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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @ValiantSalvatore Thanks. Yeah there is not a lot on Coral out there. Basically with socialism and capitalism it comes down to more government control and equality for all..or less government control and more opportunity for the entrepreneur to become a billionaire and then the billionaires own almost all the wealth in the country and the middle class gets screwed along with the poor. That's why i think yellow and turquoise is more to the left because it is looking out for the collective whole assuming the government is a high evolved government and has the collective whole's best interests in mind. Thats why the rich orange folks are so right wing. Rich yellow and turquoise go back to the left because they are more conscious now..but the irony is they gained their wealth by being Orange (most not all). So if Coral swings back to the right what would we have...a sorta hybrid of the thinking here we go!
  2. @Truth Addict you can't say its low on the Love meter though At least on Instagram they don't know they are all One.
  3. @Monkey-man Keep to the spiritual path and pursue Truth (God's perspective) you have the basics down yet in your life? Your true nature is infinite. That means anything is possible for you bud. The sky is not the limit. Anything you set your mind to you will do. Here's a mind fuck for ya - you already did it!
  4. @Monkey-man the no perspective perspective. Being. Pure consciousness. I think you eluded it to it referring to presence and wanting to be in that state.
  5. @zeroISinfinity God's Perspective. That's a tall order for him he just wants to know what perspective to take in his everyday life
  6. @Ponder Ouch. Sorry man but yeah that allowed you to hit insane states at the same time. Yeah, that's what i was saying earlier about there is no such thing as "permanent enlightenment" as non-dual states are not abiding. But when you hit a non-dual state that abide for extended periods where you become conscious of God and other facets of truth, then that is "enlightenment" in my opinion. Embodying them in your everyday life after the non-dual state ends is kind of a virtual permanent enlightenment so to speak. In which you are the guy at the end of the Ox herding book just running around laughing because you understand everything and it's all effortless.
  7. @Serotoninluv Are you sure that you are scientist and not a writer? So damn elequent!
  8. @Monkey-man It's all relative brother remember these are dualities. Suffering vs non-suffering, caring and not caring, these are all dualities. Depends on your perspective.
  9. @Serotoninluv yeah no shit..damn elusive Ox.
  10. @purerogue @David Hammond Gotchya - it focuses on the body to attain Enlightenment because it's so much harder with the mind because it's nearly impossible to quiet the mind. But you can't escape the mind really, as much as you want to. Regardless this is just a method, I didn't have a problem with the method, i just had a problem that he was promising people 48 minutes or whatever and that's all it takes. As far as switching between God and Ego at will, well .....if he's referring there to the Budhi which i refer to as higher consciousness, that's not the same as the Absolute. It might take a mystical experience for him to grasp what i'm saying there... But that's not to criticize him. Just my take.
  11. @David Hammond Hi Friend Note to Mods: this is a friendly discussion - not an argument. "Enlightenment is also a process if you look at it from a different way. It's called the noble path. I speak of that a lot. But as far as being nothingness having an ego as opposed to being an ego with a memorable non dual experience, the difference is permanent enlightenment and intellectual understanding. Bodhi is intellect, and in a Buddah the bodhi is also awakened. That's because intellect is needed in being able to see through what causes separation. Without the development of bodhi you are basically pissing in the wind with your practice because you cannot get to permanent realization without understanding the steps. And that requires practice. " Basically our views are the same here - we're just speaking it in different words. You are referencing Buddhism, and I am not referencing a particular religion. Bodhi is consciousness. With Spiritual practice, time, experience, you gain Wisdom. Wisdom comes with an increase in consciousness. The buddhist's concept of permanent enlightenment is the same as mine. After a mystical experience, you become much more conscious, because you have tapped into the consciousness of the Universe, which is your true self. I believe Buddhism speaks of the no self in certain sects and this basically means that small self is an illusion, and in truth there is only the large self, consciousness. After a mystical experience in which you become conscious of the Truth, and in my case I became conscious of all facets, your intellect is awoken. The Bodhi is awakened, in other's the same thing. I have tapped into Infinite Intelligence. So at this point you are permanently awake, as you are viewing the world thru a non-dual lens. You're back as the small self, but forever changed, and Awoke - conscious. (we can drop the whole word Ego if it makes you uncomfortable). Buddhism is very aligned with the Idealist Paradigm - which I subscribe to after my Awakening. It means that consciousness is not happening inside a brain, but the brain, and the "ego" as people call it, is happening within consciousness. Consciousness is equal to Absolute Infinity. This is formless, and contains absolutely everything, which has to include nothing. Therefore it is groundless. So you can think of reality as a Giant mind, and within that mind is the idea of you and me. So we agree that the ego is an idea. The term Enlightenment is relative - it has to be - because reality is an Absolute Relativity. There is no objective world out there. Where I believe someone is Enlightened after they have a non-dual experience - or in Buddhism the NO self. Becoming pure consciousness and becoming conscious of what is really going here. That's what happened to me. I think what you are trying to say is that you do not need a mystical experience to become enlightened according to your definition of enlightenment - which is Awakening of the Intellect. If that's the case yes you can raise consciousness without a mystical experience, but it's not quite the same thing. I believe you need to incorporate both in order to be fully Awake. Also notice the memory of the becoming the Absolute is not the same as Becoming the Absolute. It's a memory, something completely different. So don't confuse the map with the territory. But then once permanently enlightened as you like to say, you can embody Truth in your everyday life, and everything including suffering, which is the topic of this post, becomes effortless because you have complete and full acceptance and understanding of it.
  12. @Preetom LOL we are all GOD just amusing himself.
  13. @Preetom Self Inquiry is what REALLY awoke me actually. Deep self inquiry and also practicing no-mind/do-nothing. When A mystical experience happens your direct experience literally becomes BEING. (the you is no longer there - can call it death/ego/ these are all words we can use interchangeably) You become Being itself, which IS conscious. So you become conscious of Truth. In my Awakening i became conscious of the fact that reality is a giant mind - Consciousness is not within a brain, the brain is within Consciousness or Being. I also became conscious of Absolute Love, and Infinite Intelligence. It is the most amazing thing you will ever experience in your life. Not only that - things you thought were real before will be recontexualized and literally just MELT away before your eyes. One of those things is the fact that the substance of reality - and you - is absolutely Nothing, and that's kinda mind blowing and leads to ego backlash afterwards. Even now as i'm typing this I can feel Being. Once you have Awoke you are opened up to it.
  14. @Shiva I really resonate with this as well. There is something that transcends both. I have studied Spiral Dynamics via Leo's teachings, I have not gone outside yet and read other books on it - so I have a question on it for you guys. I think someone on the forum (Ponder, I believe) mentioned that Stage Coral is swing back to individualism, but incorporating Turquoise' collective thinking into it. Is that the case? Leo's episodes didn't talk much about Coral, maybe because it is not considered one of the actual stages? My question on this as to how it relates to politics, is this: I believe personally i have shades of orange, green, yellow, and turquoise in me. I have Awoken, and see things much more holistically now. But there is still a part of me that believes the Left is too Left, and the Right is too Right. We need to somehow transcend this where we have something that emerges from both Socialism and Capitalism. Thoughts and how this might relate to Stage's Turquoise and Coral?
  15. @Shin Self deception at it's's "Total..Total, Total, Total." Love those words from Leo's self deception episode.
  16. @Shin true...and you need a break from the real work. Too much of anything can be counterproductive...Need a balance. Can't spend so much time here that you ignore the work.
  17. @Ponder i think i might go back to physical masturbation..its much less exhausting
  18. @cetus56 @cetus56 agreed. I say we take Mandy's advice and all go out into nature for a while Unfortunately i have to work so i have to wait until later.
  19. @cetus56 i don't believe i was arguing or fighting with him. But if someone is self deceived and is going around deceiving others (perhaps even unconsciously) that they can become enlightened in 48 minutes and stating that they themselves can go between God and Ego at will i think needs to be pointed out for the benefit of some of the other people on the forum. That's all we are trying to do here. No one is is saying he is a bad guy or anything..we all love him.
  20. @David Hammond that's good. But notice our posts above. Saying you are jumping between God and Ego at will is the Ego disguising itself as God. If you have truly had a mystical experience - a non-dual experience in which you became conscious of Absolute Truth or various facets of it - then you shouldn't lie and say you can jump between states at will..that's nonsense.. The only way that happens is the Ego disguising itself as the Absolute. Its fabrication. But of course the irony is you are not even conscious that you are deceiving yourself. You actually believe it. Your caught in your own deception. Otherwise it wouldn't be a successful deception. It's Total.
  21. @Shin Yes what he is describing by jumping between God and Ego at will - that is artificial enlightenment which is his Ego the entire time deceiving itself. But hey - if in his perspective it works for him then let him be happy. It's all good in the hood but let's not confuse it with the Absolute. Its ego disguised as the Absolute. See how tricky this stuff is.
  22. @kev014 It melts the heart when it happens. There is nothing else. Everything else pales in comparison
  23. @zeroISinfinity don't waste your time. He can't answer basic questions about his own direct experiences because he hasn't had any.... His breathing techniques could help, but you can't put a time on when enlightenment happens. Embrace the unconscious with Love.