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Everything posted by Wisebaxter

  1. @Zigzag Idiot I'm sorry to hear you haven't been well mate. Have you read any of Joe Dispenza's stuff? His book Becoming Supernatural outlines a way we can naturally heal ourselves by connecting to relaxation and peace as a practice. If you're experiencing emotions relating to survival mode a lot, this will stress your system and leave you open to illnesses. He has a couple of good guided meditations on YouTube that help you reprogram your body to be more used to feelings of connection and positive emotions. He says we unconsciously create the situations that give us the chemicals we're craving. In other words, we get addicted to our pain. He recounts story's about people coming back from stage four cancer, all sorts of shit, just by creating a habit of reconnecting to source, or just relaxation or love. If you're in fight or flight mode a lot, or feeling stressed, your body can become hooked on these emotions. It sounds overly simplistic I though, but he really does go balls deep into the science. I love the guy. I've emailed you a morning and evening guided meditation of his if you're interested. They're a good way to get started reconnecting on a more regular basis. I see it as using the power of intent to create a new body and mind. God can do this, it just has to do it in a more limited and drawn out fashion when disguised as an ego Saying all of this you do seem like a positive guy so I hope you don't think I'm suggesting otherwise. I just know how the mind can get me trapped. Conceptual stuff, images of this or that. Ideas, beliefs, assumptions. Is there any way you could clean up your diet a bit, or take better care of yourself? I'm wondering what you meant by not taking care of yourself. I'm thinking that self-love might be an issue, as you've mentioned shadow work to me before. Matt Kahn is great for that. It also sounds like you're good at accepting parts of yourself, acknowledging your bullshit etc. You've probably come across all or most of these ideas too, but worth a shot This might be beyond Matt Kahn even though Sometimes I'm confused between the two spiritual paradigms of 'create your experience consciously and choose not to suffer,' and love and give attention to the neglected parts of yourself. The two approaches seem at odds. Ralston says change it, Matt Kahn says shine a light on it, love it and give it a voice. I've certainly been able to switch off things like fear and sadness, just through my intent. But am I burying things and not healing deep wounds? I might make a thread about this. I can't help thinking that shadow work begets more shadow work. When is it done? Aren't we just creating more habitual experiences, of 'healing,' The I need healing paradigm. Just a few musings
  2. I can confirm I've had good results with following Dr Joe's morning and evening meditations, which essentially help you to visualise desired future events and connect it to positive emotions. This rewrites your habitual patterns of thinking and gets you carrying out the actions you've visualised more naturally and effortlessly. It's also a powerful reminder of how you can change your state instantly
  3. @SimonaMay Did you carry on with Modafinil or give up after those negative effects? I'm planning on using it for my studies soon as I have to work too to support myself. I'm hoping this tool can get me through ok. Possibly some microdosing too as I think psychs are similar to Modafinil in some ways. Broader thinking, the quietening of the mind.
  4. Modafinil Report: 200mg dose. Started off with the Bradley Cooper 'Limitless' formula and cleaned the entire house, with the effects kicking in about half way through. It's hard to describe how it feels. Just very mellow, relaxing, but at the same time you can think incredibly clearly and focus like a beast. Somewhat like taking a psychedelic, minus the focus perhaps. I sat at the piano to practice and I became those keys man, it was awesome. All of the theory seemed to come together as well, I could retrieve it a lot more easily and integrate it all into the session. I suffer really badly from having an overactive mind, over-thinking everything, mental masturbation etc and it causes me a lot of stress and anxiety. This has been worse than ever recently after the ego backlash I had, which I now know was so intense as my progress prior to it had been so great. So anyway, being able to focus on a task without the mind chatter was simply sublime. I worked on a screenplay for a bit, which I must admit still presented a slight challenge in terms of concentration, perhaps because I was finding it quite difficult to write the scene I was on, but I definitely persevered longer than I would have done usually. But it was when I sat down to meditate that I really grocked the power of this stuff. I was able to sit for over an hour and a half no problem at all and it felt even more relaxing and sublime than usual as I was able to go so deep. After that I did some observation, just sat and stared at the clock for about 45 minutes, which was fantastic as observation usually kicks my arse, having such a frantic monkey mind. Obviously the meditation had quietened my mind too, which helped. Then I topped it all off with a side order of contemplation and lo and behold I was able to have a direct experience of my subject incredibly quickly, seeing as I was in observation mode. Some great insights here. First, meditation before observation = greater progress with observation. Secondly, contemplation after observation = faster direct experiences. Thirdly, Modafinil is the shit and I'm gonna pop another one tomorrow and the next day....and the next day....and so on, until I've given my ego a proper good kick in the nuts, teaching it a lesson for fucking with me so badly recently. So how do you like Modafinil, eh ego? You in trouble now boi.... If you guys have been considering grabbing some of this stuff but haven't been too sure - just do it, it's amazing
  5. @SimonaMay So you didn't get any of the positive effects at all? Just dizzy and tired? Hmm. Tired I can understand, as your body is going into overdrive and you're bound to crash a bit, especially if you stay up for a long period.
  6. I'm referring to Leo's video entitled 'Life, it's all a Mind Game.' Anyone got any hot tips on how to nail the mind game? The issue I'm having is, who should I use as an example of an effective player? Someone who has Maslow's triangle nailed maybe? How do you win the mind game of having an effective mind game? Where do you start? Is anyone here acing the mind game like a straight up legend? ? What's your secret? How do you know when you're improving? What I'd like is a neat little manual or a pamphlet if anyone has one
  7. @Wilhelm44 That's a gem right there, thanks. This is actually a good thread as everyone is able to share some of their own deepest insights
  8. Yeah man, I have to admit I was a bit put-out when I heard that Leo wasn't gonna share his deepest insights any more, but the more I think about it, and after reading this, I totally agree. Leo has been carrying most of us for years and it's high time we got of our asses and did some of the work ourselves. He has his reasons for limiting this message I'm sure, and like you say, look at all the free content and value he's given. Leo will always be my captain and I won't jump ship just because he sees an iceberg
  9. @PurpleTree Nice. I like Leo's satisfaction meditation practice for learning how to to this i.e become content with any scenario, even a painful one
  10. Try actually making yourself scared, consciously, when you feel a panic coming on. It's counter Intuitive and somehow works quite well for me
  11. @Nahm Yeah I'm the Prince of conceptual overlays I think I really like this passage from the article you linked: "What’s dispelled & seen through are conceptualizations of yourself, how you feel, and reality. The ‘shift’ from focusing on (unknowingly) believing conceptualizations… to what you are actually feeling - emotions - it a shift from focusing (often exclusively) on thought(s)… to receiving the emotional guidance of, Source." I spend too much time in the attic of the mind, that's my issue. Lost in concepts, detached from the present moment and my body. Concepts just beget more concepts and are constantly recycled right? Like it says in the article, they make you detached from truth. I'm feeling much better already. Have been feeling a bit despairing and trapped by habitual thinking patterns and emotions I can't seem to break out of.
  12. @Terell Kirby Yeah those are definately two of my favourite past times. I have a lot of work to do, thank you
  13. @Nahm Thanks Nahm. My manifesting game never quite materialised. I read that book from Leo's booklist, the great one on visualisation, but I've never put the time and effort into directing my focus and intention in such a way to rewrite my neural pathways and create what I truly want from source. I'm still stuck with a lot of uneccessary ego smog. Also, the distractions are immense. But when you mention dreamboards, and having read a bit of that article you sent me, something inside me knows this is the way forward. I have to use the present moment to take myself out of 3D consciousness, which Matt Kahn calls a time Loop. My present is constantly being defined by my past due to the churning up of stagnant memories and beliefs which keep me locked in reacting to them rather than proactively creating something different. I'll finish your article and try out dreamboards. I think I remember you saying that Abraham was your go-to. That must be for a good reason
  14. @Nahm Thanks for that Nahm. I'm finding it a little difficult to get my head around though. Could you expand on this thing about the dream board and please explain what that is and why you think it's a good idea for me?
  15. @catcat69123 Yeah I like this dude. He has a no bullshit approach like Leo. Cool voice too
  16. @catcat69123 Thanks dude I'll check him out
  17. @hyruga How can I ever verify if anything I perceive lays outside if my mind, if everything occurs within my mind? When I experience myself as old, that's still a subjective, relative experience, that occurs within my mind? Or is it just the labelling of it that occurs in the mind? Can we differentiate between awareness and mind perhaps? Are you saying that there is phenomena and then the perception of that, the labelling etc, is mind activity, but there is. something more primal? I always took Leo's teaching to mean that even the sense perceptions are an aspect of mind and so is consciousness itself. If the universe is an infinite intelligence, isn't it akin to a Mind? For me this also explains how reality can shift and distort on a psychedelic. There seems to be a lot of people that either haven't watched the video I referred to for this discussion or disagree with its teachings. What kind of cult is this? jokes
  18. @Nahm When you saying 'being myself,' isn't this something that's not set in stone, but something I'm constructing constantly, hence the mind game? Leo has said lots of times that reality is inifinte mind, and this is what I mean by playing the Mind Game, I'm referring directly to his teachings, unless I've gotten something wrong. I can't see how I cannot be myself if my 'self' is all there ever is? If the universe is an intelligent mind, what I'm asking is, how do I create, as the intelligent mind that I am, as skillfully as possibly, in order to self actualise and evolve up the spiral efficiently? Hope this clarifies things for you buddy
  19. @Terell Kirby Could you give me an example of a scenario where you would spot self deception as it happens? And what would that self deception be? Just a bullshit belief you think is true, or the process of identifying with things?
  20. @Matthew85 @Matthew85Thank you, I got a lot from this. Focus, align your beliefs with your desires and realise there's nothing you hold as true that's objective. It's amazing how much power we have, if only we know how to break out of Homeostasis and sacrifice short term comfort for long term gain. If right now my beliefs are out of sync with what I want, and there's a lot I hold to be true about myself that limits me, I have to spend time doing practices that address that
  21. @Matthew85 @Yarco I'm referring to Leo's video entitled 'life, its all a mind game.' Sorry I should have made that clear to begin with https://youtu.be/TcJQcKZcI4Y
  22. When I'm practising mindfulness I almost feel uncomfortable or it feels unnatural as I have to work to maintain this awareness. If I lose my awareness of the present moment/truth and get lost in thought, then I'm back to unconsciousness and automatic thinking, which I'm trying to move away from. Does mindfulness or an aware state always feel like this? Like it's effort? How can letting go really be letting go when it requires a level of control?
  23. @Mason Riggle I really liked that and it make perfect sense to me, so thanks. I hadn't realised that this idea of 'making an effort' was a concept or an assumption. I was under the illusion there could be something in my present experience that wasn't me, that was counter to me or getting in the way of me. Because I felt that this 'I' was doing something, this created a duality or an experience of 'effort being made.' But there was no effort. I'm gonna examine this experience of 'effort.'
  24. @Mu_ Thanks for the exercise. I'll definitely experiment with that and report back. @VeganAwake Yeah there's definitely something to this. There's a lot of sneaky conceptualising going on. I'm getting caught up in Mara. I think I have an aversion to the mind wandering experience, as I don't feel 'present' in it. But of course I am, I'm just not experiencing that thought or belief? I remember Leo saying reality is just composed of an infinitude of states and I'm favouring one over the other, this experience of 'favouring' being just another state. But here I go weaving more conceptual webs lol. I'm really looking for a way to stay present more, whatever that means. I wanna stay in a watchful or mindful state but like I said there's this feeling of 'I need to maintain this.' Feeling like I wasn't aware is just another thought...feeling like the experience is contrived, is another one...I can create an experience where there is no thought, but it feels like effort. Hmm, I suppose my problem is the way I've created this distinction at all, between thought and awareness. There's still a controlling element going on, based on preferences?
  25. If an ego, through needing to survive, distorts God's will through resistance, thinking its a separate thing, doesn't this idea create another duality, or an imaginary distinction, between egoic will and God's will? If I'm getting in my own way, as God, is this not God's absolute will, still occurring? If this is the case, isn't the seeking out of a higher will, a more absolute will, still an act of getting in my own way? In other words, if I, as a desperate self, make the effort to not be a separate self, this feels like a distortion of God's will to me. A manipulation.