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Posts posted by Shadowraix

  1. Biological sex indeed is roughly black and white but you do have intersex which is just an all encompassing term for biological variation regarding sex.

    Although people don't like to acknowledge the inherent dynamic nature of life and shrug it off as a minority.

    Yes gender in this case is often used for how you express yourself. We as a culture has set features that make us more masculine or feminine. And you can slide along the spectrum between these.

    As far as I know gender has been considered an expression component of biological sex. I can understand feeling neither feminine or masculine but in terms of having genders outside of that spectrum we must define whether gender has some sort of correlation with biological sex or if its completely untethered.


  2. 1 hour ago, Serotoninluv said:

    There may have been some relationship fatigue, yet I think I also realized an inner truth. My whole life I had been conditioned to value long-term commitment as a virtue. Then, I began to question whether long-term commitment was virtous in and of itself. Then I began realizing that beneath my desire for long term commitment was seeking energy, fear and desire for control and security. 

    It’s been a process of letting go and learning to be ok with uncertainty and impermanence. I don’t know what the future will hold - people change. Life changes. These days, I try to be fully present in a relationship. To be a good listener and supportive. To express unconditional love. To give of myself genuinely and freely.

    These values have risen higher than my desire for long-term commitment. If things naturally evolve in that direction, fine. Yet I no longer seek to steer things in that direction. 

    Yep, I've had a similar shift. My girlfriend likes to fantasize about the potential future but in the relationship I've been a big grounding encouraging for her and I to live in the present and just enjoy having each other around. She might change or I might. And thats okay. 

    I think this kind of mentality has helped my girlfriend and I bond more by worrying less about "oh what if they leave me" etc etc

  3. @Serotoninluv Very well written. 

    On the cult claim, nobody is trying to get you to follow anyone or follow anything. While there can be much to learn from others (Leo helped solve my moralization dilemma for example) the only time any advice is useful is when you've deeply come to the same conclusion yourself and see success from its application. Its one thing to be told something, its another to realize it.

    A lot of the profound realizations that come with this path while can ease pain from the painful stuff, it also will cause a great deal of pain to let go of all of your deeply held beliefs you once identified with. Nobody said it was going to be all unicorns and rainbows. 

    People see this as ludicrous because the ego will backlash not wanting to let go of all that maintains its survival.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Emanyalpsid said:

    I also see it much in this way. But does this mean that if duality comes from distinction that they are the same? Only in thought a duality is made through a concept. The self (subject) defines something (object) through a concept. The eyes through which you see can make a distinction. But your eyes are also atoms, just as the egg. 

    I don't know if this is too nitpicky, but the eyes don't make the distinction as all it does is transfer information. It has to be processed. Something that is very fast and doesn't inherently depend on thought. Identification does i'd say. But separation of things in sight seems to be automatic. Lots of things are happening outside of your conscious awareness. Calling duality the same as distinction depends on perspective. I wouldn't call duality or distinction inherently false as what it is fragmenting is there, but it can distract from seeing the whole. So it ends up becoming very illusory. Many in nonduality seek to make the nondual intellectual understandings shift into awareness. To experience nonduality instead of just learning the concept of it.


  5. 3 minutes ago, Emanyalpsid said:

    Okay you don't understand me. Explain to me what a duality is for you and what a distinction is? Why is a duality the same as a distinction for you?

    I would say duality comes from distinction.

    Duality would be polar opposite sides of something. Good vs evil Hot vs cold etc

    Distinction would be some form of fragmentation of things. Seeing an egg and separating it from the environment would be a distinction. The only thing separating an egg and the environment is the arrangement of atoms. The only thing separating you from me are the atoms between us. All these classifications are arbitrary. I had to abstract a bit to try and explain my point (such as using atoms)

    Without distinction its just all infinity. No distinction means no atoms, no speakers, no grass etc its all just one big thing.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Emanyalpsid said:

    Not true; I can make a distinction between an egg and it's environment, because i see the egg. That doesn't mean the egg is not in the environment or part of the environment, or that I create a duality. As I'm seeing it, not thinking it.

    The brain is what processes sight and thus still creates the duality/distinction. Its like breathing. You can consciously make distinctions but you don't need to be consciously aware of it to do it.

    So I don't see where you disproved me. You are creating distinction whether you are aware you are or not. I never said conscious thought was necessary.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    @now is forever @Shadowraix I can't explain how I know/why, I just know.

    People misjudge things about themselves all the time. You could be doing the same, no?

    As repetition based creatures, the more you reinforce an idea, the more you fall into and believe it. Thats why if you keep calling yourself a good for nothing piece of shit, you'll actually begin to believe it and it makes realizing you aren't that all the more harder to break out of.  

  8. Just now, Mikael89 said:

    Yes I have thought that. But the thing is that you all are wrong and you refuse to accept it. 

    I know I can't be any other way.

    So - I am curious. How do you know?

    There are plenty of people who have this sort of static mentality and then end up radically different.

    What makes you a unique case to be sure you aren't in the same illusory mentality?

    Everything we do is a skill. So is socializing. Skills need to be honed and developed. Don't expect to be an expert over night or even a year.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    You guys are full of nonsense.

    "Self limiting belief." "Victim mentality." "Hard work." "Take charge of life." "Stop whining." Etc.

    Nice fancy words. I'm glad it makes you guys feel smart and superior. ?

    But in the end, you don't know shit.

    Don't feel smart or superior. If you really need me to break down the "fancy words" into more simple explanations I am happy to do so.

    I'm not saying these things to make myself seem better. Have you ever thought people might have some genuine interest in helping you become a better person? It all just sounds like you've been molded a certain way and now refuse you can be any other way.

    You deny and backlash anybody who suggests otherwise. As if you don't want to put in the effort to try and see if you can. Have you actually narrowed down the roots of why you think how you think? Your ability to change is even greater if you are young. If you think you'll be the same 10-20 years from now you are in for a rude awakening.

    You've got nothing to lose by seeking improvement.

  10. 12 hours ago, DrMobius said:

    There's no real alternative to 5-MeO-DMT, it's a unique psychedelic and it's power is unparalleled.

    Abnormally high doses of LSD are not safe nor recommended, mainly because it lasts 8-10 hours which could potentially leave one with serious long-term mental complications in case of a bad trip. Only very experimented users should venture into that kind of dosages.

    <=12 hours is normal for LSD trips I thought? 8-10 for high doses seems no different than low doses.

    Can't say I ever noticed a duration difference between 100ug-1500ug

  11. 2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    I can't know if you are right. Me following your advice regarding the truth would presuppose that I first believe you. And you could be wrong. So I cannot know anything no matter what anyone of you say.

    This is why they say don't follow a teacher blindly, but find the answer for yourself. Following advice isn't to blindly believe but to apply it to verify it.

  12. 1 minute ago, Mikael89 said:

    @Shadowraix Minor adjustments in my personality is possible for me. But it's not possible for me to become socially skilled. I don't doubt that many people can make such a radical change in personality, but I can't. The thought "I could become socially skilled" is laughable. My parents (who are the only people I know) would laugh at the idea of me becoming socially skilled. They would die of laughter, and then I would know noone anymore. I better don't tell them the joke.


    Put a decade into seriously and truly trying then get back to me.

    Minor adjustments can add up to a radical change.

    The only one stopping you from being better is you. Thats all there is to it.

    Whether your parents or you would laugh at the idea or not is irrelevant. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Mikael89 said:

    What you say is bullshit, I know myself better than you know me. Seriously.

    You do. I am just telling you that people don't have to be shaped by their past experiences for the rest of their lives.

    I'm not claiming to know your personality. I am merely claiming that your personality is not a static stuck with forever thing.

    I'm only truly trying to point out 1 aspect of you. Your self limiting beliefs thats stopping you from being who you want to be.

    Giving up and accepting who you are is always the easy road compared to putting in the actual years upon years of effort to be better.


  14. Just now, Mikael89 said:

    Good for you. Why is it a oddball one, doesn't sound like it.

    Given what people like you and others have said seeming to know all about what women want, sure seems like an oddball one.

    1 minute ago, Mikael89 said:

    No I can't.

    You can. You just refuse to acknowledge it. You've just given up and accepted your molding not realizing you can change that molding.

    If you don't want to push such a change, thats on you. You don't need to keep hiding behind can't statements to try and take away responsibility to justify how you are.

  15. My life must seriously be an oddball one.

    I've had more women approach me than I have approached them. (15+ vs like 2-5 I just treated them as a friend and actually preferred to seek counseling from my female friends. I just tried to be kind to everyone. I'm pretty sure more girls liked me than I was aware of base on how my friends talk about hearing girls talk about me (But refused to spit out who it was)

    I don't think I am attractive enough to warrant that much attention without my personality in play.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    Isn’t the whole point of Buddhism not to be so clingy with ideology and attachment?  I’ve never met a Buddhist who feels like they gotta defend their ideology before.  To me that sounds like religion.  Maybe Buddhism is a religion, but I never took it that way.  Not in the sense of clinging hard to beliefs and identification.  Maybe noobs to Buddhism are like that.  Watch some Adyashanti videos perhaps.  He’s one of my favorite teachers and I believe he comes outta the Buddhist tradition.  

    This is tricky because ultimately the amount of people we even meet in our lifetime is a minority of the population and even more so to massive philosophies like Buddhism.

    So then it comes down to who you have met which can have drastic differences.