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Everything posted by tedens

  1. @Truth Addict love wants to be taught about her and not about her absence.
  2. @Meditationdude Dude, try to elevate Your awareness, just question Yourself as strongest as You can.
  3. @Arhattobe prompt: duality /you now/ -> looping /paradoxes/ -> Nonduality /infinity/
  4. @Jacobsrw It is really good practice. I used to contemplate present being /llife/ with 'notion' from before it /birth/. Now I try conteplate what emotions are in general and this is deeeep.
  5. When you let go you grow up because of the truth/love, if not then more defilement and further from the truth.
  6. Maybe You could shot some video about kriya.
  7. @How to be wise dually? Hahaha. By the way...Leo how would You define a breakthrough?
  8. @reves I suggest to watch this
  9. @Moreira It is also called sleep paralysis when different states can occur. I mean sober whilst going meta. Body gets really heavy as if it was made of stone.
  10. Practicing spirituality is raising your level of awareness. Find out /in Your consciousness/ what emotions are.
  11. After death you will be a much higher consciousness in other energetic systems (layers and plans) as you have gained more experience.
  12. Exactly man. It shows who practices. Now imagine that You can remember your incarnation.
  13. The conscious student is no longer a student. An unconscious student is a faithful one.
  14. Exactly. A conscious guru should say only what can be learned by students.
  15. It is a program on addictive substances. So for psychedelics will be created religious program.
  16. You didn't die /phisicaly/ so You can't know that.