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Everything posted by Meditationdude

  1. Do you think people who dedicate themselves to self actualization will live longer than most people? Like into the 90s and 100s? Maybe even higher?
  2. Depression. I hit my bottom and my edge of suffering. I had had enough of my life and out of the blue one day I typed in “depression into YouTube” and Leo’s video popped up. Been watching and practicing ever since. Happy to say I’m not depressed anymore and I’ve quit almost all of my addictions, started my own business (doing my life purpose) and am financially independent for the first time in my life. This shit is for real. Biggest frustration? Working through the guilt / traumas of my past. It’s so fucking hard, wow. When you become fully conscious of it, it will fuck you up but you kinda have no choice (if you want to develop) And one other I’d like to add is how frustrating it is to become more aware of strong negative emotions and knowing how to work through them but being unable to (sometimes). I’m not a master yet. For example, when my survival is threatened in someway that triggers me and even though I was aware of the trigger and how I’m feeling while being very present, I still get effected pretty intensely by the emotion and it can change my mood for the entire day or week. It’s like my consciousness level took a hit and I have to work 2x as hard to get back to that level again.
  3. @fridjonk so true, I do all the work and I still feel like quitting sometimes. Stay with it ??
  4. Has anyone been able to stop a sneeze during meditation? Stopping it may be the wrong terminology, I mean more like watching it so carefully that you completely detach from the feeling and it passes right through you without the need to actually sneeze? It’s like you’re so in tune with nothingness that all feeling is irrelevant and you’re just perceiving without anything else. All there is is perception it seems. It’s so strange!
  5. Some days I don’t want to do shit. My perception of time slows and my energy levels drop. I’m on the self actualization journey and I assume this is part of the path but was wondering if there are things I can do to help get through these rare but difficult days?
  6. @Jamie Universe I’m pretty sure I know the cause and I’m working on being more mindful so I don’t fall into these ruts.
  7. @Natasha so when I’m having a day like I described, I should focus more on being an less on doing?
  8. @Gili Trawangan helpful, thank you
  9. @Leo Gura it’s posts like these that keep your higher consciousness followers away from the forums. I don’t have Facebook for this very reason (reading rants from scared unconscious and unloving egos)
  10. This question came to me in meditation, not sure why.
  11. I’ve run a personal training business out of my home/garage for the past 3.5 years with no issues or problems (neighbors or city) but earlier this week that all changed. I moved 4 houses down (same street) and I got a visit from the city earlier this week. I’m not shut down yet but I’m pretty certain I’m going to get a code violation and be out of work. I’m terrified of being broke again as leaving the safe high paying corporate world and starting this business was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. My heart feels like it’s in my stomach and the anxiety and worry won’t stop. I’ve lost 6 pounds in 3 days, can barely eat or exercise I feel like I’m suffering deeply with the thought of starting over again. I just can’t shake it. I was doing so good before all this and I feel like I just took 3 steps backwards. The good thing is I’m still meditating and sleeping fine, I just have insane anxiety right now. if anyone has an words of wisdom, I could use it. I don’t have anyone in my life I can really talk to about my problems in a spiritual or self actualizing way.
  12. I’ve been watching, listening and reading Leo for the past 3.5 years, never missed a video (I’ve seen every single one, and some 3-4 times) and have read tons of books on his reading lists, and done almost all the work (meditation, solo retreats, contemplation, shadow work, diet, exercise, yoga, shamanic breathing, etc..) But I just can’t keep up with his video content anymore. 2.5-3 hr videos on a topics that doesnt hold my attention and seems to just be redundant a lot of the time. Leo a year ago was on fire and I couldn’t wait till Sunday to get the newest episode. Now I don’t really even care. l’m pretty bummed out and I wish he’d see that we can’t grow as fast as him and I have no intention of doing DMT 13 days in a row to get there. He did warn us that he would outgrow us someday, so I guess I can’t be too bothered. I think I’m done and just gonna ride out my self actualization from here with the knowledge I have gained thus far. Still love the Leo, just over the videos.
  13. @leintdav000 I’m not sure if someone else’s unconsciousness/lower frequency can have a real effect on you. If that were true we would all be screwed. Are you judging, moralizing, having negative thoughts when you’re with them? I think you gotta keep opening up to LOVE my man. One love. Unconditional. Keep up with you sits! Keep growing!
  14. @FredFred could it be that I want all this info in the videos but am frustrated that I can’t handle so much work?
  15. @Nahm on two occasions but not recently.
  16. @CreamCat inability to resonate with the common man? Or maybe he won’t completely outgrown us bc as long as he’s doing it’s possible he may never fully awaken. @Leo Gura knows (but possibly hasn’t “learned”) that is a major distraction for him. Imagine where he would be without any technology for years.
  17. @Adam M agreed. They can be useful in understanding high consciousness and non dual experiences. I definitely benefited from Leo’s mushroom videos when I was getting into psychedelics. Thing is, with no duality, all the understanding comes after. So I sit and meditate bc that’s what I’m after. Also, now that’s I’ve grown so much, I hate being on my phone. I prefer silence and listening to natural noise. All the low consciousness crap seemed to disappear out of my life. That’s why I don’t post a lot on here.
  18. @dimitri haha, right?!? Although I don’t think I’m ready to see him naked, I would like to see him stare into the camera for 3 hours. I might actually watch that lol.
  19. @Shiva thanks! I’m not going anywhere, I’m just done watching every single video. I feel my time is best used on the practice, not gathering content.
  20. @bejapuskas I normally break it up as well, but I think the content itself is what’s turning me away. I’m a yellow/turquoise and I understand nonduality and have had multiple experiences with it (in meditation and psychedelics). It’s almost impossible to grasp with words, so I just don’t need 6 hrs of video to help me. Nor would it even if I didn’t understand non duality. If you want to understand it, do the work leo talks about constantly. It does nothing for you to simply listen to words about nonduality. Only creates more belief.
  21. @Rilles obviously I’m missing content. But am I really missing out? Is 6 hours of non duality talk really gonna stunt my development? Other people have been able to wake up without even knowing about Leo, so why can’t I? I have the skills and knowledge, and now I just need to practice diligently. id rather put that extra time into the work (meditation, reading, contemplating, etc.) instead of being bogged down by content. So maybe you’re the one missing out by listening and not putting in the 3-4 hours of personal development daily like I am.
  22. And I agree with her... But I can't figure out if I do it for purpose of self actualizing or if I truly am a selfish little devil? Self actualization and increasing consciousness is my top priority, and although this doesn't affect our relationship currently, at a certain point is it going to be possible to sustain? She's also into personal development and spirituality but not nearly at the level I am. Just to be clear, my GF wasn't arguing with me or saying this was a bad thing. She was actually just agreeing with me because this insight hit me just after my meditation today.
  23. @MLKFan try using a chair. I personally use a chase lounge type chair with a pillow behind me keeping me upright and straight back but completely relaxed.
  24. @DanTheLurker we both run our businesses from home, so we are together almost always. We’ve been together almost 4 years, living together 3. We are extremely happy and love and respect each other deeply. Yup, she knows and fully supports my goals. Even to enlightenment should I be so lucky. We talk about our hero’s journey almost daily. She knows I want to reach levels of consciousness that are extremely rare. I don’t think I’ve specifically set a daily amount of time with her on how much I need to do my work. But she does know the process could take a decade or longer.