Gili Trawangan

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Everything posted by Gili Trawangan

  1. Oldie, but goodie: study the Buddha's Four Noble Truths.
  2. You can set an intention beforehand. What do you want ayahuasca to show/teach you? During the experience, just let go...
  3. It was indeed a thought that caused the panic attack. True nature is infinite and absolutely free. And there is no one to be trapped in any field, there is no self. You will not get this from listening to Leo, as he dismisses no-self as some minor discovery. Which is precisely the reason there's so much confusion about this solipsism nonsense. Search elsewhere for the answers: a good old-fashioned deconstruction of self and hardcore meditation, together with a psychedelic here and there, if you get the calling.
  4. This is one of those things that gets said often and is never actually explained. I have no idea what you're talking about, and I'm nearly 40.
  5. Just listen. As people tell you their stories, put yourself in their shoes. How would that make you feel? What would it be like to think like them? Then, when you respond, it will come from an understanding place. It's not about you or your responses, at that moment it's all about them. Sometimes the only thing to say is "I understand how you feel" or "I can only imagine". Or maybe something from your own life that fits their situation. Just change the lens from "me and how I'm coming across and what I think" to "him/her and how it might be to be them".
  6. Yes, but God is also the non-meditation.
  7. This includes the concepts of high and low consciousness If what you do comes out of love/passion, and you do your best to follow the golden rule, I'd say you're fine.
  8. What do you mean? Did anyone force you to get a booster?
  9. The thing is the first two doses were Astrazeneca, which is not mRNA, whereas the booster will most likely be. Who knows how my body might respond to a Pfizer booster. And where I live, I don't get to choose... they give whatever type of vaccine is available on that day. I'm out. People can dismiss the 'gut feeling' all they want, but it has served me well in life so far most of the time. And it's telling me not to get the booster. For people in different circumstances I would have a different opinion. For example, all of my family members got boosters, and no problems whatsoever. In their place, I would have done it too.
  10. Yes, it's very common for me these days actually. But, at the same time, always surprising.
  11. Wonderful
  12. I'm not going to take the booster. Had two doses of Astrazeneca and that'll do. Everyone I know who's had Covid after getting two shots recovered quite easily from it. The risks are higher than the rewards at this point. I'm sorry to hear about these issues, hope you guys recover completely.
  13. What I find most displeasing is that they talk of their "non-teachings" as rare and special, and often make disparaging comments about other spiritual teachers and traditions. They make no attempt to bridge the gap, when it's clearly the same realization which is behind all teachings, including theirs. On the other hand, I find their message useful for when we are clinging to any kind of self-image or conceptualization. It kind of pulls the rug from under your feet. Is it warm and fluffy? Absolutely not. But there's a time and place I guess... I sometimes watch Jim Newman and enjoy it. Nothing else.
  14. What I hope for you is a direct experience so total and unmediated by thought/analysis that materialism crumbles forever... drugs are not needed for this. I wish it not so that you can be right, or on "the right side of the argument", but so that you can be happy and at peace. Good luck.
  15. Very cool video, that conclusion was unexpected and awesome. A lesson I still sometimes forget
  16. Great post. Aside from the value of the content, I admit that it's a breath of fresh air to read a post so carefully written, from grammar and spelling to paragraphing and highlighting. It might sound trivial, but for me it makes a difference.
  17. @Anders Saether Online dating seems like a good option for you. There are lots of women online who are "desperate" to find a guy who isn't just looking for quick sex. Online, people are very upfront about what they want and you can screen girls early by telling them the truth, you want to wait until marriage. I don't think you have it too difficult, on the contrary. Just choose wisely who you end up with.
  18. @Tristan12 Yes, that's correct. But like @Consilience said, it's just one way of framing it, after all these are just definitions and concepts. From my experience, an awakening has a very specific flavor, it's a "holy shit, This is what I am!", without any doubt; and it's a mystical experience as well, of course. But a mystical experience without an awakening is more like "holy shit, what's going on?", there might be confusion there, or complete absence of mind, or deep peace, or any other freaky stuff.
  19. An awakening is becoming directly conscious of What you are. You awaken from the dream of being human. A mystical experience is any experience that shatters materialism, you become aware that physical reality is not physical, but you don't necessarily become conscious of What you are.
  20. I was going to comment before but didn't, I had the impression he was missing spirituality from his life. He did seem like he went all in on the pickup thing, turned it into a career, and now that he had reached his forties he must have seen the limits of that lifestyle. And without any conscious connection to Source to see him through, he must have reached some pretty deep pits of despair... He was a great daygame teacher, but it was clear that something was missing from his life.
  21. This is impossible... The truth is that there are no people and all is God's will. This is in the absolute domain. And even if you want to talk about the relative domain and admit the existence of people and things, then every single one of us is entirely innocent and lovable. There is no evil, and therefore no reason to hate anyone. I would continue the search for Truth if I were you, and don't stop until you see the perfection that reality is. Good luck.
  22. It's magic. What you see around you at all times is pure magic.
  23. My country has one of the highest percentages of vaccination - around 90% - and all hell is breaking loose with the new wave. Pushing for the vaccine, if you can remember, had the goal of ending the pandemic. It hasn't worked. We now know that fully vaccinated people carry and spread the virus just as easily. And they also get sick and die, if certain conditions are met. Just like unvaccinated people. Time for a new strategy, booster shots forever seems absurd to me with what we know today.
  24. Definitely not. Meditate long enough and you'll see for yourself. People telling you won't change anything.