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Everything posted by LoveandPurpose

  1. @TheAvatarState Ah I see. But you still improve your personality while realizing who you are?
  2. @Nahm Great advice, thank you! I agree, self love is essential. Could you please briefly elaborate on "self-actualization & spirituality are one and the same"? No I know what you mean, without desire my life would have more clearity, I think. But on the other hand I want to live the best life possible and when I'm just focusing in spirituality after a while I get the sense of something lacking, which is progess in the world of form. Should I then not give into that and solely make progress from a space of love without diving too much into the whole self improvement mindset?
  3. @Hellspeed What exactly do you mean? That Self-Actualization is just a concept?
  4. @TheAvatarState Self-Actualization is about optimizing your character, your personality. Spirituality is about realizing that this character is an illusion. So yes, I think that you can self-actualize without practicing spirituality. What do you think?
  5. I want to help people and I can picture myself being a therapist. But I am questioning if the traditional way is the right one for me. Firstly, psychology in university isn't teaching positive psychology or high consciousness material. Secondly, I could be limited in only using certain scientific proven theories, which don't really tackle the root cause. Which jobs exist where I can help people while still having the freedom of doing that with high consciousness approaches?
  6. @Serotoninluv Very helpful response, thank you! Yes, I’m quite sure that unfortunately in Austria, where I would study, these branches aren’t taught. You showed me that I need to question my assumptions about being limited to scientic theories and them not solving the root issue. However, I do believe that they also contain relative truth and that they can be useful. So I really really like this integration of old-school and new age methods you are mentioning. To be a therapist with so many different tools would enable me to help many people. Are there any requirements to be able to use cbt or psychedelics for example to help people? You have to be a licensed therapist with a degree for that, am I right?
  7. @Leo Gura Thank you for responding! Unfortunately in Austria, where I’m going to study (I live in Germany), positive and transpersonal psychology isn’t taught. I saw that in the US there are more opportunities, which seem great. I also considered life coaching, but I’m kind of scared to go this unsafe route, although I’m quite sure it’s the path that would fulfill me most (not life coaching in particular, but the untraditional path in general). I also don’t have an overview of all the possibilities there are for my interests. Do you know where I can get more clarity? Or is it not available because it doesn’t exist, due to going offroad and not following the traditional way? Starting June 2019 I have one gap year where I'm trying to figure this out. I bought the LPC and will try to finish it. Besides this, how should I tackle this, where should I start? How can I most effectively find my path in life?
  8. Should you get rid of fear (of doing a presentation or rejection from girls in my case) through strenghening yourself, your ego, by working on your self-esteem etc. Or should you try to not identify with it and just be aware of it, trying to transcend it. This paradox of self-improvement and enlightenment often causes me to be unsure of which approach the best one is.
  9. @Nahm @Jack River @Serotoninluv @ground @winterknight Thank you all very much for your insights, it is really appreciated that you take time to help others!
  10. @Elisabeth Great advice, thank you very much!
  11. I'm struggeling with the idea of becoming a therapist. Those of you who do it as their profession, what are the pros and cons from your experience?
  12. @Shadowraix Yes! It is great in my opinion.
  13. @wheelspawn Yes! However, I don't quite know a job build around it.
  14. @Salvijus Thank you very much!
  15. @wheelspawn With scientific unproven theories I don't talk about woo-woo stuff. I mean spiritual truths, which can be experiences and are therefore subjectively true, but cannot be objectivly proven. Yet they can have powerful impacts and help people with their problems.
  16. How long did it take you to finish the LPC?
  17. I'm currently in my last year in high school. After that I'm going to take a year off to be really sure of the direction I'm going. In the Introduction of the LPC @Leo Gura said that you shouldn't half ass things and focus on one thing at a time. But, half good grades won't ruin any possible option for me in the future, so I feel like I could save time and already focus on my Life Purpose while not fully focusing on school. However, that could also mean that I half ass the LPC. What do you think I should do?
  18. @Hello from Russia Where I want to study, I don't need certain grades. Does that change your opinion?
  19. @Girzo Yes I think so, too. But I can't wait to get started and stop learning about things that don't have a high priority in my life. I could use school for discipline, learning how to study etc.
  20. @aurum I will probably work, travel and think about what I want to do with my life.
  21. @Leo Gura To which degree should you try to optimize your personality with a psychological approach? When is it better to just watch your thoughts without trying to analyze or change them in any way? Here is a very short article from Ram Dass on that matter:
  22. Hey everyone! I recognize that I'm currently suppressing some thoughts and emotions. How can I make those conscious?
  23. @Artaemis Of which kind of security are you talking about?
  24. Hello everyone! I'm currently in my last year of school here in Germany (equal to high school) and I got 6 months left. I thought about studying Psychology, but I'm more interested in other areas of Psychology that aren't taught in university, e.g. transpersonal psychology and positive psychology, so I'm probably not going to university. That means I probably won't need that degree which I'm working towards right now. After this school year I'm going to take a year off to find my Life Purpose, travel, work and educate myself. I have the idea in my mind of being a therapeut, helping people in a transpersonal/spiritual way. My question is: How much time and energy should I put into those last 6 months? Should I carry through and strive for the best grades to have a safety net, because maybe I will need it, although it is very unlikely, even if I'm going to university because grades don't matter to be accepted. Or should I already search for my Life Purpose and save time. Time also to educate myself in different ways than school. This would mean that my grades will be good or in the worst case okay, but not great. Safety or risk? Or maybe both, a balance? What do you think? Thank you in advance!