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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. With this video I'd like to introduce to some of you the dimension of "glucose levels after a meal" in nutrition. As you may have noticed, nutrition has various dimensions that each one have to be studied by themselves to paint a bigger understsanding of food and health, for example food alergies, the ammount of meals you eat in a day, how working out and muscle glycogen affect how you feel after eating, blood sugar and insulin fluctuations and spikes, etc. It's both a basic and not basic idea. For years I was clueless about this and I wish someone had explained this to me sooner. The idea is that each person is unique and therefore reacts differently to food. Some foods spike your blood sugar levels and some dont, and for others it's the opposite. Therefore , generic nutrition advice is most likely misleading and potentially harmful, and you must embarc on a personal experimentation journey to find what foods work for you ( big surprise ?) Tldr : buy a Glucometer and experiment what foods spike your blood sugar and have this as one of the guidelines of what is good /bad for you, together with much other nutrition advice. Unstable blood sugar levels and blood sugar fluctuation are the #1 reason for brainfog and sluggishness from my personal experimentation. You can try out the Keto diet and buy a blood ketone tester but thats a topic for another time. ?
  2. @Michael569 why filter water?. My kidney already filters water for me Lmao just kidding.
  3. Nice. Buying a steam cooker has been like the best structual change in my diet. I just buy frozen Veggies ( they all chopped up) throw them in the steamer and then I gtfo to do whatever I want for 30 min and boom meal rdy Ignore the second quote site is buggy for phone sometimes and i cant delete it
  4. @Preety_India dont you think you are exagerating with all those filters? I mean definately invest in clean watter supply but i think provably you can invest that time and effort into improving health from a different angle ( supplements, dropping grains dairy soy, etc)
  5. Do y'all think tap water is ok for steaming vegetables?
  6. really good doccumentary, but there wasn't much value for me personally for that one hour lol. He was really onto something at that " shaman phase " IMO at 24:08, and I really had a lot of respect for him at that point
  7. Feel free to post any other paradoxes and strange-loops and counter-intuitive concepts about dating, game, relationships, etc.
  8. lol found this on the internet . another layer of recontextualization for you
  9. oh damn boiii looks like our wifey for @Leo Gura
  10. @Natasha Also you can look into Squatting depending how serious you are. The legality and morallity varies from country to country. Here in Spain it's a super extended practice. The Government literally allowed it and has laws to back up the finantially vulnerable people from being evicted. Don't need money to pay bills if you aint got bills to pay ?
  11. @Natasha You don't live in your car. You are a digital nomad with an office on wheels ? if you are interested in the movement, check out vanlife on Youtube.
  12. @Natasha Sleep in your car / van, optimize your eating habits, sign up to a gym for lockers / showers / recharging phone / laptop. Only real minimalists have the guts for that one ?
  13. " Penalty : 6 months to 3 years imprisonment"
  14. @ciclonado watch these videos from " leo gura " to deal with your confusion : Also read / listen to " the happiness hypothesis " book. Warning : you may loose your shit for a long while if you grasp these ideas
  15. @Dark_White this is the one video you need to have a breakthrough experience Literally the one technique that will get you the most results at the moment.
  16. Wanna update this one ? ?
  17. lmfao sorry for this one ? What would a Yogi's gay porn star name be ? Suck'an'anda What does a Yogi yell when hes mad at his wife? B*tch Sama- dhick What's the name of a Yogi's Car Workshop? Kar'man What was the Yogi doing before he was a Yogi? He sell-fish How the word Brahman came into existance : Two horny Yogis are robbing a woman's panty drawer at night. They see nothing because it's pitch dark. 1 - Is this the thing ? 2 - Nah, that's a brah-man.
  18. What would you call the buddha if he was exposed to radiation in Chernobyl? A MU-tant
  19. what's a yogi's favorite card game? Yo-gi-oh
  20. @Leo Gura ah, I thought Interest rate is orange ? Not really much reason your money is suposed to passively grow ?
  21. " The writer thought $500 was an outrageously high price with comedic value "