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Everything posted by fridjonk

  1. WOW this is amazing! thanks for sharing this. These are some golden words.
  2. Natural urges are not bad.
  3. @LfcCharlie4 I think all this stressing over this might lead to equally as many years being cut from your life as the technology. The only way you'll escape this is to go live in the woods, or on a farm. The biggest difference I notice living on a farm is the clean air. Nothing like it. Acceptance of being born in a tech age would likely be wise too, instead of fighting the direction the whole world is taking.
  4. @Leo Gura Are you aware that you're talking to yourself when you answer people on the forum or have you only experienced that at peak states?
  5. LMAOOO!! Almost dropped dead from laughing. ??? Does sound funny when you say it out loud.
  6. LMAO, thanks for making me laugh guys, top entertainment right here. All LOVE baby!
  7. Also, it's very likely that 2g is more dangerous than 5g, as they are more similar to microwaves.
  8. @LfcCharlie4 Aren't you taking part in the problem of 5g, by the very fact that you own a cellphone, computer, or pay for internet. You're 1 data in their collection which they get to use as proof that this is something people want.
  9. @RendHeaven You're absolutely correct.
  10. Sure. But, green also has this ego of having to be correct. It's their way, not those disgusting orange people's way or those dirty Trump supporters way. In a sense, they are very similar to orange but more loving and caring. I'm not so sure if yellow realizes relativism fully, I suppose not because they still fear death. So all their decisions would ultimately spin around fear of death as any other stage, so they would probably choose false truth over death. But they do realize moral truths. Turquoise I suppose would be the one that realizes relativism fully. They realize death is imaginary, only if they are fully turquoise or above. This stage realizes the absolute and knows reality is relativity in action.
  11. Of course they do. Whatever you cannot perceive, you imagine that it doesn't exist. Until you perceive it, you imagine it existing.
  12. Nonono, they are just as "wrong" and "deluded" as other tier-1 colors. Stage green will say it's "correct" to get vaccines. Or they will say it's "wrong" if they are extreme green with loads of orange shadows.
  13. As I said in some other thread, you seem to know what you're doing.
  14. @arlin Be careful of not being TOO skeptical tho, there is such a thing and you'll never arrive at truth with such a mindset. Just take these words with you into the neutral zone, and verify them with direct experience.
  15. You're absolutely correct about reality being indescribable. But Love, god, and consciousness are the closest words to describe it, once you'll awaken you will realize these are the words that come the closest. The absolute truth is absolute, once you get it you get it. There is no doubt, you know. You know there never was a "you" to begin with. It was all imaginary.
  16. That's what I said, I said love is not a duality. It's also duality, it shapes duality with consciousness. No, they are just more logical, not less ego, more ego. They are too left-brained. If they were fully awake, they'd probably use words such as love, and consciousness more. Not only preach "this" and "nothing".
  17. @arlin Yubb if that is the case, then "I" would probably say "they" are not fully awake according to "me". Since he avoided the question in the video, It would seem so. Love is not duality.
  18. @Victor Mgazi For nothing to be able to exist, there has to be something. Nothing is only something when compared to something. Like yin and yang. I'm sure @Nahm would put it better, he's an artist with words as you've probably noticed.
  19. @VeganAwake Well and I could say they just have a stoic zen mindset and ignore their feelings. But I'm not going to pretend I know if they are awake or not, there are probably many ways to be awake to some degree. But in the end, reality is infinite love and infinite consciousness, these terms are not woo woo mumbo jumbo, these are words for what reality is. God speaks to us through feelings, not rationalization.
  20. @arlin Yubb, not-knowing is the best way to knowing.
  21. @arlin Yeah it's best to not judge others, he may just have his way of communicating things. But full awakening will most likely result with words like god, love, infinite consciousness, being used, and not just "this" even though it is "this". I guess I'm judging him after all.