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Posts posted by Pateedm

  1. 7 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

    "I was a able to pinpoint the first phenomena of that night, which happened to be a something moving at a constant rate, that was the same size as the apparent size of stars in the night sky. (I now see this phenomena often)."

    That's satellites.



    "I’m open minded to dragons"

    "my brother was experiencing a state of rather ecstatic heightened consciousness (I’m guessing some degree of random kundalini activation of sorts), saying things such as “humanity is ascending”....”there is a global awakening taking place”"

    Those are warning bells.

    Maybe you were hallucinating.

    Or maybe you are lying.

    So, yes, I don't belive you. But I don't rule out the possibility that you actually saw aliens. But before I believe that I would need more evidence.

    And why didn't you take photos or videos of it..

    Couldn't have been satellites as they were changing directions, he didn't mention that though. 

    No psychedelics were involved, it was as much a hallucination as your present experience of experiencing a screen.

    Didn't have our phones on us at the time and tbh it's not the first thing that crosses your mind to just whip out a camera and start filming.

    Anyway, I'm just telling ya they exist, up to you though man :)

  2. 4 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

    This UFO-stuff has been a wake up call for me, because it shows how people in this forum (and also Leo) are too unskeptical. They buy basically anything which they want to believe in, without requiring any evidence. This UFO-stuff is like one big confirmation bias party. You guys want to believe it so badly that you're completely lost in confirmation bias/wishful thinking.

    If you are like this about this topic, then you probably are like this in all other topics aswell. So this ruins your credibility in other areas too. For example, of course you will believe any hallucinations which you experience when you are tripping balls, without demanding any actual evidence before you believe in your hallucinations.

    All the footage is completely useless. Period. Most of it are debunked and the rest could be anything since the "objects" are always super fuzzy.

    The most difficult thing to dismiss is the eye witness reports, but it's not enough. Many of them are probably lying. There's several examples of intentionally faked images/video footage, and of people lying, Bob Lazar is one example of someone who is clearly lying.

    The thing is man, I've directly experienced a UFO and can confirm that they do exist.

    Whether ya believe me is up to you.