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Everything posted by AlphaAbundance

  1. @Arhattobe What about what I said do you know to be wrong? Please help a brother out
  2. @Arhattobe Oh true what assumptions did you see I had?
  3. Fuck reincarnating. When this physical form dies I want to just Be completely absolute. (Assuming you are "more" god when you are dead than enlightened) How do you just be god without reincarnating? Won't you just lose your awakening when you die and reincarnate? Having to be lucky to be in a realm that you have the possibility of awakening again in a next life? Lmao having to be lucky to not be a fucking ant or end up in some hell realm with endless suffering that's ridiculous Although I haven't directly experienced shit so this is just theorizing and concepts to me. Those who have direct experience please respond
  4. What is effort? Is exerting effort suffering?
  5. What is suffering? Why does it occur? Is exerting effort suffering? Is being stabbed suffering? Are negative emotions suffering? Is following your ego suffering? Is being separate from Truth suffering? Why does suffering occur? What is suffering in depth? Is suffering something that comes through your senses? Is suffering something emotional? What is the spiritual definition of suffering? Title: Life Is A Bitch - What Is Suffering? An In-Depth Explanation
  6. @Ingit Open a new tab copy than paste this ---> "spiral dynamics" and than tap enter
  7. What is the differences between these terms, what these labels are referring to?
  8. Is death the quickest, fastest way to be god (awaken) completely out of a finite form? Why do many pursue enlightenment in other ways?
  9. Caring about health (nutrtion, exercising) it's all to prolong your life. There is no you to prolong so why focus on health and promoting longevity. Is it just fear of death?
  10. In terms of awakening, there is no other reason rather than joy. There is bliss/nirvana which is just joy. There is understanding of truth (which in the end) is just the joy you derive from understanding truth. There is the ego death or peace or quieting of the mind which is just joy from that. Sometimes people stop temporary joy for long term joy. Quitting fapping, eating diseases and addictions for the greater long term joy of health. Even whoever post the next comment will post for joy. Maybe the joy of ego, joy of compassion, joy of expressing yourself. Why do people say that you must have another reason for awakening other than joy when literally every other reason (understanding of reality) is joy? It seems to be an insight that everything you do is for joy and maximizing it. Hedonism?
  11. How to label emotions without saying "I feel"? How do you all label emotions when journalling without saying "I am feeling"? How do you guys label emotions in general?
  12. @Leo Gura Isn't deriving pleasure from him saying this letting external circumstances (what other people think) affect you or is that just a nicety and you don't care?
  13. Fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc I'm currently on Day 5 of a 31 Day water fast and want to know how to maximize this state for spirtual growth.
  14. @Shin Haha yeah I am probably falling into that trap - any resources on avoiding it?
  15. @DecemberFlower For water fasting (only water) it seems fine. People go for longer than 31 days; The longest documented is a 500 pound guy going till 354 days I believe. This is from memory so for accurate facts and evidence one would have to research this
  16. @luckieluuke Ohh lol water fast is as in drinking only water and no food. Dry fasting is no water or food. I am doing the first one although I may try the latter.
  17. @SriBhagwanYogi My comment above this talks about the spirtual benefits of fasting. Yeah it seems fasting is useless without self-inquiry or some spirtual practice. What I am asking is will enhance or accelerate the process? Fasting is not only for spirtuality but for health and psychology as well.
  18. @ajasatya I see cause you do have emotions of achievement, pleasure and pride when fasting off certain beliefs and thoughts about fasting. Are those the egoic patterns? Also what about claims of Jesus, Buddha not eating to withdraw from carnal pleasure to access Truth more effectively? What about claims that fasting can make it easier to access no self, infinity? What about statements in the bible and Quran (corrupted but initially based off Truth) about fasting?@SriBhagwanYogi It seems like the deepest insights can be integrated into every day life but you would have to go to measures separate from pratical every day life (such as meditation for hours, self-inquiry for hours and fasting for days) to reach these insights. I am a bit confused about what you mean here, could you clarify?
  19. @bejapuskas Well it seems like most people would be having those symptoms constantly if that was the severity of what happen when you stop caring about health. It seems like with okay health (which is what happens when you stop caring) you can still meditate successfully. Your body forces you to do the minimum actions toward health anway by making food pleasurable.
  20. @DecemberFlower I see so kind of like what @pointessa said about quality of life. If we are not considering longevity aren't the pleasures of not giving a fuck about health greater than the efforts of caring about health?
  21. @pointessa Ok that was an insightful perspective. In that case wouldn't eating junk delicious foods doing weed (not sure if its unhealthy) and other drugs not exercising be more pleasant than eating bland nutritional foods having zero drugs in your system putting effort toward exercising in the end?
  22. @ajasatya @bejapuskasWell it is one thing to do the bare minimum to live (just pay living expenses). It is another thing to actively self-improve, but why do self-improvement if there is no self? It is a totally other thing to stop doing completely and just die. There is no you anyway so why not do that? You will still be infinite so your not losing anything to see what happens after "you" leave this finite form.