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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. @YeahIam Your feeling of "stuck" is right now the main thing you have to process and develop through. Feel it. Question it why is it here. Express the feeling in your body even if it feels "wrong" or negative, and it will transform you slowly and answers will come up graduately.
  2. No. I am not saying I have the answers.
  3. @hyruga I dont know fully what happened so I will say what I think in general. I assume its not black and white and part of the rules Leo insists of are justified. But above all that, if the truth create so much fear in people and/or fear of misusing it, that it has to be so regulated, maybe there is also a problem in how we see this "truth"? Maybe we are missing something? Maybe we should doubt again what we think the truth is, even if we think we absolutely know?
  4. Trying to figure out the root cause. Genetics is not enough to make a really hard disorder. Epi-genetics is much more important and it talks about how your environment and your actions turn on/off genes expressions. Even tough there are phisycal factors too (nutrition, heavy metals and much more) the term "illness" is still measliding and not apropriate in my opinion in mental issues difficult as they are.
  5. "You need to see professional help". Yes, this sentence alone will definitely make him do so ?‍♂️ Its like "hey see, you are fat! Eat healthy ok??" Sorry but just to say to someone "go to professional help" = pure NOTHINGNESS.
  6. Demonization of mental states is a bad idea. I am not saying you do that, and I understand your fear of drowning into his spiral, but there must be a way to help, without be immersed in the situation yourself. So yes, tell him he need professional help, this is necessary in this situation, but just to tell him that is not enough. The problem is complex and has many facets and causes, but a real support is to be there for him unconditionaly and make him learn also his own capabilities to help himself even if its a long process of weeks and months. If you are so scared of the situation maybe it means that there is here a challenge and a path of development for you too. If you care about him even in some way, dont run from him.
  7. @Javfly33 You won't be able to bypass the problem with any spiritual method no matter how conscious is. You must listen to yourself and your authentic feelings first and foremost. Go do what your feelings wants you to do. Your development will come along the way but it must integrate also your social fulfilling.
  8. There will always be something deeper. Nobody have ever got to the "final" stage because it does not exist. There are infinite levels of consciousness.
  9. I relate to that. This means in your opinion pro or against the idea of solipsism?
  10. Yes Leo helps a lot of course but I mean the ultimate truth can not be guided by a formula from outside.
  11. Yes Leo helps a lot of course but I mean the ultimate truth can not be guided by a formula from outside.
  12. @ethanb121 Paradoxically only if you will allow yourself to surrender to the fear and validate its perspective with love and a genuine place to be true in some way, your mind will return you a different picture that will show you also the good things and the genuine intentions behind, which personally I think are many (despite my personal hatred to solipsism). But you have to sacrifice something before it can happen.
  13. @Someone here Nobody can guide you through this but you.
  14. You are right this is part of the process. But 5meo dmt is still only one kind of a substance with only one unique way to influence neurotransmitors and rewire my brain. Dont you think this is problematic to rely only (or even mostly) on one kind of psychedelic, and take it as a guidance to absolute truth?
  15. @zurew I am not underestimating the realization which is very real and valuable. But still everyone will frame it differently which will still affect the realization significantly (we are all one / you are alone / you are together with everything / etc). The Ego will never stop saying his words. But you can always be more conscious and integrate all of these perspectives into a more whole perspective. I am not saying I am above those people, I am probably less conscious than Leo and many spiritual people with an integrity of hard work and contemplation. But every level can see things the higher levels doesnt see. For example Blue can see things green doesnt. I will read couple of times more what you wrote and will reply.
  16. @zurew Ok this makes sense that if we neutralizing the part of the brain/mind (is there really a so solid part of it? I doubt it) which is responsible to the sense of self, then we see the infinite of the processes within us. But even then, your emotions, your desire and your personality will definitely corrupt your experience into a solid picture of reality you want to be. its impossible to escape from that. Thats why even among the hard-core method and psychedelic users, you will still see different version of "absolute reality". Some will see infinitely together-ness with everyone, and some will see aloneness and solipsism. And of course everyone will think he is the more right one. Also, you can't trust only one kind of psychedelic above the other because then your picture will be distorted towards the unique wiring the psychedelic X does above the wiring other methods and psychedelics will do. And thank you for your indept explanation!
  17. @zurew How can you get an "infinite mind" or "infinite indentity"? And its ok stage yellow sounds good to me ? What approach would you use to deal with reality problem? What would you do practically speaking?
  18. I agree with you. Spiral dynamics for example shows us there is an hierarchy of perspectives. But a perspective of a trip is still a perspective and you can't put it above another psychedel's trip perspective or above sober state perspective. BUT a perspective which include the all three is a bit more elevated. Your mind is always finite at every state.
  19. Right, but everyone does the same from his state whatever will be. Agree. but again, this is true also to everyone who build his model from another state. logic and emotions. What EVERY state will make you do if you will rely only on it. Cannot be created without using emotions and logic. I am not. We have to take your perspective into account just like mine.
  20. You can build a model every time a new from any perspective and then merge it all. Yes it will be exponentially more and more complicated until infinity. Thats not a mistake. To reduce infinity into "Your sensation is the only that exist and your mother doesnt have her own too" is so hasty, simplified, religiously-like rigid, and biased from here to australia and back. The soup of emotions blended in these like statements shouts from the screen.
  21. No. What I am trying to say is that sober state is also very important and we can't just take a psychedelic and decide "This psychedelic reveals to us that X Y..." and make this more true than the sober state perspective. Psychedelic X shows us a perspective X. Psychedelic Y shows us a perspective Y. Sober state shows us a perspective Z. Meditation A shows us a perspective A. And so on. We can't just put one perspective above the others, because if we do that we make our biasies decide what is more important. I dont know to say its perfectly euqal or not perfectly equal but we must take into account the variety of perspectives. Let alone that a realization from one psychedelic will necessarily be distorted in SOME way by our desires when we build our truth model in our mind, after the raw experience, when during that phase, a retro logical mechanism is taking place and we can't just neutralize it. Let alone (2) that our pre-assumptions and contemplations we do during the trip/method are necessarily influence in some way what we will get. We can't run from it and just neglect it away.