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Posts posted by hyruga


    4 hours ago, Nilsi said:

    Let's use a concrete example to make this more tangible. Imagine you are seeing a girl and you really like her. You are happy, perhaps even in love, and your life is going well in other areas as well. Now one day, she comes to you and tells you she is running off to the other side of the world to pursue spirituality and suggests you should join her, assuring that money and other practical matters will be taken care of. You like her a lot, and the idea is somewhat appealing, but you also have goals and plans that require you to maintain your current living situation. THIS IS CONFLICT.

    Now, what do you do? Do you double down on your current life trajectory, or on her; or perhaps do you seek some kind of compromise where you can have "the best of both worlds"?

    This is perhaps a bit of a dramatic example, but such conflicts arise all the time. It was on this basis that I was constructing my argument.

    There will always be conflict unless you can make a decision and transcend yourself to another level. 

    For example, you may have a goal to earn let's say 10 million. However, a girl you like came along said she wants to travel widely or do spirituality. Or you have another goal which is to build more schools and help more people etc. Then you have to decide whether you want to do your first goal or second goal or to continue things with her or continue your own path. 

    Suppose you have already 4 million to date, you may made the decision that this is enough. You can enjoy the world with her.  But even after making the decision, you may find yourself having inner conflicts again so you have to ask yourself again and again. Is it about caring less for self and caring more for her or others?

    There's no right or wrong. It's your personal choice in the end.

  2. Everyone wants to be identified with something. They need a sense of belonging and a place where they can have control and where they can exercise some leadership. So it's not surprising religious leaders becoming more and more religious.

    However, one point of self actualization is to break away from identities and rise to a higher level of consciousness.

  3. The fatality rate of 52% is extremely high. This also does not mean that the remaining people who survived may be doing well. Most of them may still have other nagging injuries like headache, extreme pain, being bedridden or they may die from other illness like heart attack but it's not recorded.

    I have an ex colleague who got covid, seemingly recovered but was in extreme pain that he went to commit suicide few months later by jumping off a building.

    And given that bird flu has spread widely before, the potential of spreading is still pretty damn high. I would stock up on masks at the very least.