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Everything posted by Yog

  1. A relevant resource on the occult. For discord users. Feels proper to place it here. Its a large community with a diverse range of channels and discussions. Also has a huge book library and .... challenges. It looks very legit. Got a couple of good books from it too. Its a post for educational reasons and not for promotion. https://discord.gg/Zzgy8TQ
  2. @Matt8800 Thanks for the info man. I'll look into the books. I was about to search for some anyway. You showed up at the right time. How long have you been doing this ? Also what are your thoughts on creating/disolving a tulpa Does that seem unethical in some manner, to create a life form, than kill it off. Its a thought form, a simple program but regardless of it, it still has some sophisticated consciousness.
  3. Has any of you guys been thinking about doing global group meditations for the purpose of sending love and healing. Something in the format of: -Gather as much as people that want to join up , every Sunday at 10:00 AM UTC. -Meditate and focus on an issue that really needs healing. Eg: Bomb attacked place, rioting place ect. I've seen some good statistical results around. Your thoughts ? ?
  4. Hey @Matt8800 Do you have any quality material on the tulpa/servitor subject ? Like books suggestions lets say ?
  5. She is distracting you. She knows sooner or later.. you are gonna lick her. Btw it is a good grounding trick while doing OBEs, to shove everything into your mouth, bite, lick, smell. The unexpected taste multiplies the grounding. I especially found it good when dealing with " negative/scary/fearmongering/prankster " entities, it gets you out of that fear and into humor, they just vanish embarrassed or pop out mad. Also works with shadow people, the ones with the cloaks and hats. All the black-noise ones. Since you might be clairvoyant and can see some of this stuff around while awake. You might find it useful. Never fear, always have fun.
  6. Its fine man, I am also a donkey and I love it.
  7. Hey @rNOW Would you like to link Leos video that you mentioned previously ? Kind of difficult to find witch one is it.
  8. I like to lick, smell and poke when I see one. You don't get those very often. You'll be surprised how they taste like. Just do not over do it, you'll pop them, they explode like thunder. Don't be a bully.
  9. I use blindfold to confirm that. Its a neat reality check tool for OBEs, no need to panic when it happens . Also not sure if its the third eye.... or just an astral copy of your physical eyes. Never got further than deep Locale 1 to test that out.
  10. Its the place where boundaries between literal and metaphorical dissolve. That's how it seems to me. You can see the layers and layers of truth, layered on top of nothingness. Hindus also get way to literal and open it with a chisel and hammer. That is also interesting. IDK if it works.
  11. @Shadowraix This is also one of the reasons for the formation of MGTOW movement. Along with tons false accusations that passed in court because of bias. Resulting in people locked up, taking their kids away, bankrupting them, taking property away,deportation ect. No one bothers to see their perspective. Its a reactionary women's hate group people would say, dismiss and continue on. We have to look at these matters in a more serious and unbiased matter. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Its our poor understanding of statistics and that ruins the objectivity and lets these judgements happen. We would by default consider aggressiveness distribution between man-woman types of: 80-20, maybe even 90-10, when infarct its 60-40. Witch means if you take a totally random sample, eg: line up a totally random woman next to a totally random man. And guess who was more aggressive. You would be right that it was the man - 6/10 times and be right - 4/10 that it is the woman. The fact that we see that men are way more aggressive is because the most aggressive people on the planet are men, witch are about 1% of all men. Also the ones at the most right side are the ones that will do rapes or family violence. its not that every second person you stumble upon was raped or is a rapist. Regular folk tend to use/see the extremes of any distribution and generalize "men are", "women are", "blacks are" and so on. This is just in the aggressiveness dimension, one that is linked to family violence and rape. There are ofc many other factors. So this explains your statistics perfectly well.
  12. Deep in DMT space, selfishness and manipulation prevails.
  13. @Mason Riggle So creative man, love your stuff.
  14. @winterknight Why is everything pulled towards lowering its entropy.
  15. quite a rebellious act, dear sir
  16. Its all speculation. Even if it is true. That pencil neck thing was just a short rant wave. Joe knows better. You've got my vote too. If he goes and talks with Joe. That hot camera of his would be super mad and jealous . That's for sure.
  17. @Hampus I would give the flags to Denmark and Norway. Because of the total failure of green in neighboring Sweden. It will propel them to innovate and reach yellow soon I think. They have a lot of green policies across the board and capacity for integral thinking.
  18. Alba Weinman is a hypnotherapist. She does past lifes/channeling/helps with healing Her channel is comprised of 100s of sessions, each 1-3 hours long. There are a lot of HQ consciousness lessons spreading trough them , channeled from peoples higher-selves or from other teacher-entities. It is also great to hear all these unique past life perspectives and why people came here, what did they learn, what do they still carry around, a way to heal it ect. Why the connection to trees, to dolphins, special talents, why nostalgic ... They are also learning experiences. You may book a session with her trough her website if you want, its quite packed, but you might manage. I watch these while I work, as sessions can be slow sometimes, some people do not get so deep. Final note: Do not dismiss this as some kind of new age BS, 100s of regular people do these sessions and say the same things. Also if you have done any form of hypnosis, you know that it is not you: the ego that is talking, showing or hallucinating. You are a vessel, trough witch spirit flows. You are not the film, you are the light that shines trough. Her channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt3xe3Yz-4P__NZ9bSoIudQ/videos Some sample videos: Also check this guy out: He's amazing, what a energy ..... damn
  19. Something tells me that we'll need a lot of fuel for that. We need that anti gravity tech badly
  20. Got couple of things on mind about: -Rich people/corps get taxed way higher thing. Pros: -They don't need all that money, thus the tax is fair. -The money get distributed to the ones that need it. Thus elevate them. -It prevents corruption and manipulation by the rich and powerful. -Its ethical and humane to give your money to help. Cons: -They worked very hard for it and are probably the most talented and capable people on the planet. -Thus you cripple the most capable, and strip them of motivation. ( lets put the resentment aside ) -Its unethical, wealth/reward is given to people that didn't work for any of it. Thus crippling them also. -You are playing with serotonin, that's playing with fire. -Pareto principle is a cosmic law, it works for ants,trees, beans, stars and galaxies, it works for wealth too. -Jesus: The poor will be with us always. The cons section can be triggering, maybe there is gold in there and not just libertarian and conservative misguided crap. ? I feel it needs way more thinking and meta thinking.... way more sophisticated regulations are needed for sure....but big taxes for the rich feels like a thing that could backfire on so many levels. What are your thoughts on this ? Engage on this with shields down, no one is under attack. We are here on a peaceful exploration mission. Pickard out.
  21. Here is even a better one. Imagine if a rogue AI of Boston Dynamics got hold of it. Snipe you out with a 1cm drone for pressing that sandwich maker too hard back in 2015. We could make a movie man! A fortune !! Oh wait.... Terminator did that Imagining fucked up scenarios, its the curse of the artist. Lets hope its just.... my imagination. F**k I am sleep deprived.