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Everything posted by rush

  1. Do you think that negative thought patterns can be driven by intuition as oppose to ego ? For example, if you have constant negative thoughts about going to work everyday, couldn't that lead to you following your intuition to quit and start something new. Can thoughts help guide action towards following your intuition ?
  2. @FindingPeace How do you practice genuine detachment from these values ? Detachment is a hard concept to embody because even though Iv tried in the past, it just becomes another belief as oppose to actually being detached.
  3. Hey guys, Despite meditating using the do nothing technique, my thoughts always seem to spiral and create the worst possible scenarios out of situations. I am aware and conscious of these thoughts but they never seem to go away even when I watch them, they resurface later on in the day. Is there anything else that can be done apart from meditating to help this ?
  4. Hey all, Given the variety of experiences that people give of their meditation results, why is it some seem to gain more benefits from this habbit than others ? How would you know if your actually progressing, as no one can really tell you if your on the right track ?
  5. Hi guys, Does the life purpose course assume that those people who take the course, are meant to be entrepreneurs ? I like the idea of being passionate about 1 thing and going after it, but Im not sure im willing to take the risks or have that entrepreneurial mindset that succesfull business owners have. Has anyone managed to find their life purpose within a career as oppose to starting a business, or do you have to start a business ?
  6. @aryberry I have the same difficulties with applying that intuition insight explained in that video. Naturally, one thought leads to another so is that ego or intuiton..
  7. @Passionate @Vladz0r Yeah, I agree it is important to look at what you can do and become a master however, naturally a life purpose is your OWN pursuit and you would preferably want to make a living from this, so surely you would need to be entrepreneurial ? Even if you are dedicated, surely if you want to make money from this pursuit, you need to have a business mindset, which not everyone may have ?
  8. @Arman The risk with just sitting, is what if you are simply daydreaming away, without actually meditating ?
  9. @kurt i notice compulsive thoughts constantly, but they don't necessarily change or stop dispite awareness of them all the time
  10. Iv noticed that I'm quite hard on myself when it comes to accomplishing tasks that need to get done, for example, if I stop revision for exams for just 1 day, I'll have thoughts that will jump to the conclusion that I can no longer do well in the exam now. Similarly, if I make a mistake its hard for me to get over this. It's exhausting living within this paradigm because naturally, life don't always pan out the way you want. Any tips on dealing with this ?
  11. Yeap, it's a bit of perfectionism and fear of failure combined, logically what you say makes sense and i know this myself but seems very hard to actually fully embody, self acceptance is tough,
  12. Hey guys, When your making important decisions, how can you tell the difference between a decision made by your intuition and a decision made due to scarcity/ego. ?
  13. When should you change technique, and what are the reasons for this ?
  14. @puporing @Leo Gura Having completed a work placement over a year, I understand what you mean. The management were pretty inflexible and didn't let me learn more about the things I was more interested in. The problem is I'm not sure if starting my own business is the only way to overcome this, are all corporate firms essentially the same ? If so, then why do so many people aspire to work for big banks and businesses
  15. Hey guys, Don't know if this is just me, but generally during do nothing meditation, there is alot of monkey mind but mainly to do with random stuff like things that need to be done, what I need to do at work etc... The "real" monkey mind occurs during the day when I have judgments, negative thoughts, ideas about how life should be different etc.. I thought that these judgments, negative thoughts, emotions etc should occur during the do nothing sessions, when your meant to let the mind completely do what it wants? Instead they occur outside of meditation sessions. Any ideas why this is happening ?
  16. Hey guys, I was watching the "what's wrong with ego" video and i can see how ego backfires on me. Even though iv gained awareness of how the ego operates through meditation, surely I will still have the same problems in life because I can't see through the ego in the way a substance like 5meo dmt would allow me. I can only gain awareness which is nice, but this won't really stop the "spitting into the wind" as mentioned in the video. Any thoughts on how to deal with this without 5meo ?
  17. Hi everyone, If you were to get every single external things you ever wanted, e.g relationships, career, etc.. would you not be fulfilled ? I know if you are dependent on these things that they can come and go, but their must be people who surely keep these external things with them for the rest of their life and have their life match the way they imagined it to go. would you not say they are fulfilled ? why would people like this meditate if they already have their life in place ?
  18. @Leo Gura i believe It would actually be beneficial to me if I did manage to acquire "everything I want" - ie, success, relationships, career, everything. Then I could see theirs no fulfillment to be gained from all these things rather than taking it on as a belief.
  19. You can always use sites such as Linkedin for career info/ as a business asset.
  20. Hey everyone, This is something that's probably been affecting me since as long as I can remember. I always struggle to make decisions, as theres always loads of justifications going on in my head about why the opposite is true or what else I can do. As a result, it's quite easy for me to feel regretful because simple decisions like when to revise for an exam, when to relax and not work are difficult decisions. How do I get a hold on this and start taking more authentic decisions ?
  21. Hey guys, One thing I am concerned about in this work is simply acquiring beliefs and not gaining direct experiences. For example, it's a great idea that external things don't make you happy, but deep down, I don't trully believe this. It would be great to hear some practical results you have gained through the content of the videos, through meditation or other means etc. it's very hard to know if your progressing or just acquiring beliefs based on videos. I know results cannot be immediate, but to understand how you know your actually growing is Important in my opinion.
  22. @Shin Exactly, probably one of the biggest difficulties when doing this work is acquiring what you want, then realising it doesnt fulfill you. But to do that... you need to acquire first !
  23. @Shin thats a good point, but I still think I really need to "feel" that relationships can't fulfill me, like actually grasp this, rather than taking it on as a belief.
  24. @Christian dropping beliefs is quite a difficult task. I have been working on letting go of beliefs but I usually still want certain things and for my agenda to match reality. How do you let go of believe ?
  25. Hey guys, In the latest guided meditation video, the method of meditating was alot more calmer and about enjoying it. It was more about enjoying the silence meditation brings, whereas In the strong determination sitting, it's all about being still, not moving and allowing mind chatter. Has one technique produced different results than another ? Does the technique you use in meditation result in different outcomes ?