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Everything posted by AlphaAbundance

  1. @IndigoGeminiWolf Cool, do you think this could happen on psychedelics? Also what do you mean by facing darkness?
  2. @Bryanbrax It seems that those experiences/things are real. I am not sure about this Rick Richards guy but in general. Some of the people claiming to have experiences with these things may be bullshitting.
  3. @IndigoGeminiWolf Do you have any links to these videos? Why did you post this?
  4. @howdoistopobsessing Experiment and test to see if these fears are true. If god/universe truly is doing this sadistic shit then this will be verified and if it isn't the case (which seems most reasonable and most likely) then you will confirm that these fears are simply thoughts. Approach those females and test that thought Start your practice and test that thought The alternative is staying stuck fearing these scenarios never knowing if they are true Also it takes a consistent habit of meditation to start to see the benefits
  5. @Lowerplanedweller Simple. Hire someone to work the business for you. Hire another employee as CEO. And own the business as passive income. Everything you want is possible. You can have everything.
  6. @seeking_brilliance Anything outside of the visual outline of color/shape that is thought of as the body, outside of bodily feelings/sensations
  7. @Farnaby Ok do you see in your direct experience that there is an outside world? Rather than looking for proof of no outside world, look for proof of an outside world.
  8. @MuddyBoots Not really will do
  9. Disclaimer: I have zero direct experience with absolute infinity that I know off, possibly while meditating/self-inquiring but I digress I feel afraid thinking there are realities were everything is the same as this current one except I get transported to hell, my lamp turns into a huge demonic monster and kills me, everyone disappears. I feel afraid thinking how can I know the rules of this reality can't change just like those ones. I feel terrified. This fuels insomnia. What is the solution? How can I help this?
  10. I can't get past mind-body identification. I just think Im the body. I understand that if I am the body how am I perceiving the body logic but that seems like just reasoning which can be debated. Like "Ok sure i'm the body and the perceiver", "the body is a secondary part of me", etc. Also when I am focusing on what I am how do you know your not just focusing on some sensation in the back of your head or bullshitting yourself.
  11. Reminds me of The Law Of One (The Ra Material)
  12. @Shaun Lmao if one can't conquer sex there's no way they can conquer spirituality
  13. @TrynaBeTurquoise These improvements to the body like mitochondria, cardiac muscle, etc how do they effect me?
  14. This sounds like a magic pill but many have said it works @Leo Gura
  15. @Truth Addict Ive tried it - its like "who is suffering" it eases the pain lmao
  16. @tsuki@Joker_Theory @Fishy Is it literally true (from what you are awaken to) that there is some reality where I as "I" (a body looking like this one, same ego/personality) where my fears are true? For example, a demon stabs me, a monster tortures me, everyone disappears, etc. Also how can u be certain that the laws of (of this dream) or what has occured so far (no demoms/monsters) will continue to happen?
  17. @SoonHei None (used to be Muslim)
  18. This body is african american and these thoughts can't find any niggas in nonduality stuff. Is it like oppression type bullshit?
  19. @Michael Paul i'm sure when I become enlightened I will directly experience that but in the mean time. What do you mean by positive energy? And helping others when it helps myself is seems to be the same as helping myself. @Fishy Even before enlightenment if I start to love myself, I will start to love others, want to help others? What do you mean by open your heart (Like heart chakra)? @MuddyBoots Ok will try to remember to do that. I feel guilty thinking I should want to help others, whenever someone helps me I might try to help back thinking "I should" help them. @TheAvatarState I think its a problem because your life purpose and enlightenment are both about (to an extent) helping others. So how can I have a life purpose of helping others if I don't care about helping them (possibly this is a belief/identity I created). Leo, family, network and everyone else pretty much (Its not like im going around telling people this shit though lmao) @okulele It seems like he is just describing how he will help others in a poetic way without explaining why