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Everything posted by SerpaeTetra

  1. For me, it didn't serve me well. People didn't seem to like that quality. Then maybe I overdid being humble and didn't come off as authentic, and people picked up on that, I'm not sure... I will recognize that judgment on other people in the future, and let it go..
  2. I think I'm judging people who seem to me are "know-it-alls". I think especially when I was younger, I acted like this naturally, and people told me, maybe in a harsh way. I became introverted and quiet.
  3. I will try to embody this, thank you.
  4. I guess I'm judging peoples posts, and ranking them ahead or behind me. When someone posts something that in my mind is less valuable-and they are overly confident about it, I get irritated. There could very well be fear behind it, and I do believe it says something about myself, but I'm not sure how exactly. I can't really connect the dots past that point.
  5. Ok. I have watched your judgement video before, and have been actively catching myself in judgements about others, myself, etc., trying to at least catch it... I guess I'm more conscious of it, but its hard to correct. I remember there was a chance to stop the video and write down judgements as an exercise, and I just did that in my head instead of going through the full exercise, so I guess that would be a good video to revisit.
  6. Thanks, I'll try to look at it like that instead. Gotcha, thanks. Yeah, this makes a lot of sense, but can't wrap my head around it 100%. Why is it a threat to my sense of self? I assume others don't post because they can handle their emotions a bit better and just ignore it.
  7. Wisdom is the knowledge one gained from their own experience. I guess I went though the emotion of - hoping not to say something stupid, possible embarrassment...These were slight emotions in this case.
  8. It sounds like you are making stuff up to me. A couple hours ago you experienced something -as you said -1000 fold of normal enlightenment. Its not believable to me at least, and maybe you are just angry that you can't experience what others have, so you start posting what you have...
  9. It sounds like you have anger and need your voice heard-this is what my therapist told me. You should try it, they will let you talk about yourself for as long as you pay them.
  10. That seems like the rational thought.
  11. I tend to agree with most of the people replying here, but playing devils advocate for a second... How do people who have had an awakening moment through psychedelics know its the same as one who had their awakening moment through a more traditional method, since once can't communicate the experience?
  12. The bloodshot eyes were from working out too hard; strain or holding your breath for too long. Just tell them this is the reason and you'll tone down the workouts. You should probably take their advice and go out with friends a little more than you do. Socializing is important, especially at your age.
  13. Could this be a topic for a long video series? Maybe with a ton of mini-topics... I could see it attracting a lot of new viewers, plus endorse Sanders, anything less would be criminal...
  14. Hey Leo - Not sure if this has been covered, but how do you feel about voting for an independent? Example, 2020: Trump vs Sanders vs 2-10% Independent guy (who you really really like)...
  15. Take a break, come back in a week (or less if thats too hard), and share your insights...just a thought
  16. Actually, there are about 8 billion children in the world. I love them as well... Try extending your love Leo, and you will find love within your Ego, as well as your eternal soul.
  17. This is a false statement (for me). There are experiences of a parent that are hard to put into words much like Gods love; It can't be communicated, and unless you have that experience, you will never know that type of love.
  18. Just run man, you know you want to...not sure how many old people will vote for the guy who thinks he is god though, haha
  19. I mean, personally, I would never vote for Trump. But I served my time in the military, volunteer, do good for the community...please don't tell me I should vote. "Oh you can vote for an independent or fill-in" Sounds closed minded to me. I vote to not vote as a statement.
  20. Leo - Is it possible to have a very high level of consciousness, Awoke, intelligent, and still vote for Trump in 2020? (if he is on the ballot)
  21. -In regards to the above video - this lady confuses me and it seems like she only is confirmed of her fears from another anonymous source. Please point me to some point in the video if I am mistaken. -People are fearful of their life in many situations. I have never once read an article that had so many anonymous sources, which is the backbone of her evidence. The one video you posted, uses an anonymous source as her main evidence (5:30). -Most of the anonymous sources have very similar sentence structure and grammar. -She claims she is the founder of the school Mettaversity, in which it appears maybe none of the material she is posting is hers, but rather is at best an affiliate for yoga and spirituality teachers. (I found a couple of the courses originated on the other teachers websites) -This seems like a noble cause and she could be right about it all, but it's hard to take any of it seriously.
  22. Sounds great! I'll have to send my old Republican Dad a link, lol. Personally, I follow politics closely in the news and have mostly Democratic views, but I hate the system and feel like I'm giving in if I vote.
  23. Plus no sources for the quotes, everything is anonymous? I looked at 3 articles, and not one direct source in there. It just seems exaggerated to me. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
  24. I see a big donate button at the bottom of the article, lol. I wouldn't trust Mooji or the person writing this 100%.