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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. I did. I lived from spontaneosely, not intelected, very clear political position for couple of years (equality, gay rights, anti orthodox, sensitivity to the weak, animal liberation etc) with arguing with people and all that before i knew about SD and this forum. But thats hasn't made me agree with the conservative/over-capitalist ideas at all. I was very strongly in the green pov and I think it just much more developed than the other views. Therefore i cannot see myself really agree and "integrate" the other opinions because it is not symmetric! Yes we have to balance this with other povs and life condition but its not symmetric at all. Maybe the political issue itself it very limited and perspectives are much more wide thing. But in the political-social domain its clear to me who is much more right and who is much more wrong. Quite clear.
  2. This week I bought the two System Thinking books Leo recommended + a third book of system thinking that had good comments in Amazone (76% gave five stars). I heard twice the colors videos of Leo and read about them from multiple of sites. The book "how to think like Da Vinci" changed your view and behaviour in life significantly?
  3. @remember Can you tell why my post brought you a relief? Nice to hear that I read all you wrote but it hard to me right now to understand what you meant and how you see the things.
  4. @remember I think that the Yellow activism is very paradoxical because if you do social yellow stuff, you actually supresses green activists from becoming yellow in the future because you are not letting them to actually examine their green ideas to the edge and therefore they won't be able to learn from that. If I'm yellow, I Iet green activists to do exactly what they want to do.
  5. Do you have example of what we can do better in political? Because a left-centrists party already exists and it already includs moderate left thinking but with security emphasizes etc.
  6. Start with micro dose of 0.1-0.2g mushroom and then rise no more than 0.1 every 1-4 weeks or more depend on your feeling and intuition. If you want to do it responsibly this is the way.
  7. Its interesting because in MY subjective feeling the all 3 topics are foundamently the same "thing" in their essense. It feels to me connected enough. Of course that from outside it will be seen differently, but again i cant choose one or two above the others. Actually SynOptic is a brand name that covers greatly both meteorology (Synoptic maps - the pressure systems) and personal development and consciousness.
  8. @Leo Gura @Shiva @Average Investor @Knock thanks all! I will go with Niv Sch
  9. @Nak Khid haha less ? i want something short but thanks! I want also one channel
  10. @CreamCat According to this logic pills are also the nature's products and they are as good as fruits and vegetables. It rediculous.
  11. @CreamCat Scientists who think arrogantly they are above nature and they can "improve" the nature products are the most dangerous ones. In that logic you used i can say that cruel leaders are also part of Infinite Intelligence but it missing the point. Because when you do low consciousness things you aren't in harmony with Infinite Intelligence. So every oil corporation is an angel and good for the nature but it of course isn't true. There are degrees of accessing the Infinite Intelligence. Our minds, as long as do things to serve only our narrow interests will always be inferior to II.
  12. I mean, I know why we think that about them, but it isn't the truth in my opinion. I think there is no reason animals are less developed in any sense than human. Maybe only in their planning ablility, but even this is a difficult question. Given that ants for examples are behave in a very rigid system of laws and common goals, and groups of birds etc. They can even develope to decent levels on the spiral. We just dont understand their language.
  13. Same question again. From what source do you know that?
  14. But the question again is - how can we know that this is the case? Maybe 50% chance that this is not the case. Human are also behave like a human from the cat's perspective.
  15. What do you think about the macro issue (meat industry)? Without judging your personal desicion that you said you need it physically.
  16. Because we feed 56 billions animals. Profite is first to humanity well being in our todays world. Or that is what you meant.
  17. Genetic engineering is corruption of the natural food we eat and make it less intelligent and healthy to our body, because we are interfering the intelligence of nature with our much lower intelligent egos. We did already a damage, lets no make it worse.
  18. @Leo Gura What foods you make for yourself?
  19. Actually in a very general and life like way without strictly introduce SD. He wrote: "but you assume that there is one "right" general direction within everyone is progressing". And I dont know what to answer to him. I wrote that progressing is like climbing a mountain that every 100 meters you rise you see more of reality regardless of intelligence and personal skills. And I wrote to him the progression is not linear. It didnt help because he repeated his claim.
  20. You say that red or blue person today, probably (say more than 50% chance) contains small amounts of green or even above? Say that Blue-Orange person without a little amount of higher stages IS the more rare thing?
  21. @Scholar He probably will think that the evolution is just random. next time I'll ask him this thanks
  22. Yes this is actually the best I can answer in this case. good enough for me. Why the evolution is going towards consciousness and love if it does not help to survival? Or it DOES help, to the well being of the giant mind. Even though the giant mind does not have to survive at all, but it wants to feel good (maybe) same as the human mind. Is today there more consciousness and love in Earth than before humanity or even before animals?