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Everything posted by Chumbimba

  1. @Arcangelo well still studying to be a software engineer but I am speaking it into existence
  2. @Lyubov yeah i was almost going to move in with some engineers like myself but my cousin passed and then lockdown hit that same weekend so I have been stuck in California L( but i am going to keep looking more for places
  3. @Arcangelo its less about having money and more about my mone psychology. I have some money physically and an okay paying job but I need to go back to school so that I can get my degree and make more money. I am deathly afraid of leasing my apartment and not having the rent and getting evicted
  4. @Tonypop100 Are you doing all 4 weeks or just specific ones ?
  5. I have vacation time on work and I want to use it either going on a solo retreat ( I found a cabin for a very reasonable price) or doing the Peter Ralston fall-workshop series for one week. anybody other than @Leo Gura done both ? which one would produce the most growth long term ?
  6. @Leo Gura I heard somebody touched sadhguru and literally almost died because his energy body is so strong. I also heard that when he initially awoke he was in samadhi for 7 and a half days straight without moving, food or water etc. that is some crazy shit
  7. Let me bite the bullet and do the solo retreat and if I come out alive I will then meet ralston haha
  8. @Leo Gura True dat, is Ralston retiring soon ? because if so I would pick him first before I miss out on him haha
  9. @Leo Gura Because I am a wage slave (planning my escape) and only get a limited amount of vacation time throughout the year this is apart of my escape plan though
  10. @Leo Gura I probably could do a week pretty easy, but 10 days is pushing it lol. I completed a 10 day vipassana last year, but I know that solo retreats are a different animal. I really want to get over the loneliness hump that you talked about in your video once and for all.
  11. I have really been in a slump lately and it has been really hard to get out of it. Not following my life purpose, filthy room, hanging out with friends who don't serve me, spending money impulsively. I re watched a few of Leo's videos. The lifestyle minimalism really hit home to me because ever since I have moved to Los Angeles, I have been trying to keep up with the Jones and trying to impress everyone. For the first time in a long time I really grasped what turning inward is. 99.9% of people are oriented outward and I followed the crowd thinking I was different from the crowd (god damn self-deception) it was only a 30 min session, but man I realized some deep truth's about myself that I denied. Like the love for my ex-girlfriend but our relationship was so toxic it couldn't work. How shitty I really feel about myself but I need to keep on a straight face of happiness to look good. and much more Anyway the point of this post is that I learned my mind tends to over complicate solutions when most of the answers to your deepest problems are not in reality but inside of you. Thank you for listening
  12. I protested today and got interviewed: 2:00 mark They edited most of what I said to make them look good (I had some strong points) I just wanted to share this with you guys Also wanted to give props with anybody with a YouTube channel or in any profession where a camera is needed. Shit is difficult to be on camera lol
  13. Okay I have seen a recurring theme when it comes to my goals, passions and things I want to accomplish. I self-sabotage and I self-sabotage because I have a shame and guilt addiction. RN I am studying computer science and taking pre-calculus. The minute I start kicking ass my body and mind shut down. I eat bad food which makes my mind foggy to cover up the emptiness and guilt inside of me when I do make good progress. I had a meditation and visualization habit for 25 days going strong and then all of a sudden, I stop and go back to laziness patterns ( watching TV and eating bad food) I dont know how to stop the cycle. For years I have told myself I hate math and I am terrible at math and now I love it. I guilt myself though for not spending more time working on it and I fail. I quit every goal I try to accomplish. I have never accomplished anything of real value in my life and deep down I hate myself for it. Any tips on how to fix this ? I am tired of failing. I dont want to be at a call-center the rest of my life. I want to be a software engineer but I guilt myself for that goal because I feel as if it is a low consciousness career
  14. I see a lot of people on here want to get into coding/software engineering. I am currently learning python and want to go really deep into that but I also want to be a jack of all trades. Swift- app development Python- Backend Development Java- High Level language/ Multi-Purpose C#/unity- Game Development Linux- hacking and operating systems am I stretching myself too far ? Should I just focus on one language and master that one ? Is it possible to learn all these languages
  15. @John Doe my last question is where does the address come from, is it a random hexadecimal number or is it calculated from binary code ?
  16. @ivory I am getting my degree in CS. I have developed a love for math since I have started this endeavor. I call it an endeavor because it is probably the hardest thing I have ever done. I am picking up the syntax of languages very quickly though its going to be learning algorithms and data structures and computer architecture where I will struggle
  17. Google Search: pointers are variables whose value is the address of another variable. where the memory is located.
  18. @John Doe so basically we are assigning the Hexadecimal to specific variable in C ? I know C is low-level so it is easy for the computer to read. I definitely get the analogy helped a lot, but practically what are the functions of pointers in C
  19. @John Doe Thank you for your advice ! I have actually done a c tutorial on YouTube and have gotten pretty good at syntax. Pointers are difficult for me though. When i said Linux I meant the command lines. I’m still confused on the whole computer science vs software development. I started taking this pursuit seriously maybe a month ago so I am still learning a ton
  20. @lostmedstudent you have to give yourself kudos for even making it through med school in the first place!! that shit took a lot out of you and not a lot of people can make it through that shit. I am in a similar situation. I am switching from psychology to software engineering/Computer Science and have met with tons of failure (especially in math) but as Leo said you need a strong vision. I visualized myself every night for about a month living in Bali writing code for people as a freelancer ( i know it's corny as shit) but I have learned soooo much about computers that I never would have know about before in just a couple months. Failure is temporary as fuck. you only fail if you quit. Do psycho-analysis on your boyfriend that you just moved in with, that would be excellent practice
  21. I have been eating Leo's veggie soup recipe for 5 days now and noticed some really good benefits I would like to share. I have eaten this and cut out a lot of bullshit from my diet like sugar, heavy meats, fast food, bread etc. Benefits: 1. I finally got a contrast for how I feel on a shitty diet vs. A good diet. SO MUCH BETTER !! -Happier -Less suffering - More loving and less emotionally reactive - A lot more physical energy - I wake up less groggy and tired -A lot more conscious and better focus - Realized that there is levels to consciousness. It's kind of like a meter where it can go infinitely high or low - Also a lot more self honesty. Less Self-Deception. I posted in the meditation group a while back about not knowing what self-deception is. Nobody responded (Fuck y'all ) but I figured it out for myself. The soup has taken a large portion of my diet this week. I have been hungry, but have been coping with hunger pains better too
  22. @lostmedstudent don't do it.
  23. google drive and docs with folders
  24. I watched Leos video on successful people and as I am looking at my life purpose, if all goes well I will be extremely successful. Are all successful people unhappy ? is it worth even trying to be successful or should I just be normal and mediocre but content with life ? Can you be successful and happy ?