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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. This was a good read...❤ Words can be interpreted differently infinitely... there are never constant and change as the mind is conditioned and or unconditioned. A great example is a word like consciousness: A nurse might use it referring to a person that just woke up from a coma and who doesn't even remember his name yet but is in some way coherent. Another may describe it as a no mind state where everything is viewed with childlike eyes and curiosity( unknowing and unconditional) Another may describe it as the infinite and all-knowing mind of God or God particle. THIS is the everything and nothing the empty and full the real and unreal.. Row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream... life is but a dream.
  2. Sounds like the solids in your glass have already been loosened up a bit... this is helpful so you're already off to a good start. See it's not required that the mind stops thinking... rather its the recognition that what the conditioned mind thinks is not necessarily true. A great way to look at it is: The conditioned mind lays down its perceived reality over the top of reality and then operates from this place... if I get this big job promotion I am happy if I don't I am upset. Everyone that meditates and eats white rice is my friend and everyone who doesn't is not. The ego mind is dualistic in nature... it's literally the coming into being with separation. There's a separate individual here with its own agenda, and separate individuals out there, with their own agendas. When it's recognized that the separate sense of self is nothing more than a psychosomatic misunderstanding or full-scale identification with thoughts ideas beliefs perceptions labels and energy as the 'ME' character located in the body... it can be shocking and ordinary simultaneously. I really usually avoid giving advice for more mind stuff but if you get a chance to take a look at Peter Ralston's (The book of not knowing) Enlightenment is the shattering of the ego construct and its paradigm which keeps you tired to social conditioning and locked in The Matrix of the Mind. Good luck my friend have a good day!! ❤
  3. @WaveInTheOcean and that's fine it's what's being experienced there, its whole complete and perfect ❤ The idea of God is just a thought projection from the mind to instill Hope for the illusory individual. You see the ego mind simply cannot imagine it's own unreality it never can and never would. Have a good day my friend take care!!
  4. @WaveInTheOcean hello my friend... not trying to criticize demean or hurt you...❤ This sounds like full-scale identification with the thinking mind and it's infinite imagination... Although these drugs can alter the way the mind thinks and perceives( which can be a great thing) they can also alter infinite imagination... The tricky part about these altering experiences is they can be had endlessly and truly feel like one is having incredible breakthroughs/mystical insight every single time. Now this isn't to say that these experiences cannot have their benefits...because they can. Awakening, Enlightenment, Liberation are just words pointing to something that is beyond that which words can describe. They're definitions can also be perceived differently by each individual conditioned mind. True Enlightenment could almost be described as the opposite of what we've been discussing here... Enlightenment is the complete and utter disidentification with the mind and its conditioned habitual patterns of thinking... it's a dropping of all preconceived concepts and beliefs which limit the ability to see things unconditionally for what they truly are. It's seeing the world with childlike eyes again before the conditioned ways of society alter your pure perception that you are born with. It's more of an unlearning or an unknowing process to then become aware of the empty fullness of everything. It's to die before you die!! It's literally the opposite of what the thinking mind wants to do and that's why it can be described as difficult to recognize. So in other words it's not another Insight concept or belief to be had in the future rather it's a dropping or disidentification of all Concepts beliefs and insights held within the conditioned thinking mind which are typically identified with as the 'ME' character within the body. When this occurs there is only a few Choice words used to describe the revelation and that is: ordinary and extraordinary simultaneously... It's truly the end of suffering but for No One!! ❤ The best part is it's not something that needs to be found its what is already the case so it just needs to be recognized ?
  5. “Every communication is either an extension of love or a call for love.” "The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite" -- A Course in Miracles (ACIM)
  6. The mind wants light without the darkness, pleasure without the pain, love without the hate, happiness without the sadness. When you resist life it creates suffering. THIS is all there is and ever will be!! It's what's longed for!! It's already here!! STOP and let it in!! ❤ ❤ ❤
  7. This enquiry requires an emptying of the glass... The glass that's presented is already full of concepts beliefs ideas and labels... ❤ what's longed for is beyond the mind constraints.
  8. This is a pretty funny interview part 2.. It's rare and kind of hard to find thought it was share-worthy
  9. @traveler love you bro ❤ hopefully you enjoyed the food... found THIS
  10. Hehe couldn't think of anything else to ask ❤... I drink like three a day I can barely drink normal water anymore unless I'm super thirsty ? Maltesers... going to have to Google that... It wouldn't happen to be a restaurant that serves you malts and then teases you for ordering a malt is it?
  11. Are you as addicted to sparkling water as I am? I Can't Get Enough... the carbonation zero sweetener zero calories and Zero caffeine and zero sodium.... This black cherry flavor is da bomb ?
  12. Yep... it's already the case... it's what happens... Perfect whole complete incomprehensible Indescribable this It's Unknowing ❤
  13. Not casting judgement or saying anything is right or wrong here but notice... The concept of how something as to automatically be there when the ego illusion Falls away such as God true self higher self... Could this just be another concept or thought created by the same dream... The ego construct is very cunning and it does not want to be recognized for what it truly is unreal... The Ego Mind cannot conceive of its own unreality... It will create whatever identity it needs to to keep it self intact... This is sometimes referred to as the spiritual ego which can sneak in the back door and claim itself as the new profound spiritual higher self or true self... This time it's extra sneaky because it senses it's own demise.. ❤
  14. The conditioned body/mind makes the decision and then the separate sense of self takes ownership of it and believes it made the choice. Have you ever driven somewhere and then felt like you didn't even realize you had gone.... that's because the body can drive a car it doesn't need a sense of self... It will also turn its head if its name is called and jump out of the way of a moving train... shoot it will even prefer coffee over tea or dark chocolate over white sometimes... It's just apparently happens but there isn't a real 'I' inside the body controlling everything.
  15. Well that's the experience there and that's perfect whole and complete... Duality isn't real so there's nothing to worry about ❤
  16. @egoeimai when there isn't any attention paid to the thoughts that say otherwise it's rather easy...❤
  17. Yes...That luminess emptiness prior to thought is the nothing....and then the thought arises there 'I am'
  18. Conditioned thoughts can still arise but there is no one who could take ownership of them... This is liberation ❤
  19. First and foremost the cornerstone of non-duality is the recognition of No Self. When this is recognized, there can be a drastic shift in perception and a so-called seeing through or shattering of the ego construct or self agenda paradigm that believed it was a separate individual located within the body. When this occurs it's simultaneously recognized there never was a separate individual that could ever have something called a Non Dual Awakening or experience. That entire belief or way of perceiving dissolves( hence why it's called an illusion and a very persistent one at that... it's the closest word that can describe this illusory separate self experience; aka duality) Duality is then recognized for what it is, a misunderstanding or a misidentification with thought and energy as the 'ME' character located in the body. It can then seem silly or futile to say that Duality collapses or is transcended because it's recognized to have never been real in the first place. Something that was never real doesn't collapse or get transcended... it's simply recognized for what it truly is, unreal. " The separation never occurred" -- A Course in Miracles (ACIM) To say something collapses or gets transcended is subtly saying that it was real to begin with... which then brings you back into the dream that Duality is actually a thing. Now this does not mean that there aren't apparent separate bodies walking around with apparent space or distance located between them.... what is being pointed to is, there isn't anyone inside the body... there isn't a separate individual 'ME' character located within the bodies. Be aware that some of these so-called non-dual teachers that preach that your true self or higher self is ultimately Consciousness are still functioning within the dream They cannot go beyond the confines or understanding of their own mind and recognize that the self is simply and completely unreal, so they just adopt another concept and believe they then must be higher consciousness or God or something like that... this is how tricky true non-duality can be ....even the apparent best of all time we're still caught within the dream that there is someone or something here that is conscious of everything out there(it's still subtle duality) There isn't anything wrong with it because it's WHAT's THIS!! It's absolutely radical unbelievable incomprehensible and perfect for No One!! ❤ ❤ ❤