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Everything posted by Alfonsoo

  1. On the topic of incorporating alcohol into a dish, like marinating with wine, flambé with some liquor: Do you think it diminishes considerably the healthiness of a dish? (even though he alcohol supposedly evaporates, but all sorts of sugars and stuff remain) Is the taste worth it for you? What about using high quality alcohols in the dish? (few ingredients, organic, etc) When eating out, would you avoid dishes cooked with alcohol for health reasons?
  2. (Good quality) red meat is not a problem. You could live a healthier life on nothing but red meat than with the average American diet.
  3. This probably is breaking the materialistic paradigm 101, however I'm having real trouble with this: Is there any difference between dreams, imagination and physical material "reality"? I'm guessing the answer is no. Which would mean that what we ordinarily know to be different things are actually a unified infinity broken apart by the imagined distinctions, right? Again, everything seems to point towards the answer being yes. However I'm having a really hard time integrating it into my perception. When I look somewhere I automatically see "different" things. I don't see a chair and think of it as me, let alone feel like it as me (here we can see it in action, me making distinctions between a chair and not a chair, me and not me). How can I dissolve these distinctions? Perhaps all boils down to meditating and questioning more and eventually it'll happen naturally, but it really feels like I've hit a wall here. Leo says that my brain, my dick, my hands are all my imagination, but he also says that things really do exist (i'm guessing he means that they're not a matrix simulation) and its got my mind spinning. When "I" see my "hand" there is something that exist however it is not a hand. The "hand" (the distinction that lets something be a hand) part of existence is the imagined thing. I think I got this right... now all im missing is to integrate it, but I don't even know what that looks/feels like. What is supposed to happen? What am I supposed to do? (As a result of these distinctions having a very strong presence, allows for all sorts of prejudices, fears, assumptions, etc to exist and its really bugging me)
  4. So a gave it a try. I tried to discover what makes a pen a pen and when is a pen not a pen. What I found out is that there’s not a single distinction that fully defines a pen . Then I though that maybe it’s the sum of its parts but not a single combination of distinctions seemed to be what absolutely defines a pen. I was left with a bad after taste there, I’m not fully sold on the results but I just couldn’t prove what made a pen. So maybe it’s just some very deep unconscious attachment that remains. Me not wanting to accept deep down that there’s nothing that makes a pen, that the pen is imagined. then I came to the idea that, just like machine learning, we learn to differentiate things by swallowing example after example of whatever the teacher thought of as pen. Until it became an unquestioned mechanism to call whatever resembles the source material, a pen (whether it’s an object or the idea of). That’s kind of how it works right? What I couldn’t break down was the difference between two presently existing objects. “Perhaps the distinctions of a pen are all made up, whoever that object over there is definitely not this one over here“ that’s how my mind went. What two objects are is not the problem. Now is the physical separation that I couldn’t dissolve. Is that imagined too? on a side note: I would love to have this kind of investigation during psychedelics but I just get drowned in all the stimuli and anxiety that I forget to do the work or just can’t concentrate. I’ve just done a couple of trips at low dosage, but not in a single one have I gotten even close to achieving this. Does the concentration come with practice (taking many more trips until I get more comfortable and used to it) ?
  5. For those who don’t know , sous vide is a cooking technique where you vacuum seal whatever you’re gonna cook (in a plastic bag) and throw it in a container filled with water and a special circulator heats the it and creates convection. So the steak is cooked perfectly and evenly to a precise temperature. Howeveeeer, using a plastic bag is very sketchy. Supposedly there are special ones that don’t leach any chemicals but it still seems dangerous. All the info I seem to find online seems very bias towards it being safe. Maybe someone here has some better more serios stuff. And maybe someone knows a plastic free alternative to the bag because the sous vide really kicks ass. I’ve seen some use silicone bags (like those waste free ziplock style bags) but idk about silicon either. Can it be safely heated?
  6. Yes. And I just found some article about silicone and it seems to have the same problems. It just requires higher temps (and lipid compounds). Specially dangerous with all the cheap adulterated silicone going around
  7. @Nahm observation as you would say (I guess hehe)
  8. The site seems to have some good content on health, meditation, yoga, history, psychology, paranormal etc. but there are some stuff that really look like big conspiracy theory red flags. Is it worth the time and money (because it is subscription based) having to sort the good and bad content?
  9. @Nahm So I just accept it, let it come?
  10. @Nahm @flowboy I've definitely tried facing the boredom and a very strong feeling of anxiety and unease start to arise. I get the urge to fidget with my hands or start to bounce my leg. Every second passes by painfully slow. It's like if I was next to something burning, all you can focus in is the discomfort and every second is worse than the last. When I'm meditating, it doesn't feel uncomfortable probably because I feel like I'm doing something ("I'm meditating, therefore I'm doing something") but if I where to find my self in line at the bank, for example, the feeling creeps in. Those situations where you feel like the time is being wasted are prime triggers for this anxiety. If I try to muscle through the feeling I either get lost on thought, get sleepy or give up and pull out a distraction. This really becomes a problem when tripping btw. What does it mean? What is there to work at?
  11. I've read online about a treatment called Fecal Microbial Transplantation. Basically they spread fecal matter form a donor (with the required gut and general health) diluted in saline water all across the rectum. This is a very groundbreaking treatment for treating Clostridium Difficile . This illness is an imbalance in the guts microbial population after taking heavy antibiotics and I read it has a 90% efficiency of curing for good the illness (it is very persistent and hard to get rid off. It always comes back). There's also some correlation to improvement metabolic syndrome-type conditions (like obesity, diabetes) but not many studies have been done. Has anyone tried/heard about it? Also I would like to recommend the books from Dr. Jason Fung, specially the one titled The Complete Guide to Fasting. Has some solid stuff on diet, health and of course fasting and goes in line with what Leo has already said. That books has some mind-blowing charts and statistics and some fasting-friendly recipes (how ironic) . It will be a fine addition to the book list. @Leo Gura I'm tagging you because I know you'll be interested. Perhaps you already knew about this.
  12. @Leo Gura Have you read anything about autophagy (induced by fasting)? Maybe it can do something for you. Try exercising. From what I've read and experimented it seems to be very crucial. Exercise stimulates (among many other things) the release of Human Growth Hormone which keeps the muscle form being consumed during the fast (and the body goes for the fat instead) and heavily and positively impact your energy during the fast and the speed in which you enter ketosis, which means a shorter and mild to no discomfort and cravings. Exercise during fasting also seems to eliminate the cold feeling (although you also get it from the autoimmune thing so who know how that plays out). And some say that it's sometimes impossible to enter very deep (and highly healing) fasting ketosis without exercise. I've attached a video form a guy that does some fine research on diet and fasting. Just one so you can sample his content. Fasting vs. Eating Less: What's the Difference? (Science of Fasting) Here he talks about how a prolonged water fasts played out by the book (in achievable ideal conditions). And some very important things like the exercise stuff. You should watch his other videos on fasting/diet.
  13. @Verdesbird You mean that they talk too much about capitalism or that they themselves are the capitalists? (or both hehe)
  14. I mean, maybe by a hair, or at least in more noisy aspects. Obama was a huge advocate for the Middle East wars and drones strikes while Trump didn’t perpetuate the war and even (willingly) retrieved troops back to the USA. Obama was very much active with deportation, the border wall with Mexico and caging immigrants. Trump sure was more noisy about it but didn’t actually went that far. Trump wanted to diminish the Patriot Act’s (I think that’s the name) power and he seemed to be less of a sellout to Israel and Chinese interests. And more stuff like that. I’m sure he is a nasty individual with some dark stories however I wouldn’t call him stage Red at the same level as modern day dictators. I would say he has at least an equal parts orange and red. I don’t want to get a lot into conspiracies (and hopefully you won’t be so quick to dismiss me as such) but I feel he got tons of bad press (especially at the end of his term) because he wasn’t as complaisant to the people who pull the strings compared to regular dirty politicians. He got his whole business so maybe he had a higher price. I don’t really know but maybe something along those lines. For some reason the media wasn’t really on his side and usually the official narrative is the opposite of what’s actually happening (specially in such a corrupt country as the USA). And btw, Biden’s office rode all that bad press, perfectly constructed for him, all the way to the oval office . He’s whole campaign was basically “vote for me cause I’m not trump”. Im not saying Trump is a high consciousness individual but I wouldn’t be so quick to put Obama on a green stage pedestal. He was just as brutal, just as inhuman as Trump and definitely thirsty for war (not to mention he also had a taste for minors). I say this because @Leo Gura loves to put Obama as a great example for green (even part yellow) politicians and emphasizes even more the “huge” contrast with Trump . I’d be glad if anyone points out any flawed argument here.
  15. Could you give me some examples of Obama’s high consciousness behaviors? I think I’m not getting the whole picture
  16. @Carl-Richard yeah, they say what their target audience wants to hear, that’s a politicians main job. But what he actually did, imo, would indicate not as much green
  17. @EntheogenTruthSeeker drop the entertainment. Start by reading 1 page or even half a page every day. Yeah, it’s meant to be ridiculously easy, that way it’s hard not to do it. I feel this works because your ego will get a bigger blow from not being able to read even that, so you’ll prefer to do it. And go up from there. Until a page feels too easy add another one and so on. You’ll gradually leave entertainment out and fill in the space with reading. And wake up/go to sleep early so you get some extra hours in your day. It will take quite a lot of time to fix a life of iliteracy
  18. No. What I’m saying is that Can you really be Green/Yellow and also cage south American kids and bomb the Middle East. I gave some trump comparisons not because I support him or because I think he’s secretly a genius and a saint, I gave the examples to show that Obama isn’t all that better, consciousness wise. Or at least that’s my perspective. What’s the trolling ?
  19. About how we imagine all and distinctions dualities etc
  20. Leo’s video and the books seem to agree that paranormal abilities are quite a passive and blurry phenomenon. Very material and precise manifestations of these abilities seem to be either non existing or very rare and limited. However, if reality is all imagined you could theoretically do all those superpower type and gross material abilities right? But I guess that when one gets to the point of being able to do that they’re no more than realty’s gimmick.
  21. I'm talking about grave deformities, crippling neurological problems and al sorts of prenatal defects. Even something as simple as a kid being bullied due to having an extra finger etc. Im doing research about wether its ethical to let a kid who's going to have an extreme health and psychological problems be born. Its for a school project and I have to present opposite postures. One one side, the no abortion under any circumstance (that's easy to explain) and the other side (abort under certain circumstances). Oh, also consider how the parents/families life drastically changes and all that. What are your thoughts on the topic? Please try to give some easier to understand arguments as this this is for school hehe. The non-dual riddled part of the discussion would be very difficult to integrate in a school project. However, feel free to write it anyways, im interested in all of your answers.