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Everything posted by StarStruck

  1. But he says there is no other, so what is the point of becoming one's own guru? I mean if Leo really believed there is no other, he would stop communicating with everybody, instead of saying "there is no other" and then continue communicating to us. Also if life is all pointless, which it is, why become enlightened, the one is not better than the other.
  2. To be really spiritual one has to escape the rat race. If you have to work 40-60 hours per week, working until you are with one foot in your grave, not much time remains for spiritual practices and doing psychedelics. Sometimes you need a Derek to tell you have it is. I believe somebody who is successful or wants to be successful won’t get triggered by him. It is usually a certain kind of person who get’s triggered by orange. I won’t go into details so I don’t insult people. If Derek markets his programs as get financial freedom so you can go spiritual nobody would buy his programs. He markets his programs as get successful and get rich so you get bitches and what not. Why? That is the level where the people are at. When people get rich people will see that money is not everything and they will move up the spiral.
  3. If you cut through the bull he has some good things to say.
  4. He is a very interesting guy and definitely a stage yellow person. I recommend you check his stuff out. He doesn't only talk about self-help, but also about dating, spirituality, energy work and psychology. It is based around NLP. Back in the day, I discovered it stuff but it didn't resonate but recently I took a psychedelic trip and I got reminded of him for a reason. They say pickup was started by him. He was in the game even before Neil Strauss the author of The Game. He is definitely not a toxic guy like those other PUA guys. His stuff really transcends the person. Even if you are not into PUA, which his stuff is based around, I think it is interesting to study him as a person. He has definitely a very high IQ.
  5. I want to make a meme about Leo, fapping and his last 30 day retreat but I don't think it will be appreciated.
  6. @Consept Personally I don't resonate with Derek. He is arrogant and mean. He brags a little too much. If I were a little bit childish, I wouldn't take a program with him so I get what you are saying. His negative aspects don't affect me. The point is that he has something I don't have: financial freedom. And as far as I know those other RSD guys don't focus on creating financial freedom, so I don't get the comparison.
  7. Those guys teach other things so that is comparing Apple to a peach. Personally I don’t look at if I like the person or not. I look at what I can learn from the person. If a teacher “resonates” with you, there is a chance the teachers will be an echo chamber. I like teachers who are totally different than me
  8. Leo's latest video reminded me of the book the road less traveled. It all starts with selflove.
  9. There is a lot of hostility against stage orange on this forum. And these are people with 1000+ posts on this forum. In my Neil Degrasse topic people had the same reaction. If you are triggered by stage orange it means you are just stuck on a slightly higher level, looking down and ridiculing people who are on the lower stage of consciousness. That might be something to work on. I don't know.
  10. Do you guys have any recommendations other than the two books about Kriya Yoga in Leo's book list?
  11. I have never seen demons. What is wrong with seeing demons? Just observe them and put a different label on them. There are only demons, if there is an ego that exists that is afraid of it. That is the only thing that comes to my mind.
  12. What do you recommend?
  13. Might take the course. He is an interesting guy. Definitely knows how to present himself and draw an audience.
  14. @Elodrai his teachings are non spiritual but it wonderfully compliments Leo’s life purpose course. His 10 commandments course is great.
  15. @Javfly33 thanks.. I still don't see it, but it takes time I guess.
  16. Yesterday I went on a long walk and did couple of hours of self inquiry. I got in a couple states of terror but no breakthroughs. It was mostly confusion. I went back home and to sleep and I had some interesting dreams. It was a weird dream, I cut myself open from the spine up to the brain to look where my consciousness is. I obviously didn't survive that operation. I saw my dead self in my dream and I realized I wasn't the body but I was kind of sad because this operation was just meant to investigate myself, not damage my spine and brain and die. What did this dream try to tell me? I had couple of other dreams too, somebody told me I shouldn't be a victim. I can't remember much from it. I guess the question at hand is, how to let go of the ego and not damage oneself physically. Spirituality is about spiritual death, not physical death.
  17. That is my experience too. We must be soul mates. I mean, it is a matter of perspective. Like you said: you compare your partner's performance to what you saw on the internet, instead of just enjoying the moment. I noticed that when I'm not in the moment it affects the other person too. I'm still not sure what it is, it might be selfishness.
  18. It is all about what we are use to. That is why I try not to watch porn. It raises the male’s standards too much and it is an easy fix. I mean why put in the hassle to look for a partner when there is an easy fix?
  19. Back in the day, a bikini was highly sexual. A women showing her belly was like showing her private parts. The notion of pornography changes all the time.
  20. I was contemplating about this and I didn’t get it. If the (future and) the past doesn’t exist, and it is all an imagination, how does memory then work? A memory is a perspective (the person’s perspective). So a human is a totality of perspectives of the span of his life? What is wrong with that? If it is all a nonduality I don’t get why the ego is treated as an enemy. You are both the ego and the opposite of it. Favoring the one over the other is another duality.
  21. @LaucherJunge in Leo’s videos in particular I saw how he portrayed the ego as something bad.
  22. I observe that I need something to hold on, I guess I should let that need go I guess.
  23. Does it leave a temporary smell in the living room? I researched it but I couldn't find any answers to this question.