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Everything posted by Yog

  1. I was thinking the same thing. Racial talk is very rare around here, If it had to go in that direction it would most likely become nationalistic/ethnocentric. It feels quite foreign to me too, or most people I know. On the other hand it is starting to become more common these days, especially with the youngest of millennials and gen Z. I would say it is because of the rise of SD green, which at this time has a lot of influence from the US. It is there that you hear a lot of loud race talk that is pushed to the mainstream, which in turn generates the white-right. Catastrophic immigration decisions that lead to rape, deaths, car/building burning only made this problem far worse. In this sense I do understand why it is becoming popular, though it is still foreign thing, especially for +30 yrs old. I do hope that we will get more healthy greens, or even some yellows soon.
  2. Its just a reality-check outsource tool. You went to bed with a mask - all was dark You open your eyes - you see the room Conclusion - You are in a dream. Mask = Free reality check. You need other techniques to get there and be lucid ofc.
  3. @Bazooka Jesus @fridjonk Its couple of them, enjoy -Robert S. Connett -Zdzislaw Beksinski -Naoto Hattori -Santiago Caruso Also here are couple extra
  4. @fridjonk Love the "Saturn eating his son alive" ones, but those vehicles really caught me off-guard haha
  5. Enjoy ! If you want to get melted, try these. Danger zone, ascension is imminent:
  6. The guy talks mostly about the biological and scientific background of race, blending it with the societal factors in neat ways at key points. I find it quite refreshing . its something very rarely discussed these days.
  7. My understanding of feminism might be quite limited. But here it is. The way I see it, if it does not empower women to be what they want to be and allow them to be free to chose, regardless of what that may be, its no feminism to me. On the other hand the styles that tell women what to do, or even worse teach them victim-hood, those I find quite damaging. Sadly that is 90% of what I've seen around. At least in the west.
  8. If you have something short and specific to do, under few minutes, something that has proven to yield results. Than yea. If you use it strategically and wisely it can be useful. But If you engage in scrolling or story clicking of any sort, you leave yourself open for mind hacking. The app is designed to keep you hooked for as long as possible. It wrecks your dopamine response and will make life all around less juicy, carrier, discipline, relationships, all of it. And no, you can not fight it and have control over it, you will fall for it. That is how it works. Proceed with caution mate. It is sticky stuff.
  9. From what I know, high dose benzo withdraw is a brutal thing and can be life threatening. Its easy to assume it is psychosomatic. What if the reverse is the case.
  10. That is fucking amazing! Now that's a proper strange loop! Haha, yeah. My mind enjoyed this one in a painful way. Tried to figure out how was this technically made and ended up with loss of appetite and vomiting sensations ha. I am experimenting with these kinds of things, it is inevitable that I will create some myself at some point. I do 3D art and vfx. We'll see how will it turn out. These are also cool, not sure if strange loops, but it is borderland territory for sure. 100mcg less. Some extra:
  11. These are also neat. Green vs blue comparison. Orange vs blue comparison.
  12. It certainly can, depending on who is listening. But try to see it this way. Music teaches you to work with energy, both express, accept it, move it, see the limits and lessons from it. Imagine it this way. Lets take anger for an example, a common "negative" theme in red music. If you got angry lets say in some random daily situation, you would probably see it as something bad happening inside of you, something that should stop happening, or you might just unconsciously let it control you and rage around. You might not, but a teen will. When you listen to music containing anger, you let the feeling flow freely, you are fine with it, you observe it and accept it, you see that this is something happening to other people and you bound based on these feelings, by accepting this feeling it feels good. No one listens to any kind of music in order to feel plain bad, no matter how dark the music gets. There is a transformative element to it. When the show ends people either want more, or at least exit the show joyful and smiling. I have seen this to be quite true in 99% of the cases I've encountered, I am musician myself. One of the project I engage in is a stage red metal band. You may be in a dark place, seeing all the shit in the world, watching shitty news, living in shitty place, having violence around you, these things can brake you and turn you into a lost cause. Music seems to feed into it, but it does not. It can appear to be that way in the beginning, but as you listen to it you'll get better. It can be the spark of light in your world of darkness and as you fall, you'll descend towards the light. I know 2 people that almost committed suicide, it was the darkest of music that stopped them and helped them keep it together. They listened to it for like half a day, every day. its free... shadow work. Also here are two neat quotes: No tree is said to reach up to heaven unless its roots reach all the way to hell. The amount of light one can create is proportionate to the darkness one is willing to confront.
  13. https://giant.gfycat.com/ZanyIcyIcelandgull.mp4
  14. Something that brings me to great heights and lets life flow and move trough me...freely.
  15. Dark reader looks neat to me. http://prntscr.com/quoagr
  16. Yeah, you can get like 3 free months with this one and about + 4 with the free credit they give you. Still I found it to be far better than ever-note or other free options. Its worth the money for me.
  17. I see no one has posted this guy around here yet. He is basically a physicist that ended up doing consciousness work. He still does physics but from higher level. I would peg him as a turquoise teacher, one that I would say is great of bringing yellow people, especially western people in to turquoise because of his technical talking style. I find him very relatable. Note that he uses terms like Virtual reality or simulation a lot, but this does not come from the materialist-hardware type of perspective. Its more in the "the infinity limiting itself into something finite by simulating itself non-materially" sense. He has a book: My big toe I haven't read it yet, but I watched tons of his lectures, its good stuff His you tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYwlraEwuFB4ZqASowjoM0g Couple extra videos: I'll add something related here: He teaches at the Monroe institute, named after Robert Monroe, one of the pioneers of OBE exploration/research in the west, going all the way back to the 60s-70s, they worked together for quite a few decades. So i though I should add a couple of his stuff around here. They guy also has couple of good books like Journeys out of the body, Far journeys, Ultimate journey. He is also the inventor of the famous binaural beats that we see today. How did we.... got here ?
  18. Yeah, I can understand them though, I was almost baited into this kind of stuff when I was blazing trough orange. This debunker stuff is so ..... sticky.
  19. Its far better. Especially if you combine it with f.lux. I got x10 times less eye strain. It also helps with the melatonin/serotonin cycle. https://justgetflux.com/
  20. @Leo Gura Nice try I am glad that someone is doing something to pull science away from the materialist-reductionist paradigm into these realms. Its a start, in that sense.