Sucuk Ekmek

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Posts posted by Sucuk Ekmek

  1. 5 minutes ago, Devin said:

    You don't understand what it means.


    5 minutes ago, Devin said:

    The U.SM will defend Taiwan from China

    Military–industrial complex will only defend it's own iterest.

    7 minutes ago, Devin said:

    but it is U.S. policy to be neutral in terms of Taiwan choosing independence from China or not

    Sure, but U.S. didn't ask Germany whether they want to work with Russians or not, somehow nord stream blew up and that was it.


    12 minutes ago, Devin said:

    many people in Taiwan want to remain part of China.

    This is understandable.

  2. 19 hours ago, Scholar said:

    The problem I have is that, it might actually be the case that evolution wants to extinguish mankind, that it is a necessary sacrifice to be made.

    Let's get real for evolution, we are already dead, it doesn't make any difference for evolution if we delayed it for one or two billion years. He got us.


    19 hours ago, Scholar said:

    If you take this possibility more seriously, and move beyond your anthropocentric arrogance, you might realize that this is an actual possibility. We might not be the chosen species, to continue onward the project of consciousness.

    My project of consciousness is not limited to my anthropomorphic body, fuck the species. Let us extinguish mankind together!

  3. 1 hour ago, Devin said:

    You don't understand how 'relative' or logic works.

    Society has never collapsed, we're still continuing Algebra, Geometry, Science, and Arabic Numerals from four-thousand years ago.

    Okay I am out of logic.

    We're still continuing technical continuum. We even made an atom bomb on the way and threw it on bunch of civilians. If  scientists had ''logic'' they would not create that thing. It was just so out of their control. If you are doing things like these there might be something wrong about your or my society at it's core.

  4. 20 hours ago, Devin said:

    Academia relatively early actually, it just takes time though. 

    It's founded almost 2500 years ago in Athens. This is relatively late actually.


    20 hours ago, Devin said:

    it just takes time though. But engaging and nurturing the existing community, so as to be a haven for anyone that peeks their head through the door, that will spread it.

    This sounds good, but all societies eventually just collapse at some point and start all over again as childs. It's the nature of tragedy.

  5. 14 hours ago, teraflu said:


    So does it work the same for woman and for man in terms of planning the spiritual career?

    Never heard such a thing as spiritual career. I think the word ''career'' and ''spirituality'' doesn't fit or blend together. In todays standarts the idea of career stands for survival of fittest, I don't know if Darwin's animals can both survive and be spiritual at the same time. Please let me know if I am wrong.

    I think @mr_engineer is right about  some careers being more competitive and this mostly favors men because they are somewhat familiar with harsh conditions.

  6. Spoiler alert: I don't have the answer, and I don't seperate religion from it's pratices. Because what I mean by religion is way of doing something, which is a pretty old homeric definition and I am sorry if this post confused you.


    Now first I suppose, there are multiple means and perhaps universes for something to be in a working condition, let's look at like this;

    Well, religion is  the ultimate testesterone drop we all need in a sense a self governance for non-elite class, because if you don't educate masses about the external and internal reality  which  I believe to be the same thing, they would just go on rampage and do all kind stuff, which means no city ''civilization'' for you. I think sumerians noticed this first and they build their cities and ruled these cities  by the right of gods. It's a very strict  top down hierarchy no matter you are a king or a slave you are in it. That's the game designed by clergy.

    What I find the interesting is their motive for inventing the religion, I guess they wanted to be out of vicious food chain, perhaps they didn't like the idea of human eating fellow human (sounds vegan to me lol), also back then there was no idea of human, it was animal eating animal. So they refused food chain idea and builded cities and they merge religion  with the city. If you look at epic Gilgamesh there are definitely these motives, especially with the part of Enkidu, it's all about how you make a man out of a beast.

    Problem with religion or reality which is inseparable from the perspective of masses, nobody governs the elite, they become too parasitic and society collapses or alternatively  someone comes along and suggests a new science like galileo, ancient greek philisophers or leo... Which is also a fundemental shift in reality becasue science and reality woven together for example:

    During the days of ancient greek sun was no sun, it was golden chariot of Apollo, if you gonna do naughty stuff, he would see your deeds from above and report back to zeus at night... So you wouldn't make nasty stuff if you don't want to be punished by allmighty zeus. Then a scientist came along and said hey look, I now what this is, it's not what you think, this behaves like a hot rock if you examine closely you can see it too, from then on sun was the hot rock for some clever people and crimes skyrocketed because what they noticed zeus gives no fuck. This new science ereased whole homeric tradition  remorselessly which was their religion. The same for Rome pagan gods were the Rome they ressisted so hard in the end they had to accept this new science which called christianity.

    Nowdays I think we are still very religious, I am not talking about orthodox religions. Now we are seeing different kind of religion in germany some call it ''klima religion'' whole environmentalism turned into a religion, this time we make our examinations via technological measurements and if you don't come to same conclusion that's bad for you...Here you go new religion, new epistemological field.

     Now this is perfect finally we get to know this ''hot rock'' better but there is a big but.. How are we gonna make this new measurements or tech to work? I have concerns because we don't have  single tech that isn't military related.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

    Beating of an ethnic French woman by North Africans today.

    There isn't a week (day ?) without this kind of news item.
    And again, there is no death from stabbing. :)

    This is a beating of an ethnic French woman by French government. These people didn't come out of blue, they are welcomed by corporations. One day what's happening in Israel might happen in any EU country, we are not so far away from citizens vs migrants scenario. Which is great thing from big corporations perspective because both citizen(nation state) and migrant(nation state) concepts are problematic, and it's a good time to come with new concepts like you'll own nothing and you'll be happy, which is a notion of a non-nation state. Whole idea of nation state is the preserving of  goods and chattels.

  8. I know this is going to be a small thread but here is my take. We abondoned old gods and now we'll crown technology as new gods. Now how we do things? We'll do according to technology which is also the definition of  science. Forget about other science paradigms like Kropotin's evolution theory, or german's wissenschaft. We are integrated into aristotelian closed universe model. Where every option is ultimately dualistic. What is going on is  essentially scholastic thought. Which is also empirical measurement problem, what we do? We further reduce and mythologize technology.

     Sorry I don't have time to finish this but I'll also add this video.