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Posts posted by Peo

  1. The more time you putt into these practice the faster you awaken. 

    42 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

    For example, 

    • 10 Min Concentration
    • 20 Min Meditation
    • 30 Min Self-Inquiry

    I dont think 20 min meditation and 30 min self-inquiry is enough to produce any result. You should at least do 1 hour mediation and self-inquiry. You also should do at least a week solo retreat once a year. The more time you spend on each pratice the faster you awaken. zen-masters that awaken spend at least servel hours each day for years before they awaken.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    Have you had a mystical experience yet?

    I self inquired into my true nature for 50 minutes, with a silent mind. My intuition then told me to look at my feet and close my eyes and opened them again many times. After some few minutes with looking at my feet suddenly I realized that there were no one looking at my feet. Then i got overwhelmed by this emptiness all over me. My heart began to beat like crazy and it felt like dying. This was also my first panic attack. I failed to surrender to the emptiness unfortunately. I just ran away from the emptiness and watched youtube videos to calm my self down. This was my first enlightenment experience.


  3. Leo said that becoming conscious that the now is eternal will require a lot of practice, but i have manage to become conscious of this eternal now or i at least think. This not something i just believe, i'm actually conscious of the eternal now right now. If i think of yesterday that memory is happening in the now so there the duality bettwen the present and the past breaks down. Leo said that the absolute is right here and there is no where to go. I'm also conscious of this too. Althought all the forms changes im conscious of a thing that exist there all the time, but it's completely empty. This constant is nothing. Time dosent make any sense for me anymore. I actually looked at a video that explains what time is. 

    I'm really sceptical now becuse i cant have become conscious of this with only a half year with self inqiry and meditation. Maybe i'm just scratching the surface. Am i just deluding my self here?

  4. 9 minutes ago, tedens said:

    Often you repeat that,  what you mean?

    You dont know how deep samadhi state you can attain. You would just fool yourself if you think you have arrived at the end. You can take a 5-Meo dmt and experience something deep shit and the next day you take a another 5-Meo dmt that is even deeper. Enlightenment is really big.

  5. 37 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

    I am fully present and immersed in the now as I am typing these words. But that cannot be compared to what I experienced last night. Not even closely. 

    Never tried 5-Meo. Or anything like it. LSD is the furthest I went. And even that was long ago

    I thought leo said that these high states of consciousness you achieve with 5-Meo DMT were almost impossible to reach with meditation unless you were some yogic living in a  cave for 30 years of your life. It is impressive that you have experience these things without Psychedelics.