Eren Eeager

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Everything posted by Eren Eeager

  1. I would like to explain some of the manifestations of stage blue in the middle eastern region. note: I live in Jordan and it is fairly blue/orange country in the Middle East. 1) Prayer 5 times a day in the mosque with people with the loud calling for prayers every time . 2) a Woman is perceived as bad or very loose aka bitch if she doesn't wear hijab 3) sexual relationship or even friendship between male and female is nonexistent. In fact , fornication is almost the ultimate sin. 4) songs and music are forbidden. They are a sin. Singers and musicians are sinners. Only religious songs are allowed and without music. 5) Hating Jewish people and Israel is essential. Anyone who even doesn't hate Israel is a traitor. 6) It is very favorable if a man wears the traditional Arabian/religious cloths 7) All other religions are wrong. All of those Christians and Jewish people are going to hell!! 8) Sufis are heretics. Religion is not soft, God should be feared. 9) Our governments are led by traitors who deal with Israeli and America. And they are the cause for our poverty and poor economical development 10) Israel is the ultimate danger. It controls everything including the leaders of the US. 11) Art is forbidden if it includes a picture of a living being like a human or animal. 12) HE or she who succeed in memorizing the whole Quran is a very great and successful person 13) Kids should be sent to mosques in their summer vacation to learn and memorize Quran 14) The Arabian nationality is a very important thing and we are very proud and lucky that we are Arabs/Muslims 15) Christianity is a wikied religion. 16) Islam should be incorporated into politics. We are using wikied laws. The true laws are mentioned in the Quran, like: a thief's hand must be cut or a killer must be killed. 17) If we just became better Muslims, everything will be better. Islam will improve our nations. It is the way to success 18) western people lives are not healthy at all. Booze, sex and loose families
  2. It is a thing to be republican vs democrate and a totally different thing to be progressive or not. If that is the case, why are the majority of republicans are against Ideas like rebuilding the health care system or something like taxing the rich. Why are they not in favor of these ideas?
  3. Ok I have traumatized myself by thoughts. My thoughts were going all wild for a long time, and I was traumatized by them. I have been dealing with these traumas and try to release them for a long time but it is a very slow process and I want to get going in my life and chase my dreams. what would be the best way to release trauma and clear up my thoughts?
  4. @Leo Gura OK but what about the the republican candidates? why are they against progressive ideas??
  5. @bejapuskas Not until I am healed thoroughly
  6. @humanProcess you look like you are worshipping JP, Just don't.
  7. @bejapuskas part of the trauma is emotional congestion and poor self love =.
  8. If anyone interested in helping me with "onion" stuff, please pm me.
  9. It is not like that. I know how to order but I just cannot because police once caught me and now I am somewhat monitored by them. Here is what happened h
  10. These thoughts are fed by like a wound in me that's not yet healed. I guess that what we call trauma.
  11. @seeking_brilliance I know I can be what I want and I know that all these thoughts are wrong and illusory but they are deep embedded in my psyche I struggle to overpower or ignore them
  12. Many guys on the internet claim that our economic system will change drastically in the coming years because of Bitcoin. So I have been worried that I don't know much about the basics of trading Bitcoin. Should I Invest in learning and reading books about Bitcoin or these are Just wild dreams of decentralization of money?
  13. @bejapuskas because I was never this dude who is confident/assertive and then I got these thoughts stuck in my head. I try to ignore them but they are deep rooted in my mind
  14. yeah along many other things but lately mainly self-doubt
  15. Guys I keep criticizing/judging/doubting myself. It is like I am addicted to it. my self esteem is at the rock bottom because of that.
  16. @Shmurda Imagine being in that state 24/7. That's me and I had to deal with it. I had obsessive thoughts from the kind you mentioned which caused me social anxiety to the point I really feel anxious around anyone including my family members. So you are Ok, just don't smoke weed and work on your self to release any trauma
  17. This a quote from Leo's recent blog post. What does that suppose to mean? Isn't evolution dumb as a brick?
  18. can you guys name some of the people you follow on politics? I already follow Sam Seder and Abby Martin.
  19. Sometimes we should remind ourselves why red people are in prison
  20. thinking about red stage things and how I am incapable of dealing with different with them . Wondering If I am weak/unconfident.
  22. @Leo Gura Do you recommend investing in Bitcoin? you haven't discussed this topic yet.