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Everything posted by AlphaAbundance

  1. The term infinity is a word (a sound), a collection of symbols (a sight) a concept (a thought) and at utmost a label that is not going to mean the same thing to everyone. The multiplicity of people that claim to have an awakening or become enlightened also claim that they have experienced "infinity". The label infinity is likely the best label within human comprehension so they applied it to what they experienced or realized. The actuality of absolute infinity probably isn't talking about the math axiom, but is taking the term or label of the math axiom and applying it to this realization.
  2. How much of it is morality and how much is a desire for revenge? Common knowledge, movies and the truism tells us "oh don't go revenge letting go is the best path yada yada" I say do some research and validate that knowledge yourself Have you ever had revenge on someone? How did it make you feel? Did you regret it afterwards? Who knows maybe this is an opportunity to test if revenge is as sweet as it seems to be (especially since this guy seems to be an asshole so you have an excuse). However, like someone said before me this guy is a direct result of his environment, genetics, etc. So you might want to allow him some mercy. Also revenge may lead to lingering feelings and staying in this chapter of your life longer But then again, I think seeing living your best life as some sort of revenge in the way that he would see it and suffer from it, may be a pipe dream. Who knows if he will even know how your living your best life. It may be more of a sort of personal revenge thing where you are living your best life in spite of him, in triumph over him.
  3. @Nak Khid Concerning and interesting So With consistent heavy use of psychedelics there is a possibility, maybe even a probability that you can have damage to the the body and your health Might Leo face similar problems? Time will tell
  4. Well said ? Is it more that it won't work in the first place or that it will work faster or work "better" if someone is doing practices? If it is not necessary to have the practices to completely become enlightened with shaktipat it becomes more or less whether the practices have a return of effort on the extra sessions being done to compensate for not doing the work? Like maybe 6 months of consistent Shaktipat w/ practices to 1 year of consistent shaktipat w/ no practices. Its difficult to say if doing the practices are really worth it. Especially depending on what level the practices are being done? (2 Min, 10 Min, 30 Min, 1 Hour, 3 Hour or 10 Hour meditation?) Maybe I'm wrong though --- this is definitely making me check my laziness
  5. @LaucherJunge Haha valid point @Jahmaine Haha valid point
  6. @Javfly33 This is off topic, but personally I hold the perspective that enlightenment never ends. For reality to be infinite, it seems that there would have to be infinite levels and dimensions of enlightenment. If one can have an increase from both a practice and psychedelics, why would someone choose a practice when psychedelics are more efficient? A realization in approx. 30 min-12 hours or one in 1 year- 40 years (Even if it's not a realization every time --- It seems to me odds go to psychedelics) Hmmmm you have fair points, psychedelics may just be an enhancement or auxiliary to real enlightenment work.... Maybe even a distraction....
  7. @Visionary Fastest may not be the easiest but it is certainly the best path. It's simply frontloading the effort. Actually let me take a few steps back, how is using 5Meo or getting shaktipat not easy? It seems certainly easier than meditating as a practice for hours Ima take a look into integrating the shadow. Could you give me a summary/preview?
  8. @Zanoni Interesting, thanks for bringing that up hadn't really considered the ego identifying with the transcendent as a stage of enlightenment.
  9. @LaucherJunge Yes it seems it would be impossible for any being to reach the end of infinity and grasp it all however for someone to reach a level of consciousness where they can validate conspiracy theories isnt reaching the end of infinity and grasping the totality of infinity. It's in the direction of infinity but not infinity.
  10. @Jahmaine If people validated these conspiracy theories then they wouldn't be conspiracy theories --- they would be on national television (or if that is blocked) they would be on the internet. Hold up that is what is happening here..... Wait a second... ????
  11. @LaucherJunge Haha reality is infinite so it seems anything is possible even humans being able to have such levels of consciousness. Maybe not currently in this reality but it seems there would be infinite realities with humans where this has to be case. One would have to assume reality is infinite of course
  12. @Nak Khid He is apparently in permanent nondual awareness but it seems it may have been aided with Ayuhasha, aswell as been a unique experience to him
  13. @Zanoni Interesting is this identification with the transcendence same as what is considered full enlightenment (or elimination of identiciation)? Or is it like a sort of pseudo enlightenment?
  14. @Javfly33 Valid point, mostly for Pyschedelics though shaktipat is done consistently until the person reaches perceived full enlightenment. However, also for pyschedelics it seems that your baseline of consciousness rises from the one you had before the peak experience. I don't think that once you are already enlightened (or in general) you require practices to align yourself with truth, do you? I dont think that you even need them to embody enlightenment either. Also does one need to be in the action of doing practices (in raising of your consciousness) to "hold in place" a higher level of consciousness?
  15. @GodDesireOnlyLove Ok so Not mainstream - not that many people know about it not prevalent - considered "dark" What do u mean by "dark"? @tenta Ok so Illegality Difficulty to source Risk of pyschedelics?
  16. @Nak Khid That is fair So another reason why people don't pursue these options is because they think its bullshit Theres hundreds, thousands maybe tens or hundreds of thousands, etc that beg to differ. Also I won't miss this opportunity to ask you what someone asked me before. What do you think placebo is? @Nak Khid That's true your right I dont recall if Leo or other pyschedelic users have said that they are enlightened or just had awakening experiences. However, I believe Martin Ball claims to have full enlightenment.
  17. Hmmmmm maybe since they have a history of having fear-based and us vs them based conspiracy theories, it can be argued to ignore them. I think fear-based and us vs them conspiracy theories are considered bad because they promote inaccuracies and unressourceful mindsets, beliefs and action. Therefore if they have a habit of these actions, the probability of a theory they have being a accurate, well thought or evidence based theory is low therefore one can determine if they want to follow them based on that information. (I'm speaking from what I heard of Alex Jones and David Icke not from reading their material or doing any time of research on them ---- but that goes to show how shitty their reputation is, maybe I will give them a shot) No but if you end up being incorrect or have no evidence it can be argued that you are this crazy, deluded person. The Us Vs. Them complex, I believe, simply points to inaccuracies and bias in certain theories or perspectives that lead to less or unressourceful thinking, mindsets and actions In the absolute sense it does not matter, the universe endorses these things (that's why its here ta dah).
  18. Some might say that from a human relative perspective and in the absolute sense there is nothing wrong with that. Also in order for reality to be infinite (if you believe this well not believe but hypothesize this or have direct experience of this) then reality has to contain everything because if it didnt contain everything then it wouldn't be infinite. So reality has to contain that suffering you speak of in order to be infinite. God is one selfish motherfucker haha
  19. Yeah I'm wondering why others dont take advantage of these more efficient paths. Have you ever indulged in receiving shaktipat?
  20. @Nak Khid That is fair but remember isn't it the case that even enlightened people can be close minded or orthodox in their methods of attaining enlightenment? Pyschedelics can very well be a distraction and thank you for offering that perspective because I can see how that belief clicks into place with how I see things in my current worldview. Hahaha there is no way to prove someone is enlightened through direct experience just like there is no way to prove the sun will rise tomorrow all you have are beliefs about science and trust that the sun will follow the pattern it has been following. So through direct experience, no, but through reason, secondary (or not direct experience) evidence, ethos/credibility and intuition we can determine the likelihood of someone being enlightened. And through those means I can see how someone can have the perspective that Leo is not enlightened and use that (and not only that) to dissaprove Pyschedelics.
  21. I'll take my try at these questions. What do you mean by should? By who's authority? By what book? By what's best? What determines what is best? Is what is best determined by net happiness of everyone and/or the individual being eco-friendly? ----- That being said it seems like both would be ideal, the more developed someone is the more they are likely to care about the "sake of the planet". ----- What do you mean by planet? The sentient beings on the planet? The living beings on the planet? The planet itself? In general and maybe even in this specific case, perspective is determined by environment, genetics, personality, identity, etc. In the absolute sense it seems like we have no free will and there is no "we" to have free will. It is my perspective that the optimal perspective here is believing, or realizing that the person feeling it has the responsibility Fault is all subjective, you can see it either way as you being the one that introduced this information to an individual. And it can also be see as that individual being the one that allowed themself to feel the emotion. This ties into above (probably purposefully) with it being best to see it as the responsibility (or fault) of the person having the emotions.
  22. @Natasha On instagram there is this concept of your insta (real instagram account) and your finsta (fake instagram account) On your finsta you post bullshit, random stuff and follow close friends and all the accounts you want. On your insta it is more for solid pictures (no memes) and you follow everyone, extended network, etc. To apply this concept to facebook, I would recommend creating a secondary account for new friends, private groups. Basically this can become your private facebook. Then the one you have right now can become your "main" public facebook. The only downside is switching accounts. Godspeed Edit: I need to start reading the entire discussion before responding ??‍♂️ If you find any value in keeping up with extended network, having a public facebook page you can re-follow them and create a private one I guess
  23. Haha be careful with collapsing all distinctions. Yes its relative but dont make it to the point where the distinction loses its meaning. Fear based conspiracy theories generally refers to theories created or arised from fear not theories that are associated with fear.
  24. @Kensho That's valid point People think it is suboptimal due to it being a drug, orthodox beliefs, beliefs they are a shortcut Nah bruh maybe for 5Meo but that doesn't seem to be the case for RASA. Although for someone to even consider RASA as more then a bullshit scam they most likely have meditated at least once in their life