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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. There are Absolutes outside the dream. You are falling into this neo-advaita trap we are seeing so much of. That's its just this. That there is no Mind - no God - no Consciousness designing this thing?
  2. The only one that has to realize they are God is you. Forget all the BS. When you realize it you will be on the floor reeling.
  3. Awareness is Love. Love and Awareness are synonymous. They are duality. They are non-duality. Duality is non-duality. Finite awareness is infinite awareness. Finite love is Infinite Love.
  4. When you truly die you will know Love. Love is not imaginary. It is the fabric of reality.
  5. Yes other perspectives cannot be understood because they are imaginary. But you have to directly awaken to Oneness to realize all others and their POV are imaginary. So don't take that on faith. That is a direct awakening to Oneness. It shows you that you are dreaming up all other perspectives. But then if you died you should know that death is an ilusion and that the ego is an illusion? Truth is Infinite Love. Forcing death by destroying the finite will not provide that because it does not come from a place of love
  6. It's similar to Eckhart Tolle. If your level of consciousness was already at a certain point then you will become conscious that you were God is that what happened? Otherwise it will be like 99 percent of the population and they are clueless to their true nature.
  7. Yeah but the difference between dying by suicide and realizing you are God are distinct. A distinction created by yourself.
  8. I stated it. The concept of death exists in your imagination.
  9. Exactly. Infinite intelligence is God. God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. That is Pure This. Or Pure Consciousness. Pure Actuality. Pure Love. Pure Present Moment. All else is imaginary.
  10. Infinie intelligence is Pure Infinite Awareness. That is not human. You give it a human aspect because you are human.
  11. His degree of consciousness was at a completely different level prior to.
  12. @EntheogenTruthSeeker Exactly. Psychedelics opened your mind. You are a perfect example. There are so many who will not wake up to Infinite Love!!! God's greatest gift is its finite self realizing it is Infinite or Love. It takes the distinction between not love (fear) and Love to actually awaken.
  13. Agreed. It's not really a disorder so that is a bad term. It is simply a lack of consciousness.
  14. It is nuanced. I think from my own direct experience that more consciousness ultimately helps with all mental disorders. Mental disorders are a result of a blockage in consciousness somewhere. And God is forever being pulled in the direction of more consciousness. I have a post on OCD on this. Psychedelics can really help open the mind and expand consciousness. I think that this type of therapy will be very helpful in the future.
  15. @BipolarGrowth As he said suicide is driven by the ego. It derives from selfishness. This is not to downplay the pain of depression. But suicide ultimately comes from a point in which to appease the self.
  16. Pure Being = Pure or Absolute infinity = Pure or Absolute Love = Pure Absolute Nothingness Pure Nothingness is everything in a formless state or state of pure potential. Right now you are a particular form or thing. Your substrate is nothing but you are a piece of it. So you are nothing and something hehe. Once you become directly conscious that you are nothing and everthing, so shall you become it. You will be Pure Being. Your form will die though. Pure Being feels like Total Bliss or Total Love.
  17. @James123 Indeed. Infinity. @WHO IS he has become it - or that which he really is. It is not a belief. Becoming it and becoming conscious of it are identical because all there is is Consciousness. Becoming conscious of it is becoming pure Consciousness.
  18. @Chumbimba as we always say here - go with direct experience. The teachings laid out here are meant to give you a theoretical foundation. If you take them on faith, or as belief, you shall ultimately fall into confusion. You say you aren't interested in enlightenment or the discovery of the highest Truth but are you so sure? Thats is fine if you are - yet be wary not to put the cart before the horse. You are here in this realm so that you can experience. All of this is beautiful and shouldn't be shunned. All of it can be embraced - Feel free to pursue what fuels your passion. Don't enslave yourself. If it is a career in computers do not shun that. If you want to get out and make some money in a particular career do not shun that either. Enjoy life in all of its facets. Just be conscious that when your ego crosses the line into total selfishness that there will ultimately be a price to pay and that will be in the form of your own suffering. Suffering is not necessarily a bad thing either. It can lead to more growth. So embrace life. Spirituality can come later. And even after spirituality you can and should embrace life to the fullest.
  19. Not if the water bottle is not actually a water bottle - but it's You.
  20. @John Doe very nice realization.. .remember form is hallucination. What is Truth is God in its purest form - the formless - or the infinite - complete unconditional love for Itself.
  21. These are all examples (the supernova too) imagined by Infinity. Anything you thought was outside of infnity is actually within it. It cannot escape itself. An awakening can really give you a direct hit on this insight.