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Everything posted by IJB063

  1. @JosephKnecht Sorry, maybe I’m stupid but I don’t know how what you just put = space and time not existing Can you put it in dumb person language?
  2. @Nahm Understanding is real? What are you understanding though? If not reality?
  3. @CoruptKirin This recent post here is has helpful information on your first time trying LSD Note though it’s illegal to talk about how and where to procure illegal drugs, doesn’t mean it’s right but that’s the law, you can find that info elsewhere on the internet if you put in a bit of effort if it’s not explicitly illegal it’s trudging through murky waters So I would edit both your comments because this post is probably going to get deleted otherwise
  4. @DefinitelyNotARobot Well we definitely know youre not a robot so where do we go from there Who the fuck are you? I think you are you You are the face and body you see in the mirror, and you’re whatever the label it is that you attach to that Don't obsess over this Relax a bit The experience of no self is something that should be slowly and gradually integrated, if that’s what you desire to be, you know, if you want to be some Buddhist esk monk If not, relax and pull back a bit, there’s no rush and there’s no where that you need to be, and no one that you need to be If you don’t like something about yourself or anything else just change it You are whatever you are
  5. @Adam M I don’t consider it silly to consider dosages Awakening is something that happens to you, or better put is something you realise Thats easier done on higher doses than lesser doses @Peo If you want to “awaken” while tripping, I recommend meditating whilst on the substance Youll find that when you meditate on LSD that you can go much much deeper than sober, it’s as though it’s a performance enhancing drug Highly recommend a guided meditation clip to help you as you will be pretty fucked up That’ll make it more likely for you to have a deep spiritual realisation, and you’ll be more likely to surrender as @Adam M said But the substance does grant you a better ability to surrender and to go deeper
  6. @StarStruck @innerchild I share a similar problem with being addicted to content I don’t believe one should install apps, what’s negative is the willing action to visit a site, if you make it more difficult to do that, you’ll generally just find a workaround, it’s the intention that matters, what instead you should do is set notes and reminders for why it is you are doing what it is you are doing, so when you have the desire to visit a site you’re reminded as to why you shouldn’t The issue with overindulging in books, podcasts etc... is that you never really have a thought of your own, you’re always spoon fed your ideas Its interesting that you see that self help content is addictive to you, it’s generally easier to sit around and contemplate than it is to actualise your theories There was a Leo video on the topic of addiction were he’d said something along the lines that a good definition for self help is removing addictions, the less youre addicted to things the more self actualised you are as a man or as a woman, so it’s quite paradoxical to be addicted to self help, am I becoming more self actualised by stopping my process of self actualisation No, obviously not, because when you sit around and read and listen to self help content, you’re not really self actualising, you’re just fart sniffing, because you’re not implementing what you should be doing What needs to be do is actually real simple, exercise, meditate, read, pursue something recreationally creative e.g. music etc... and don’t indulge base impulses e.g. mindless television, drugs, junk food etc... The mind likes to complicate things as justification to not do what needs to be done, but at the end of the day, your only shooting yourself in the foot I believe one of the main benefits to journaling is to make that abundantly clear to yourself, so you stop fucking yourself There are no excuses for your own failure, that applies as much to me as it does to you, we just have to put in the work In the great words of Abraham Lincoln “nut up or shut up”
  7. @WHO IS good luck doing that, I’ve tried several times and I feel as though I’m going to pass out, maybe I’m doing it wrong but the longest time I can get up too is about 30mins ish, and by that point it’s really difficult to continue deep breathing
  8. @StarStruck If you want to be more aware of your thoughts, set reminders on your phone to notify you to write them down occasionally, that’s personally what I do If your struggling on what topics to write about read more You can write only about what you know, so learn something BUT, don’t read too much, reading too much robs the mind of elasticity, the best way to make sure you have no thoughts of your own is to read/listen to a podcast etc... every time you have a free moment Read to kindle thought, and then when thoughts dry up, then you can read some more That way your thoughts are your own and the journal is your own I’ve had issues when writing about topics where I’m practically just putting down the opinions of someone else. Also screenshot video timestamp and specific quotations in articles or on blogs, and organise those photos in to distinct categories for your journal, that way you don’t lose interesting thoughts when they presents themselves Ypull get your ROIs way later on with a journal, it’ll come in the form of greater clarity throughout your day, just stick with it
  9. @Nash_Octavius Thanks for the recommendation, if youre interested in morality I just read a book could the Righteous Mind by Johnathan Haidt who looks at morality from an evo psych perspective, I thought it was really interesting And recently I just finished reading Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and it really stumped because the book is a dystopia, yet there is practically no suffering in that world, that’s a pretty good description for a utopia isn’t it, a world without suffering Yet in the dystopia genre, Brave New World practically follows right after 1984, because in Huxleys novel all the people are class regimented, brain washed from their creation (not even birthed) to love their predestined position, and they’re all drugged so that they don’t feel pain or fear death, theyre practically all sedated with sex, drugs till the day they die, just pure endless hedonism But even in this society, which is far better objectively I would argue from were we are today, from an ethical perspective, you still feel as though it’s immoral because it’s take away our humanity, which made me question whether or not suffering is a moral imperative and necessary for the soul. So Brave New World has got me thinking a lot about morality lately because I was rooting for the savage throughout the book the moment he was introduced So I might give that book a read because everything I’ve read of Nietzsche’s thus far ive loved and that book could probably help settle some questions I have on morality
  10. The serenity prayer “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change what I can and the wisdom to know the difference” Theres a recent post made here which links to your post @Malken if you’re interested it’s linked here
  11. @Malken You’ll deal with it as long as you’re alive Just try not to see yourself as a victim in the meantime Read some philosophy Look into Stoicism, Existentialism and some Eastern Philosophy Listen to this lecture And start meditating, exercising and reading daily It’ll get easier All men die but not all men die whining
  12. @Malken Heres the secret Stop seeing yourself as a victim The world owes you nothing
  13. @Espaim No problem buddy, hope it’s of help
  14. @flowboy Exactamundo dudearino Amen Godspeed in making that ?
  15. @a e l i It’s a drug, let’s see in ten years if you feel the same way
  16. @Leo Gura Really only 125ug, youre a lightweight lol Though it effects different people differently, those dosages I put were personal The most I’ve personally done in one sitting was 400ug of what I was told were individually 2 200ug tabs, that messed me up, practically left me catatonic, dangerous looking back, considering I was out in the woods alone, but that was a fucking spiritual experience man But one of my most intense LSD experiences I had though was on about 70ug ish, though it was mixed with cannabis, that too almost left me catatonic, because I still was somewhat in touch with my sober self, so I was more articulate and could better analyse what was happening to me, which elevated the experience and left me struggling to speak because of the intensity, especially with cannabis, as cannabis put you more in touch with your body heightening your senses, mixed with LSD it’s really as if it’s a stimulant @Peo Peo I personally only recommend doing a small dose of about 50-150ug for your first sit, just to dabble your toe into the pool, so when you move up to the heavyweights you know what youre doing Though you can be ballsy and jump right into the deep end of the pool, though I’d recommend not doing that if A you don’t have anyone you trust to trip sit you and B if you want to do it outside
  17. @kindayellow It’s not an exact quote but I can remember Alan Watts saying something along the lines of - attempting to stop thinking with more thoughts is like trying to sooth water with an iron, all you end up doing is stirring it up Stop telling yourself to relax and just relax Meditation is not something that is done Meditation is what you are You just need to realise it Keep doing the Wim Hof method and especially start taking cold showers while doing breathing
  18. @kindayellow Sounds like you need heroin Just joking, I think you need to stop setting so many expectations for yourself, and saying that only once these are achieved that you can relax Just relax, learn to meditate and do it consistently, and you’ll gain better control of your mind Practice some breathwork as well, I find that’s the best way to relax yourself Here are some videos to help https://youtu.be/cZ6cdIaUZCA Heres an audio book I found useful
  19. @Ethan1 ? Good post
  20. @JosephKnecht And the smaller mind becoming the bigger Mind is achieved by dosing the fuck out of yourself with high powered psychoactive hallucinogenic drugs But still, you would be god if you had an infinite DOF because you would be all there is and isn’t, you would simultaneously be all dimensions
  21. @JosephKnecht Aren’t all of the dimensions our reality, just some can be easily experienced by the senses and others can’t, we’re still subject to them And how do we know the mind is 0D, because the mind constructs reality = has infinite DOF? If so how do we know the mind has infinite DOF?
  22. @Member That’s an interesting passage, even more interesting thought to relate it to dimensions 2+ points to you @Member good stuff
  23. @Principium Nexus Caveat, I’m uneducated on dimensions, so you can pretty much dismiss what I’m saying, I found this interesting to read anyway so I’m going to look into dimensions From what I know there are different trajectories through space time, Einstein’s theory of Proper time, is that every individual has there own time as they move through the universe, we don’t operate on a universal time, so I don’t think it invalidates the axioms, as I think that if we operate on our own time then the dimension is still unique, so it’s space time still counts as a fourth dimension https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proper_time I don’t think the mind necessarily has to even operate in the fourth dimension, I think that lacks imagination, the mind is much more elusive than just a fourth dimension, probably 6+++, because it is the mind that (according to materialist science) generates consciousness of which all dimensions exist within, yet again there could be an infinite number of dimensions which would invalidate the entire purpose of trying to mark a singular dimension Do you consider a specific thought to be a specific place in the universe, the universal mind that can be fully mapped out and explored as though it is a place, and when we think a thought and act upon it we are in a sense travelling though various dimensions as a sort of ripple through dimensions https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sciencealert.com/science-discovers-human-brain-works-up-to-11-dimensions/amp Just did some googling and found this, I’m probably going do some googling and research into this, it’s pretty interesting It’s seem to me, this might be stupid, but the study of dimensions is really the bringing of science into the realm of philosophy and epistemology etc... But the study of dimensions is entirely speculative, but really what isn’t at the end of the day right?