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Everything posted by KyleR

  1. Let’s have it?get there about 6.45/7 then yea? I’m dreaming of the day Charlotte! Heard some mad stories come out of that jungle. Would you do it?
  2. Chat to you about it properly tomorrow yea best way imo, I’m still way down the ladder, be hitting 5meo dmt eventually tho?
  3. @Wisebaxter Sounds mega mate gonna get on it for sure! Resonates with me what you’re saying but in different context so have high hopes for this??sick to hear you’ve hit new levels and are fully back on track, can’t imagine how fucked I’d be after 20 years of it! How do you think you can prevent yourself from relapsing again? Do you just go totally unconscious or is it triggered by certain events? I’m fortunate enough to experience very little cravings, during the 8 months I was so convinced it was doing me good until a series of events helped me realise what’s actually happening and I’ve packed it in for the most part, once a fortnight for some introspection work which seems to be going well for now, might just remove it completely at some point tho. Great to hear how powerful modafinil is for consciousness work aswell, I initially wanted it coz I struggle with long focus, excited to try it. Keep crushing it mate sounds like you’ve defo found your path now??
  4. Was about to post a thread highlighting similar issues with regards to over active mind, anxiety etc. Also recently watched Leo’s video about ego backlash and it’s fuckin walloped me to the point of what I labelled torture recently?have thought about modafinil in the past but was advised against it, you’ve definitely changed my mind again. My issue occurs big time socially, how do you think it’d be for that? Either way I’m sure it’ll have huge benefits for my focus in other areas?? What benefits, if any do you get from weed these days after it becoming habitual compared to early on? Do you have it daily? I went like 8 months having it every day rebelling against the notion that it’s bad for you, how can this wonderful plant be so? Lol whilst reeping it’s benefits but then that shit soon took its toll. Don’t wanna get into an 8 month span with modafinil but I guess I’ve learnt my lesson by now ha everything in moderation right!
  5. You need a sitter??I just know that Terence McKenna said 5grams will sit you with the aliens so be careful??
  6. Will do intrigued to hear more about that tattoo! Looks mint. Your trip location an overnight stay thing? Never tripped outdoors can imagine it’ll be magical, although I’d hate to go under?might get on it over the summer. What dose you planning to have? Don’t really know what’s what with shrooms tho in that regard
  7. London was interesting, the acid more so, brighter trip than the last one tho! Gotta get that psilocybin in ya Charlotte?
  8. Sounded like a deeep experience tho! I’m tripping now in London. Mad how these things work. Looking forward to the next session. Looks mega over there! Stay safe listening to the power of now whilst tripping is some mind blowing deep feeling shit?
  9. Wishing you a safe journey Charlotte! Sounds like you was in some psychedelic jungle the other night. Wasn’t aware you could go so deep from breathing!
  10. Man feel for you, easier said than done, I obviously don’t know your circumstances but we’ve all been through and are dealing with our own shit. First I recommend reading something because it’s enjoyable for YOU. No pressure to learn anything coz you might feel like you have to. Get yourself lost in some fictional book, or something that’ll trigger better thoughts. Also using phrases and words like ‘I hate myself’ will just keep you in that negative cycle, do you use affirmations? They’re so powerful but will take time and may feel like nothings happening at first, but seems you could do with some rewiring and eliminate some shit that’s clouding your mind. Your circumstances are the result of your actions and your actions are triggered by your thoughts, change your thoughts and your life will get better. It also helps to exercise consistently, eat well, meditate, time in nature, start new hobbies or do more of existing ones, surround yourself with positive influences etc. Whatever you’re going through now won’t last unless you let it, you have the power to choose how you want to live at any moment but it takes practice and persistence.
  11. Definitely helping already the last few days, from other comments aswell? any recommendations for thought practices? I try observe as much as I can but feel it's not enough, disidentifying from my mind is tough in alot of cases, mainly in uncomfortable surroundings. Cheers Charlotte I kinda disagree but really not sure. Routine is important to keep on track with goals etc n while it's all external and I suppose ultimately doesn't matter, it's still fun to strive for things in life imo we're blessed to have human privileges which comes with all sorts of mad experiences before our body ceases. Routine doesn't have to be as boring as it sounds and without it wouldn't we be just aimlessly wandering off in all different directions? But not sure coz from what I'm beginning to understand about Tao makes me believe everything will flow through us effortlessly if we assert ourselves and align correctly and if we've assigned ourselves concrete tasks we may miss greater opportunities with less spontaneity, which I think is what makes life more enjoyable than just expecting and wanting anyway? Cheers, will try it
  12. Mainly for being, also interested to hear about other people’s way of living. How often have do you have ‘aha’ moments in general life? How do you induce them? I remember when I first became aware of stillness have only gone a bit further 2 years on. My understanding is greater, probably around three of four light bulb instances through books I’ve read or deeper sensation. One of my old coaches/mentors said something like ‘if you don’t experience aha moments at least once a month or even weeks, then there’s something you’re doing wrong’ makes me question my life regularly and know there’s still so much more I can do in every department. I guess my moments are scattered but thinning for sure. I love riding the waves and moving through different states. Reality is our mind. Being is. How do you remain in that? I can’t seem to stay there long enough. It causes all sorts of fuckery? I’m a student in training, striving for more but wanting to be. How do you find the balance and make a stolid surge on through? How do you do move back to centre when you’ve gone off track and be alert enough to keep consistent watch of it? Always problems my mind loves to ravage but beyond the problem is the solution. Just can’t grasp it fully though. Cheers
  13. Cheers, seen that so many times but really resonated with me this time, will practice this daily for sure. Started today so well realising what you said but got pulled away by the nights end, struggling to move to and from. Thanks defo too much wanting going on. Reminding myself of what is helps bring me back. What do you do during difficult moments to bring yourself back? High pressure situations for example. I constantly affirm the importance of feeling and breathing and watching but before I know it my minds left wondering what went wrong again?I should stop wandering ha yess I am the fuckin journey! When I say shit like this tho my ego seems to love it and I’m lost again? ?thanks for the links! Started with the meditations?? With being I suppose it’s not suited to link the two? It’s just my mind again getting excited when I feel something deeper, followed by commentary which then loses what I’ve been looking for. Let it be ffs?losing all boundaries of the mind sounds like the place to be tho ha do you think routine is unnecessary then?
  14. Smash it Charlotte!?surely there are no beaches like that in Rochvegas?
  15. Depends on your life goals surely. I still have problems relinquishing junk food cravings but hate how I feel afterwards which sometimes spirals out of control for days of low energy and procrastination. I value productivity and creativity much higher than a momentary sense of pleasure, much more gratifying aswell but both suffer tremendously after I eat shit. It’s a lot harder to be present when my energy is fucked aswell. Eating healthy yields a better standard of living and longevity is an appealing consequence, but if you feel there’s no need to raise your standards enjoy the shit out of it and suffer later
  16. is pretty expensive but is sick. In depth modules on every area, walking you through step by step with a store he builds live. A product engine which filters the best sellers/high ratings on Ali express, landing page and funnel builders, email integration, ad ideas, a good community etc the software also connects directly to your store making it smoother to upload products and has like an upgraded fb pixel, ideal for retargeting and creating lookalike audiences. I’ve yet to put it into full practice but everything is there to succeed with hard work. Pretty sure he guarantees to make a sale for you aswell if you haven’t done so after 30 or 60 days. Theres another called ‘internet money university’ which I got for really cheap like $100 or so but price has shot up now I’m guessing due to high demand because of its quality. This has pretty much everything aswell, including modules on Instagram marketing, fb ads and email etc plus again step by step guide along with niche ideas, product research tools etc Have you attempted anything yet? Be nice to chat more if you’re interested! Not put too much practice in myself yet but eager to get fully involved
  17. I’m relatively new to spiritual awakening aswell and wonder about similar questions, also initially raised to me by Alan Watts, what a guy! I thought I experienced the process of death and rebirth this weekend under the influence of lsd. I accepted my ‘fate’ but could still feel, this feeling is what brings life to my ego? I can still feel so why am I here? My mind concluded that to be here, to be real is to feel, my little point of awareness is all I’ve known as I’ve shifted through the paradigms of life but everything that made me me crumbled into infinity and I lay rested from a heightened point, watching a highlight reel of everything that made up my egoic existence, realising its insignificance while the gods prepare me for another life, flushing away all my bad. Nothing but everything is of importance anymore, but the feeling of my heart remained, once that pops what will be next? I will be here but from a different point of awareness, but who will be aware of that? Can awareness be aware of itself without intelligence to validate it? It felt like a game and we are the characters of life, everything that is important to me felt like a momentary whiff, a dream, and once I’m (the ego) shut off the game will continue forever without a trace of my little corner, yet it all seemed to make sense in my head. New hopes and dreams ready to be born again into the brain and heart of another little body, over and over again and if lucky, wondering how and why its here. My inexperience will shine through this post but my trip relates to your post and to try and answer your question, my guess is that awareness is oneness is everything experiencing itself through a fragmented universe of individual life forms??? Plus so much more I’ve no idea?but I do embrace learning from higher perspectives during this peculiar journey???
  18. What's your current experience with internet marketing? Where/how did you get started? It really calls me, but very little experience atm and a struggle to find a good/suitable starting place, maybe it's my own fears and should just pull the trigger on something. I believe business via passion makes most sense long-term but feel there are lots of potential avenues to practice and build knowledge and skill initially. Affiliate/email marketing and ecommerce seem like great places to start, do you have experience here? Would love to know more about your journey so far