my gym I became one of the best boxers in three months time and this confidence and know-how how to excel trickled down into other hobbies, self improvement and work. I think boxing is a good allegory for life. Sometimes it is hit or get hit unless you operate in a non competitive environment. In my opinion the principle of the survival of the fittest is the key aspect of the evolution of mankind or any other species. Take that away and you end up with fat blobs who are good for nothing and do nothing other than to indulgence in their spiritual ego thinking they are doing some virtuous action. Elon Musk is a selfish person and in my opinion more enlightened than anybody on this forum because he is doing the most virtuous action for mankind. Selfishness is as important as selflessness. These two should be integrated into each other otherwise you will have a raging shadow ego and be blind for how things really work.
  4. At the end we are all making up shit.
  5. I love how an insult towards cartoon movies turned into praise towards cartoon movies. Tom & Jerries is the most light hearted yin and yang shit you can find out there.
  6. Did you seriously edit your comment to add that powerful sentence at the end? ?
  7. Lust is from your dick. Love is from your heart. LSD can fuck you up mentally and even if it doesn’t kill you you might want to kill yourself on high doses. Anyway I will try some Wim Hof breathing.
  8. If you put enough LSD in your body you will die. My body is just signalling this I think. What do you do during the trip?
  9. Meditation, contemplation, at the end of the peak: listen to some ghuru or watch something LSD is literally acid, it is not weird to feel dirty. I have high body awareness. I won't do any weed. It is not a drug for me.
  10. 150-200 ug most of the time biggest dose was 400 ug which was 2 years ago and it became a bad trip the thing is that I don’t like to loose control and I have traumas. most of them I dealt with in the last 2 years. I might try 400-500 ug after couple of days of deep meditation and preparation. LSD always makes me feel dirty for some reason. I always have to work out everyday to feel fit and fresh.
  11. Then what? By the way, Ketamine is something I have not tried.
  12. That is like saying I know the mechanics of every part of a car and how it works but I can't change a simple light bulb of the car.
  13. Leo is hyping this alien consciousness to the max. This alien consciousness better be giving me the ability to actualize a bunny out of my ass or I'm going to be disappointed if it is a non actualizing ability. That is the least I expect if he claims this consciousness has 100 x the intelligence of human intelligence.
  14. Perfectly nonsensical like your alien consciousness ? They go into the bubble and go to sleep and wake up. So probably the bubble is a paradigm of psychedelic consciousness of some sort. It is just that the end didn’t make any sense.
  15. Respect from a male is very different than respect from a female. We as genders respect different things so talking about respect like it is a universal thing for both genders is wrong which I won’t go in detail here. One thing that is universal though: Something that can be attained easily is valued less. That is just in human nature.
  16. Personally I don’t think this alien consciousness is going to be a big deal because if I’m wrong it will be an earth shaking revelation on planet earth. Imagine humans being 100x smarter at the price of a pop that Leo will charge for his seminar? Personally I had access to states where I was 10x smarter so I know that it exist but if Leo can access Alien Consciousness he would already be the new Einstein or Elon Musk creating shit instead of typing messages with fellow monkeys on a forum. Also I watched Leo’s last two videos. And although they are top shelf they aren’t cutting edge and I don’t see this 100x alien intelligence back in his speech and his output. In fact I see Leo just being human as the rest of us.
  17. Buy a BMW like me until sustainable methods are discovered to manufacture electric cars.
  18. Authenticity is the gold standard in relationships. You can better be a raging dick and be authentic than a flaccid nice guy with no oomph. So in that sense I respect NoSelfSelf.
  19. Rumi lived in the middle ages, not ancient time.