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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. Anyone gone down the Atlantis rabbit hole? Looking for info on lost civilizations and peoples
  2. So after a hiatus from the forum I find myself lurking a lot more these past few weeks and i've been tempted to make a new journal so here I am. I really want to avoid any further conflicts on this forum so i'm going to try to just stick to my journal and avoid any controversial topics and to avoid sharing some of my more controversial views. This journal is just going to be for me to enjoy sharing what's going on and for people who appreciate my perspective to comment and share. I'm really excited for the next few months. I'm going to Ireland for a retreat in a week and I think it will be a miraculous experience. https://wayofmastery.com/ This teaching by a yeshua channel has been so amazing. It's all about love and when he speaks you can feel the love in his words. So far this is the best teaching i've come across and i can't wait to see where it leads. This is where the retreat is being held. It's apparently on a 200acre property on the Atlantic coast. Man i'm so happy to be going. I've already felt much more loving and at peace this past week by applying the teachings, but this is going to be a whole other level. We had a zoom call today for everyone attending the retreat and we all set our intentions and I realized my main intention. I want to heal my brain and headaches and release the repressed emotions that are wound up in my being. I already began this process during the vipassana retreat and I expect this retreat to take it to another level beyond that.
  3. @something_else Yeah some us are on different levels. Good luck
  4. Thank you. That's my entire point. Hypocrites and devils pointing fingers at someone they think is a devil. I am also a hypocrite and a devil.
  5. @Osaid You think Leo has integrity given the fact the this entire forum is supposed to be above truth and love and yet Leo embodies 0 of what he preaches? Can you honestly say Leo isn't a hypocrite and a devil?
  6. I don't have entire catalogue of BS. Look in the mirror.
  7. Gross negligence doesn't involve intent either. I could say the exact same thing about your impact on spirituality. You have no integrity behind your videos because you don't embody any of the things you speak about. And MLK did abuse women. You are guilty of virtually everything you are demonizing Tate of being.
  8. @Consept What he's saying here is not nearly as bad what he wrote in that description. I think it's definitely worthy of criticism, but this is not mafia style trafficking of women in sheds and rape like it's being used on the forum against him.
  9. @zurew Did he ever respond to that? I agree the part about manipulating women is worthy of criticism and he should be receive push back for that. But again suicide and manipulating women into cam work, i still think suicide is more problematic
  10. Leo's callous attitude towards his followers and the way he shares insights that have led to people killing themselves is why he's 10x worse. I said that tongue and cheek, i don't literally mean 10x. It wasn't like Leo said it one time and then never said it again and all of a sudden gained empathy for his followers. I remember Leo saying something like it doesn't matter what people think about those statements, he sais them because they are true. And how many suicides can we link to Rupert's videos? I can link you two suicides from this forum and countless mental patients. And I haven't even gotten into solipsism
  11. You're literally not. You're just dense to someone speaking truth because you literally said you were so afraid of the truth that it changed your entire life course. I'm just following your statements to their logical conclusion
  12. @Consept Can you link me the video where Tate sais he manipulates women into falling in love with him so he can use them for his cam business. Because the video I saw was Tate sitting down 4 of his girlfriends and saying this what he wants to do, and 2 of them left and 2 of them chose to stay. So I have evidence that directly contradicts what you're claiming he did. I'm not saying Tate is beyond criticism. I do not agree with him manipulating lonely men. My point is the people here criticizing him and demonizing him like Leo and his sheep are hypocrites
  13. Spend less time making cheeky comments at me, and more time turning towards the truth rather than running from it and this may click for you.
  14. Ask Leo why he made the Tate video. Because the "insight" he shares doesn't bring in clicks or revenue. In one breathe Leo sais he's reaching insights to profound that no human has ever touched, and in another breathe he's jumping on the Tate hate train and making more brainless content for his audience to consume and mentally masterbate about.
  15. It's a silent meditation retreat in Latvia. The real work is to be have a 1 pointed focus on god and let your mind and body purge. This forum, most teachings, and 99% of things people consume are a distraction from real healing. Does anyone here honestly believe Leo is an authority on god/love/truth when he's clearly so physically and mentally unhealthy and he embodies 0 of what he speaks?
  16. I think Rupert should get some flack for that video title. He doesn't understand the full implications of what he's saying there, and I think it's misleading given the video content. Look at Mooji's audience and Rupert Spira's audience and tell me with a straight face they attract the same kinds of people. Leo has no integrity, his contemplation is simply mental masturbation that perpetuates his own ego and suffering, and he doesn't teach proper use of mind expanding substances the guy clearly over used 5 meo and his health is clearly ailing from it, and he doesn't embody any of the things he teaches. Leo's entire business is him taking ideas and content from other people and sharing that in his videos, and then blasting him self with 5 meo for years and bringing pointless insight to people because unless you are as high as him the insights into love/god/etc are useless.
  17. Attracting women and forming a web cam business is not sex trafficking. It's such a loaded term and the way it's being used on here makes it seem like Tate is running his own version of the evil mafia from Taken. Any suicides would be the karmic consequence of a guy who doesn't have empathy and has no business teaching or being an authority on a subject that he's completely deluded on.
  18. This is a place where Leo gets to live out his narcissistic fantasy of being superior to other people and having his students and followers who hang on his word. I'm here because i'm bored and killing time until I can go a retreat and do the real work, which 99% of this forum doesn't seem interested in. The truth gets you banned here so maybe my time will come soon
  19. @Carl-Richard Rupert's audience is not even in the same world as Leo's. Look at Rupert's comments section and his audience, you aren't seeing a lot of schizo and mentally young people. And I think Rupert has his own flaws and I think that title is worth criticizing, but again it's in the same realm as what Leo does. Leo's harm is caused by his lack of empathy for his audience and his arrogance and narcissism in how he expresses his views. It's pretty dishonest to compare Rupert's video to how Leo has dealt with the topic of death and suicide on the foum
  20. Yeah he promotes living your best life! In time as you mature maybe you'll wake up to the reality of what this forum is and what Leo is really about.
  21. I don't think tax evasion is that bad. And it's kind of scummy, but I don't think it's that bad. And again it's relative to Leo, I'd be willing to bet Leo did his fair share of scummy things when he ran his internet marketing business, which he himself admitted to in the past. And as far what scummy or criminal activity is, I say it's callously expressing harmful beliefs and perspectives callously to an audience of mentally ill young people
  22. @Consept Yes I would agree that if everyone followed that advice it could be damaging. But again, i'd still argue that pushing suicidal beliefs onto an impressionable audience is worse. I've met women who wanted to get into only fans. I could have gotten into a relationship with them and we both could have made a lot of money, and it's likely that without the male influence these women would make little to no money. So it's actually reasonable that he would take most of the money the venture. These women have a choice if they want to engage in sex work with Tate, i doubt 99% of these women are the victims that Tate's haters are making them out to be. But once again when we're talking about the influence on young minds, I can check anything you say about Tate and raise you harm Leo has expressed for years.
  23. Links. And what was the age of the child. What is your definition of stealing money? Again, we can argue about how bad it is to be a pimp and exploit vulnerable men who want love and affection. But whatever that amounts to I'll call it and raise you a narcissistic cult leader who callously pushes a suicidal ideology onto his followers with little empathy and emotional understanding of the consequences of his actions.