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Everything posted by StarStruck

  1. Finally mustered the courage to delete that hell bent app. It sucked so much time and energy out of me. The app is such a drain and you get nothing back from it.💨 My algorithm gives me mostly sexy girls doing sexy dances and some weird animal videos, squishing pimples, accidents and weird phenomena. And from time to time, like 5% of the time some educational content. 🇨🇳 In China children don’t get this kind of content. What do you guys get? I asked some guys and they get similar horny content. It is the same garbage. 🗑️ If you can use TikTok only for 5 minutes per day it is ok. For me that is not possible when I’m stressed. Yesterday I watched it for one hours in total. 💀
  2. As a guy your attention(aka time) is the most important essential asset you have. If you allow young and attractive girls to gobble up your time so easily without getting anything in return you have the bad end of the deal. because she earns big bucks by exploiting and thirst trapping you and you don’t get to tap that or go balls deep If you are giving a lot of attention to girls as a bystander/ on-looker, you are programming yourself as a beta male. Your sub conscious is not stupid. Your looser genes get activated and you become a beta while your alpha genes get down regulated. Your success in life and how your life will look like is in direct correspondence with your focus of your attention and the trade offs you are making.
  3. She is on her "grind"
  4. While you copy my shit all the time: without giving creds 😂 Yea, crack might have some extreme usefulness to some 🤡
  5. @Michael569 this is so true:
  6. thank you You don't need to download it. You can just use the web app on your phone or pc. I didn't know you were into Asians. Our brain is not made for Tiktok or porn. One has to know one's limitations as a human. We are still very primitive. The mammal dopamine system has an appetite similar to the appetite of your tongue. TikTok and porn is just fastfood. It spikes the dopamine but you don't really get any substantial. Similar to smoking. It doesn't have any nutritions. It is just the nicotine that gives the dopamine spike that makes you hooked. Tiktok is just like a very good hooker for short term pleasure and long term misery. I meditated on this actually. Try feeling your body after using TikTok or porn. It makes you empty because it robs you of your soul (intuition). It dulls it. It is a battle between your instinct (survival and reproduction, and coping with stress) versus your intuition (the silent wise voice connected to your higher self).
  7. @Juan There is something about TikTok that is different. It is digital crack. I don’t have problems with YouTube. Only watch self help videos on YouTube. And other educational stuff. With TikTok, if you don’t like something you just scroll and another dopamine spike, and another and another. It trains your brain in a very unhealthy way. Porn is the same. If you don’t like the pornstar , you can just click on another one. You don’t like her in missionary, fast forward to doggystyle. You don’t like her in this scene but you like her in that screen. You don’t like blonde anymore in this moment and in the next 10 minutes you like brunettes. This endless novelty destroys the male brain. TikTok is basically the same as porn but without genitals. Just endless novelty at the end of a click or swipe. If you have a real gf , she will bore you because it can’t match up to the endless novelty. The thing with enjoyment is that it is endless/infinity and you can lose yourself in enjoyment. The whole thing with enjoyment is that it should be contained by setting up boundaries for enjoyment so you can actually enjoy. Otherwise Pinokkio’s pleasure island turns into torment.
  8. Sunday I went out and I had to do couple of rejections during salsa dancing. Mostly older women who don’t get approached so they approach me. In the past I was really bad at rejecting because I felt bad about it but now after being rejected by others I feel more comfortable doing the rejection aka slaying dragons. I wish I could reject somebody like how a hot girl rejects men: heartless and without mercy. Do you think I will develop this attitude with time? Or do I need to do some mindset changes. I just don’t want to hurt somebody’s feelings but I discovered it is better to just do it otherwise they hang around and cock block you. The thing is that young girls usually don’t approach. They already get approached a lot so they don’t have to develop that will to approach during a salsa party. Older women who don’t get approached a lot do have this will to approach during salsa dancing. Sometimes I feel more friendly and I dance with the dragons. They are actually fun to dance with. They aren’t all stuck up and appreciate it if you can let go and just enjoy.
  9. Fake is worse than hurting somebody. Most of the time. Uhm...
  10. Instagram and YouTube aren't that addictive for some reason. The thing is with youtube: I can only watch the content I'm subbed to. With tiktok this is not possible. You immediately end up on the for you page and get flashed with teen girls doing thirst traps. Nobody uses Facebook lol. You still live in 2018 or sum? Instagram is the new Facebook.
  11. It is predicted in multiple religions. Like in Christianity with the second coming of Christ. Or Krisna in Buddhism. Even in Star Wars. The "one" who will bring balance to the force. Or in the Matrix, the one who will defeat the matrix/AI. It is baked in our collective consciousness.
  12. Habits are linked to self image. Humans act congruent to their self image and I noticed this works for me too. For example in the beginning I didn't identify as a boxer but with time it grew on me. Now I see it as my weekly habit and I just do it without any discipline/willpower because I identify as a boxer and I do what a boxer does. Using discipline, what ever that means for you, is just a fart in the air without building proper self image. Life is a reflection of your self image. And your habits are just a way to actualize your self image into reality. Creating a new self image is a deep topic though but what I can say about it; imagination is key. When I was a smoker for 2 years, I used willpower to stop and it never worked. Only when I started imagining myself as a non smoker and identifying as a non smoker, real change happened.
  13. @Princess Arabia With being your own messiah I meant being your own hero on your heroes journey. Every individual walks their own individual heroes journey and I think as a collective we walk a collective heroes journey. This is baked in consciousness. You can call it "walking" the heroes journey or "being" in the heroes journey. At the end it doesn't matter what you toss into your word salad.
  14. @Princess ArabiaI agree we all should be our own messiah. But how does that look in your life considering what you do?
  15. I ate a lot of suffering. 🥲
  16. Loneliness is your opportunity to connect with God. I'm thankful for those moments although loneliness can be hard too. That is the whole point of it: loneliness can break you and make you negative or it can build character. I enjoy my social time but I prefer my me-time too. My greatest hurdle is being able to switch between those 2: being in my head versus being in the world. When socializing you have to be almost 0% in your head. That is why extraverts are great at making friends. And that is why introverts are not so good with making friends: they are in their head and have this energetic wall up. It is hard to connect to such a person. It is not personal so no need to make a victim mindset out of this. At the end of the day, you and the father are one. Everything you need is already inside of you. Your aloneness is identification with negativity and separateness. If you identify with that, outer reality will just reflect what you believe. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Trying to fix the outer circumstances without fixing the inner circumstance is masochism. When you are alone, you are not "alone", you are with your Self. What is your relationship to it? Everybody has their divine spark or energetic imprint or personality. You should see yourself as a gift to the world and the other people. This will define whether you have a high vibe or low vibe.
  17. If you are rigid in mind you are rigid in body. You have to do massive amounts of mediations to relax your body and that will relax your mind. Being autistic will always be a handicap but it is important to not use that as a victim mindset. What you perceive as your negatives can be turned in your positives. And your core basic assumption should be to accept and cultivate yourself. Instead of trying to get rid of certain parts of yourself. I think a lot of rigidity is just conditioning.
  18. Habits are like the automatic driver on a Tesla. Saying it doesn't work is weird. You just don't know how to program it. All your bodily functions work on habits like your heart, your stomach and other crucial functions. Thank god it works great if it does. Your mind has the same automatic behaviour. Most conditioned and some are baked in. As for habits, long existing habits are difficult to change, while short existing habits are difficult to change. The younger you are the easier it is to change. Your success to change habits is also depended on how flexble your mind is. If you think you can't change it will be so.
  19. Probably you have some strong SD blue too. To be honest you don't come across as full SD green.
  20. This is your own projection onto the other. SD blue is the backbone for many societies. Just recking the backbone of the society too quick can cause destabilization and LGBT perversions. In the west, the nuclear family has come to an end, the economic and social disasters of this will only be prevalent in a decade or more. Islam will survive this madness. Cult-ure is no different than a living thing. It is the survival of the fittest.
  21. Procrastination is wired in our psyche. It is a way to save energy and to stay safe and alive. We want to spend the least amount of energy and get the most for the energy spend. You basically have to override this instinct otherwise you will squabble your potential in life. In essence it is a battle between instinct and intuition. Your intuition whispers to you while your instincts screams. You have to quiet, train and condition your animal self through sexual transmutation.
  22. Enough people who go to the gym to sleep
  23. @Bobby_2021 if you go to the gym and don’t use the weights right yea you won’t develop muscle and also have injuries. No shit.
  24. Transformation can only happen through fire
  25. Do you guys ever just stop in the middle of the day and ask yourself where the fuck am I? Life is so mysterious. But almost all people are oblivious to it.