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Posts posted by KP_Spirituality27

  1. 2 hours ago, Nak Khid said:

    Yes sometimes it takes years of work but it seems to comes to people in different ways.
     some other spiritual teachers, some very famous,  claim to have become enlightened spontaneously with no preparation and by surprise, Sadhguru  and Eckhart Tolle and Sadhguru for instance.
    Theirs was not sparked by psychedelics. However within the psychedelic enlightenment here you report only a few experiences
    but others have had years of experiences with psychedelics yet often do not report permanent awakening as do.
    So there seems to be a lot of variation. Certain types of trauma can also inspire these events


    here is my other thread maybe you can comment on it

    I love you

    ha. first

    Plot twist : he doesnt love you


  2. Trip report 30 min:

    most unpleasantly was to withstand for the first 10-15 minutes. at 30 min I finished - I felt a huge vibration in my hands, I couldn't move them for 3 minutes. I felt vibrations everywhere cleansing my physical and emotional body - amazing ... and blissful peace. all my life I've kept a huge bag of emotional  and physical tension. Now i finally felt free.

    as martial arts practitioner i can say the difference is huge, just amazing ... I have been meditating for 2 years and even though I was holding a huge emotional baggage that has now been partly released. It's much easier for me to talk to people, do anything or express myself. Next step: 40 min. This technique works wonderfully. Amazing. Just amazing. 

  3. 3 hours ago, acidgoofy said:

    I once did the 5 grams in dark silence and it was very intense but freaking amazing.. I didnt seek enlightenment when I did it I was just curious of what might happen and I heard terrance talk about it alot :D

    I did a few mistakes as moving my whole body a lot.. I always had my hand in my mouth lol but still the mushroom showed me wonderful things and let me have profound insides about a few things I always was curious.

    A few days after the Trip I gave up smoking Cigarettes (now for 2 years almost), and I didnt even have the Intent to stop smoking before the Trip it just happened..

    how much are you going to take?

    Thanks you for answer

    i think i will go for 3-4g dried. My biggest one was 5


    Hi :)

    I am already an experienced tripper.

    I had a 3-month break from mushrooms and now naturally I have a desire for another wonderful experience  to expand my consciousness and learn something.

    This time I want to start at night, separate any light from myself and stay through the whole trip in total darkness just meditating in Cosmos...

    For last 6 months im meditating atleast 2 hours daily...  in "state of seeking enlightenment" or rather "state of discovering why I am already enlightened"

    Have any of you had similar experiences? :D 


  5. Hey.

    I need to understand my sexuality and how exactly transmuting sexual energy into spiritual works.

    I meditate a lot during the day. At least  3 hours daily. I live very simply. I try to live in celibacy, but sometimes I can't stand the huge energy and i do masturbate (usually about once a month) Of course without porn. I'm learning tantric masturbation with breath and ejaculation control.

    How awareness "level" after sperm ejaculation decreases it is amazing. Personally, it is incomprehensible to me why sexual energy has such an impact on meditation. I literally don't want to meditate after ejaculating sperm. When sexual energy is in the Crown Chakra, I drown in Nirvana. I cannot achieve this state without this energy.

    I have a few questions for people really experienced in this topic. I hope you will understand me. It means a lot to me right now.

    Can sexual energy be always transmuted?

    The moment I learn to control ejaculation, during orgasm I can stop with my prostate from 50-75% of sperm. However, after such masturbation I feel a strong pressure of semen in my prostate all the time. Because of this, I have erotic thoughts and it makes me want to masturbate again. I don't want to lose my sexual vital fluid so much. Oooh so much .. Usually after ejaculation the next 3 days I do nothing and wait for my energy to regenerate. I just don't want to live without her. What to think about people who masturbate twice a day ??. Hell. Real hell.

    How can I educate myself and recognize all the energies in my body? 

    I would like to understand why sexual energy is so powerful when transmuting into spiritual. How exactly this happens. Why is this happening? I want to understand the whole process. Can anyone recommend me some books? Its so difficult to find something about it.




  6. 16 hours ago, hamedsf said:

    Proper Exercise, Healthy Diet, Mindfulness Practices ( warding off stress ) could be beneficial for the healthy sperms and the regeneration process.

    the second one is out of my knowledge but by far, I've seen that MANTAK CHIA has explained the touching testicles practice, and you could find his videos on Youtube. 

    Thanks :) have a nice day

  7. Hello. I have 2 questions,

    How amazing is the male sperm energy? How much power does it contain? I was convinced yesterday, once again ... How can I accelerate the regeneration of sperm? Are there any activities? Diet? Practice?

    2. Our hands are full of energy. I've been training martial arts for a year and a half. I feel incredible energy in my hands that burns. I know that applying  hands can accelerate the regeneration process. I once read that applying a hands full of energy to the testicles speeds up the process of sperm regeneration. Do you guys know something about it ?

  8. Hello. I have been sitting for 4 years in spiritual development. It all started with me at the age of 15 after watching the movie "the way of the peaceful warrior." The first two years were difficult and complicated, especially for such a young person.
    I've been meditating for last a year everyday. I think I understood completely non-duality. I'm sure everyone talks about the same, only in their own individual way. Recently I bought a growkit of magical mushrooms and expierenced my 3 trips. How they opened my mind  me is indescribable. In the last one I was sitting in "samadhi". I literally did not exist. I was the whole room. This is beyond logic and words. It was NOT COMPLETE NO ONE in my experience. Since then, my meditation is very deep. I feel like I'm all around and at the same time there was no one in it. And think that it was only 2.5g of mushrooms ... This Saturday I plan to take 5g and die forever. Completely drown in samadhi. Understand that no one ever existed here. Nobody was experiencing this. There was only an eternal empty conciousness. Wish me luck. Hehe :D

  9. 30 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    I went through a similar process when I first introduced psychedelics - they opened up so many new doors. I tripped  once a week for about two months and found it wasn’t sustainable. A full tolerance reset is about 12 days, the “magic”, started to fade and I got behind on integration. So I changed the regime to one regular trip per month and 2-3 mini-trips per month. That felt much more sustainable and the mini-trips helped integrate the deeper trips. Over time, my baseline conscious level increased and my mind-body only needed a small mini-dose dose for a boost. 

    it's great to hear that. what dose do you mean by writing a mini dose? Did you finally reach the level where psychedelics ceased to be needed because your natural consciousness has already grown to such an extent that psychedelics did not change anything?

  10. Hey.
    I have recently grown magic mushrooms and expierenced my first 3 trips - how much they taught me, healed me and opened my mind that is beyond all boundaries. Within 2 months, I went through 3 trips ( 2g, 3,5g, 2g) and I wonder if I should not make a trip every week until I get my self-realization? My meditation is going really deep ... very deep ... I have the feeling that my consciousness will soon become unidentified with the body ...

    every time I learn so much, I discover new things, I get rid of conditions and they have no side effects, so why not do it every 7 days?

    I feel wonderful after them. I do not want to come back to them again. It is really indifferent to me, I do not have a "desire" like for example nicotine. It's just that my awareness with each trip is increasing dramatically ...and self-realization, spiritual development is the only one purpose of using them

    what you think about that?
    as I watched Leo once, he told me that every week is the maximum frequency. It's better not to cross it

  11. I made today my third psilocybin trip (quite light) I forgot that i exists at all. nothing matters to me. I just want to disappear wtf

    I usually spent a lot of time on the internet, but I do not want to and I do not have anything to do

    when i look at my hands i SEE  DIVINITY, GOD something not to communicate