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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. @Sultan Al Hind its more like the realization that these so-called steps/stages/states/levels are just spiritual concepts superimposed upon reality due to conditioning. There's obviously no real stages to what already is! Samadhi is a disentangling from the socially conditioned matrix of mind known as "ME" ♥
  2. Apparent moments in time are part of the illusion..... but it's actually a survival strategy of the body/mind organism to break things up into periods of time so it can learn, improve and ultimately survive longer to continue passing along its genes. ♥
  3. Similarly to how Jesus was told he was born the king of angels or conceived within mother's body by a higher power..... that belief will create an experience like no other but that still doesn't make it true! ♥
  4. Personalized perceptions, concepts or belief systems about who,what,when,where or why reality is the way it is, does not make it so.... granted it's a belief (illusory experience) occurring within apparent reality.... but it's nothing more than just that "a belief" (illusory experience) That spiritual ego energy claiming to be God, is an illusion of self. But don't take my word for it, look at it and see! ♥
  5. "There's only what seems to be happening" - Jim Newman ♥
  6. It's just not a particular something to get or achieve. It's a clear recognition usually followed by an energetic shift away from upholding the meta_male identity. But it's not replaced by another identity like the higher self or whatever. It's the end of identification that was never real from the start but seemed to be. The end of the illusion of self! ♥
  7. To know everything would yes be a radical experience but it would probably quickly get boring also. It really just seems like an interesting fantasy. deep down everyone probably knows that they actually don't know anything but they don't want to admit it & feel that vulnerability or ungroundedness! ♥
  8. I would try to unplug for an hour a day out in nature away from technology & the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Get to know the local wild birds and squirls...or whatever! Nature is free medicine/meditation ♥
  9. @Someone here hey bro! ? Maybe also check out from 06:16 about unknowing..... these two videos are hilarious! ♥
  10. @StarStruck Hi there, The ego is the entire sense of self construct, the important ME character. There isn't a you and then another thing called your ego, they are the same illusion of self just in different clothing(wolf/sheep). In other words, that which attempts to transcend the ego, is the ego itself. The ego is the entire experience of "I am real and something is lacking or incomplete and I need to figure out what that is and fix it. There is nothing right or wrong with the physical body earning fame/success......the ego/self is that which claims it as "MY success". If you look close enough at this claimer of success(me) which is never satisfied, it's unreality can be recognized. ♥
  11. Bahaha I like that....yep just a belief also.....weird huh ?
  12. @Wisebaxter The very idea that there are healthy ego's (good) & unhealthy ego's (bad) stems from the ego itself! But if there are habitual patterns that you claim to be unhealthy, then start different patterns/habits or ways of handling things. And what's the best way to do that? Practice!! ♥
  13. Yep totally, the me character lives in a world of purpose and meaning....thats all it can do! ♥
  14. There are no real answers for life. Nothing is certain except that nothing is certain. Two people can have the exact same job for 45 years & yet seem to have polar opposite experiences due to their biological and cultural conditioning. My father took care of our family financially but damaged us emotionally..... it wasn't right or wrong.... these are just stories of what seemed to happen to a someone. Stories that never mattered but are clung onto by the dream character in an attempt to make sense and ground oneself in apparent reality. Sometimes it takes the belief that "the grass is always greener on the other side" to recognize it was always perfectly green, and the separate/better sides was an illusion! “Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” – Lao Tzu “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” – William Shakespeare, “Hamlet” One of the greatest sources of unhappiness, in my experience, is the difficulty we have in accepting things as they are. Without judgment, without wishing for otherwise. When we see something we don’t like, we wish it could be different — we cry out for something better. That may be human nature, or perhaps it’s something that’s ingrained in our culture. The root of the unhappiness isn’t necessarily that we want things to be different, however: it’s that we decided we didn’t like it in the first place. We’ve judged it as bad, rather than saying, “It’s not bad or good, it just is.” An example: In my recent post, A Beautiful Method to Find Peace of Mind, quite a few commenters thought my outlook was negative, pessimistic, or fatalistic … because I said you should expect people to mess up, expect things to go differently than you planned, and that you should embrace that. It’s too negative to expect things to go wrong, they said. However: it’s only negative if you see it as negative. If you judge it as bad. Instead, you could accept it as the way the world works — as the way things actually are. And try to understand why that is, and embrace it. As it is. This can be applied to whatever you do: whether it be how other people act at work, how politics works and how depressing the news media can be. Accept these things as they are, and try to understand why they’re that way. It’ll save you a lot of grief, because you’ll no longer say, “Oh, I wish things didn’t suck!” Does it mean you can never change things? Not at all. But change things not because you can’t accept things as they are, but because you enjoy the process of change, of learning and growing. Can we make this world a better place? Again, that’s assuming that it’s a bad place right now. But instead, you could say the world is just what it is — and that’s neither good nor bad. You can say that you’ll continue to try to do things to help others, to grow as a person, to make a difference in this world — not because you’re such a bad person now, or the world sucks, but because that’s the path you choose to take, because you enjoy that path. As you catch yourself judging, and wishing for different — and we all do it — try a different approach: accept, and understand. It might lead to some interesting results.
  15. I have a friend that believes all that same stuff, especially about the Jews LOL. Notice nothing matters also means there's not a problem with cleaning up and enjoying life with companions also. Usually when there's behavior like this there's underlying issues, anxiety, need to escape reality, trust issues, addiction, past trauma ect. "Nothing matters" is pointing out that there's no real meaning, purpose or value. There's not an end goal which needs to be obtained in apparent life. The freedom to do or not do! ♥
  16. @Vibroverse I understand what you mean! The first half of the post was mine and the second half I found on a little zen website about good & bad...... it just really resonated so I decided to share it! ♥
  17. Its often referred to as spiritual ego or super ego, but yeah it's just spiritual materialism for the spiritual ego/sense of self.... it goes without saying that this kind of guru/god complex stuff happens all over the world and in all sects of spiritual/religious circles. Nothing right or wrong with any of it! Spiritual materialism ends up just being another attempt to try to aquire that which feels lacking or incomplete......BUT there isn't anything missing except the realization that nothing is missing! "There is only everything, so how could anything possibly be missing from everything!" The so-called transcendence doesn't occur for an individual(no one becomes enlightened), it's the clear revelation that there never was a real separate individual from the start. ♥
  18. Hi, Nobody ascends past anything or breaks free, that's the big misunderstanding! What can seem to happen is it's just recognized that the very character(me) attempting to ascend or break free, isn't actually real. This entire sense of self structure can seemingly feel like it's collapsing or realized to have never existed in the first place.....thats why its often referred to as an "illusion of self" or ego dissolution. ♥
  19. @Pharion What your describing is often referred to as ego backlash....yes totally normal! Just like a dog with bad habits you have to retrain. But remember it's not denying how you truly feel. It's about recognizing those inner resistance patterns that no longer serve you.... kind of like becoming your own psychologist. Start with something that causes a little bit of resistance and watch those conditioned reactions arise. Then start implementing in the more desirable reactions...... at first they will feel totally out of place...... which is also completely normal. Turn the whole thing into a game and make it fun! Everybody's conditioning is different so there's not really a one-way fits all method to this kind of thing. ♥
  20. I personally don't feel like all the different theories or beliefs are all that different. It's usually always about HOPE......trying to figure out a way to escape death. Seems that people have a very hard time accepting that their lives are just as important & expendable as the ant they just stepped on! It's kind of funny in a way because everyone that works their ass off creating the best life possible for them & their family and making lots of money, end up dying exactly like everyone else....and so does their benefiting family members and Friends! ♥
  21. Meditation and psychedelic drugs can also disrupt the habitual patterns of perceiving and over thinking...... essentially it can be noticed how much the mind is like a conditioned runaway hamster wheel, constantly judging, putting things in boxes and attempting to predict outcomes! It's actually funny when this starts becoming obvious. I would say that if it's recognized that meditation and psychedelic drugs have nothing to do with a real someone becoming liberated, then it didn't hurt anything! ♥
  22. there's nowhere to be guided to, this is already everything! ♥
  23. Yes, it seems like there is a real separate 'you' but that's the illusion/maya. ? What's happening is the body mind organism is just reverting back to its habitual patterns of conditioned behavior/thinking/identification, because that's what it's used to doing of course.... so naturally it feels like falling back off the spiritual wagon sort of speak! There isn't a real 'you' on the so-called spiritual path getting closer to enlightenment....thats the illusion of 'self' often referred to as the dream story. Enlightenment isn't about becoming a better or more spiritual version of yourself! It's the clear recognition that there simply never was a self in which could become or unbecome in the first place. It's the end of seeking due to the recognition that this desperate & endlessly needy seeker(me) was never real from the start! ♥