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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Leo Gura You don't actually want women to be more logical. Women have evolved to choose mates who can provide resources and who have physical strength for protection and for hunting. Imagine if a women totally judged you on how well you can protect her from other males or how well you can carry large weights of meat on your shoulder. It wouldn't go so well. It works well this way for all males because not all of us are providers who can also physically beat other males with ease.
  2. @Kksd74628 I don't know... I can believe that my confidence is like a gallon of water. And if i get rejected then that gallon of water can lessen. I believe it all depends on how you interpret the rejections.
  3. I am interested in some really serious deep change. No superficial sh*t. What is the key? What is the way or the method? From my understanding it seems that recognition or awareness of the thing you want to change is the most important component. But then how do you proceed with the change? What exactly do you do? Is just a method of repeating new behaviours until they become a part of who you are?
  4. Those are the worst type of women... Leo says that not all women like that. I believe it because i know from experience too. But a large quantity of women are like that. They need a male provider so they can buy all their expensive crap to remain beautiful. Its really insane. Especially if the women is stage Orange , then good luck...70% of the time she will probably care about how her a$$ and tits look. Its funny . If you are doing this actualized work, marrying a woman below stage green is gonna lead to disaster probably.
  5. @Leo Gura I guess what you mean by poorly is anything other than qualities that lead to resource acquisition and resources themselves. There is something to be said about this. Each sex competes for the characteristics that the other sex finds attractive. Women care about beauty. Because thats what men want. And most males care about becoming rich and powerful. There are not many Gandhis and Buddhas walking around . Because thats not what females want. If women did not value money , power , fame , prestige and all this stuff then no male human chimp would bother acquiring millions or even billions of dollars. And in the process cause enormous pain and misery to others. I doubt Genghis Khan or Alexander the 'Great' (great butcher and narcissist) would go into all this effort to kill so many people if it wasn't for women. (I know that when they conquered the territories, women did not have much choice but what about drug lords who have tons of females?) The main reason why males wanna become drug lords, billionaires, and etc is just because so they can get females. And sure they do. Imagine if tomorrow all females said to billionaires and drug lords This would change the entire game and make life better for more people. Noone would care to have more than others. I cannot blame women. I know. Their brains just get hacked. All of our brains get hacked by inputs. But we cannot deny that women play a huge role in all this violence. Males perpetuate the violence. Females pick the 'winner' though. Who is usually the most ruthless. Hitler sure did not have any problem mating. Nor any other sc*m of the earth who happens to have tons of power. I believe females are responsible for much of the unconsciousness of this planet. They choose who they mate with. Especially today. Plus they grow the children. Males are notoriously known for spending the least amount of time with children lol.
  6. @Federico del pueblo These scientists have never done pickup in their entire lifetime. All they have done is read a bunch of books and studies. And sure they have some direct experience with women. But still it is extremely limited. Despite all of this they still act like they know everything and its frustrating. Human nature is much more complicated than any study or book can capture. I guess the other 1% are psychopaths like Ted Bundy ahahahaha. Ted didn't need no pickup. He created his own unique way of getting laid (lol).
  7. @NoSelfSelf What do you mean? Why am i acting outside of my core? I would argue that these things that i identify are not really outside of me. I could identify with anything. Its still a part of my psyche. If i don't identify with anything , then its just Pure Awareness with no objects we might say.
  8. @hyruga These Christians are onto something man.. It's not all bs like many think. I know many people who suffered from mental illnesses and etc who got really better after they found a connection to God. This guy suffered from severe PTSD and faith in Jesus really did save his life.
  9. @Federico del pueblo Thanks for the helpful advice. My biggest fear is rejection. But the reason i fear it is because i've heard that it can destroy your self confidence and lower your mate value. I've heard it from a scientist but i do not buy it completely. I have been rejected in the past and it has not affected me if i process it the right way. Any thoughts on fear of rejection? I fear that i may get very damaged emotionally from rejections. Thats my biggest fear in pickup.
  10. @Adamq8 That is good advice. Unfortunately science creates this illusion of knowing and limits our minds in many ways . Many redpillers originate from scientism type of thinking. Science has done a lot of good but its not without its harms.
  11. @Tyler Robinson Yeah true. I despise those type of males aswell.
  12. @gettoefl This is a great point my man.
  13. @something_else I don't understand that.
  14. @Jannes I have been hurt by women. This is why. And also i am jealous that they can get laid so easily.
  15. @NoSelfSelf I am not gonna accept something which is untrue. This is just your opinion. You are not pointing out anything new to me. And i have had beautiful women being attracted to me in the past. And i know many guys who have sex with countless of beautiful women, and still they despise them, lol. I am more bothered by their narcissism and egotism rather than anything else.
  16. I've watched Leo's video few years back where he heavily criticizes the pickup community for their manipulations on women. Now i am confused because it is clear that Leo uses countless of manipulations in his videos to succeed in his goals and advises us to use such manipulations to pick up women. One could argue that Leo would not sit where he is right now if it was not for his clever manipulations and tactics & maneuvers . I don't know how someone else defines manipulation. I consider myself a very nice guy and i think there is good and bad forms of manipulation. Good forms of manipulation have good effect on you and the others. While the bad forms of manipulation cause suffering to others. Just to be alive you have to manipulate every day. Every word you choose to say and in the tone that you say it is a clever manipulatin on your part. If you were 100% genuine and truthful you would not survive well. So i am not against manipulation unless it is very egotistical and causes misery to others. I think it is super necessary if you wanna succeed in life. Otherwise less intelligent , less conscious people will get ahead of you in life while you are left behind with nothing. Any thoughts?? The reason i am asking is because sometimes i feel bad when i manipulate others. For example i might cause fear to someone to gain his attention otherwise he won't listen to what i have to say. If i don't use these manipulation i will not be nearly as effective and it will probably hurt my survival which i am very scared of..... It is a real challenge... If i do the manipulation , i feel bad and question myself. And if i don't do the manipulation i am terrified of my survival agenda going down the drain.....
  17. @JosephKnecht @JosephKnecht You've made some good points.
  18. @NoSelfSelf I find it hard to understand some parts of your post. I highly doubt you don't think about her and only care about what you are gonna do. If you use certain tricks to get her to like you more and increase your chances of slipping into her pants then that is manipulation right there. You do not act freely and genuinely 100% of the time. For example when i talk to others, i wanna talk all the time but i don't . I try to speak as little as possible so they respect me more. That is another trick (manipulation) i use. What i really want is to never stop talking. But then the other person will not take me seriously. So i am forced to play this game. It's an act. But many people just don't want to admit what they are doing.. There are countless examples of this.
  19. @Aaron p Yes i agree with you. Finally someone understands my position. Some people just don't wanna admit how much they manipulate others. Manipulation has a bad connotation to it.
  20. @ZzzleepingBear I really don't know anymore if its positive or negative. I think manipulating to make other people more conscious and maybe earn some extra cash is not bad. You cannot avoid playing the game of life. Its a game with all kind of tricks. If you don't use those tricks then your survival will be hindered and other devilish idiots who don't think twice about their devilry will gain power and corrupt others.. I prefer conscious people having power rather than unconscious people. I don't think manipulations can be avoided unless you are at a super high level of Consciousness like Ramana Maharshi. For the rest of us mortals we have to manipulate. I am a very empathetic person and i care about being good. Recently i have been gaining some awareness of my manipulations. I think twice about this kind of stuff. That's why i want some feedback on this topic.
  21. @r0ckyreed My point is that even 'great' leader do use countless of manipulations. Manipulation is any means and tricks (good or bad) you use to achieve a goal. I believe that there are good forms of manipulation . We all manipulate. Leo's videos about getting laid is all about manipulation. Doing this, not doing that, saying things this way , not some other way. Being humorous, playing with womens emotions. What are all these??
  22. @Jannes You don't need the details. The structure is this ''If i don't manipulate something bad might happen to me''. The content is irrelavent. It can be literally Anything you want. Yes i can confront people.
  23. @NoSelfSelf No, you have to manipulate in order to get what you want. If you are in position of power or not, you are still being a manipulative 'snake' one way or another. For example a speaker may pause after an important statement so he can have an increased effect on his audience. He will not speak 'authentically' as he pleases. We are all master manipulators. And by the way, when you are with a girl, watch how many manipulations you use. You might not desire to put that deodorant but you will use it just so you can get into her pants. You will say the right things you learned from others while acting like a Hollywood actor how confident you are. It's all an act. You can act confident in an instant. Its easy to do. I doubt there is even such thing as acting authentic when we are all photocopies of others one way or another.