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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @David Hammond i would have honestly thought the same thing. I did actually. I was never into spirituality as a matter of fact i was the farthest person from it. I was a rationalist and an athiest. But i have always had a kinda loose identity..meaning i never clinged to an idealogy like a lot of other people do. So when i stumbled on him and decided why not..what would it hurt to try self inquiry and see where it goes. The question of "when a tree falls in the forest and there is no perceiver, does it actually make a sound?" Always bothered me because i was coming at it from the Materialist paradigm. But i had a sense that something was amiss..i just hand waved it away like most people do as "oh its just something we can never know" So that's why at 48 and a lifetime of egoic suffering after a few weeks of meditation via the do nothing and self inquiry method, it happened. That's when i started digging into Buddhism and Hinduism just for my own personal knowledge.
  2. @Jack Walter Leon can you elaborate? I'm not quite grasping what you are saying.
  3. @zeroISinfinity Reality is inherently mystical. One can become directly conscious of this. There is nothing like becoming God. It is the most beautiful and divine thing in the world. It will melt your heart literally. Words cannot describe it and it will literally bring you to your knees weeping like a child. Its beautiful. And its infinite. Sorry for posting on your thread. Zero lets leave his thread alone.
  4. @Ponder we like you too Ponder. Nay, we love you. Because our love is absolute. We love the devils too
  5. @David Hammond now you are littering your own thread. You couldn't resist that ego burst to get the last word in. Zero is are teaching techniques that have not even brought you the teacher enlightenment. Therefore to all you guys out there i would be very skeptical about his ability to teach you these techniques because his idea of enlightenment is deluded. I'm done here...if you want to litter your own thread and get another last word in that's a bunch of BS go ahead.
  6. @David Hammond its like pissing in the wind with you. I give up.
  7. @zeroISinfinity absolutely they do. They feel it
  8. @David Hammond the breathing techniques are valid. They are a form of buddhist mediation. It works. But don't put a time limit on it. And it hasn't worked for yourself yet.
  9. @David Hammond not the same thing. One day j hope it hits you and when it does you will be like "Holy fuck! That's what they were talking about!"
  10. @David Hammond That's the exact type of mindset that will never get you there. But I'm gonna go meditate. See you guys later.
  11. @David Hammond there is Both and none at once. Thats infinity. Try wrapping your mind around that. You can't. But you can be it. I don't think you are grasping what is being said here...we aren't kidding around about it. You can actually BE it!
  12. @David Hammond David....he had a mystical experience in which he became directly conscious of Being. He became Being. It may have only been for a short time but it happened.
  13. @zeroISinfinity he has not become the Absolute yet but he understands where the map is pointing to. That's more than most people get.
  14. @Truth Addict Yes i can. It is actually what brings me the most peace. I've been spending a bit too much time here on the forum..gonna need to dial it back.
  15. @AnaCristina doesn't matter really. With OCD the obsessive thoughts aren't real. They're self deception. They pop up out of nowhere, often from certain triggers within the subconscious that are really hard to figure out.
  16. @Buba Enlightenment will liberate you from the obsessions but it will only be during the mystical experience. Mystical experience isn't even the right word. The right words are direct consciousnes of God. Being God. Apon return to duality you will linger between states for some time and still enjoy the bliss and the lack of obsessions. But ultimately as you return to the Ego the obsessive thoughts will return..but they will be lessened. You have tapped into Infinite Intelligence. Your consciousness will be raised a thousand fold. But you must continue the work. Make it your life's work and become more and more in tune with Being. The more aligned with God the less the obsessions and the happier you are. Additonal mystical states may be required to completely remove them but it is possible. Afterall, we are talking about Absolute Infinity.
  17. @lennart wanna know why? Because you were just being. Your mind wasn't conceptualizing everything like it does now You were closer to Being as a child than you ever were as an adult. That's why the return to Being is so liberating. Become the Absolute.
  18. @abrakamowse you have a lifetime. Be patient. Im 48. I know i dont look it i have a baby face. But it happened at 48. I had a lifetime of egoic suffering. Stumbled on Leo for an alcohol addiction. Started doing self inquiry and it happened about a few weeks in of meditation. It's real. It's moving thru me now. Just be in the moment and let the illusion of free will take you where it will. You're intuition is pointing you there. It will happen when the time in your life is right. But it will happen otherwise you were not meant to be on this site right now.
  19. @Conrad you are one Enlightened motherfucker.
  20. @Markus you wouldn't be posting this if you were in a non-dual state. Are you saying you are transitioning to the ego and back to God a couple of times within a few weeks? What have you become conscious of?
  21. @Truth Addict This one is hard to answer on an internet forum. But from my personal experience anything i have ever achieved in my life i have had to devote all my time to. But it was out of pure passion to accomplish that goal. What I'm saying is that if you want it bad enough you just will make it a priority in your life without thinking. It will just happen effortlessly. So how bad you want it? Thats what it all comes down to in life. Well, in the life of duality of course Oh and yeah...fuck yeah it's worth it. It will melt you. Literally.
  22. @Ponder Ponder you are not enlightened my friend. I've been reading your posts this past week and you have hit non-dual states for sure..and you are a very intelligent guy with fairly high consciousness levels but you did not become conscious of Absolute Love yet. And your notions of coral are all screwed up if there is a coral.