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Posts posted by Quicksilver

  1. The problem with politics is that before the people partaking in it have evolved to stage yellow and beyond, theres literally no point in engaging with it because the answer to all the questions will invariably be: "help people evolve into yellow" 

    As long as politicians and the different electorate groups only see politics as a mean to achieve material gains for themselves and their groups there will be no objective discussion about any of the real issues, only playing ego games. 

    Therefore, imo, you are already doing the most effective political actions out there which is raising people consciousness towards yellow. Once a good % of society is at yellow, it will make sense to discuss solutions to real issues. 



  2. My point is that its this kind of fence sitting and inactivity from the part of good people which lets moral decay in through the back door into our culture and society. 

    There are lessons in tolerance, relativism and non-duality to be learned but the more time i spend dwelling on this, the more i realize that these teachings are better left to people with a life long of experience in the real world and not to young, inexperienced adults. 

    In the young and naive learning about these things leads to passivity and inactivity in the face of tyranny. And in the absence of good men to oppose societal corruption this allows both the corrupted left and the reactionary alt-right to creep in and polarize the conversation and society as a whole. 


  3. Dont be fooled, JP is what we call a snake oil salesman. A chameleonic fast talker, who says everything and nothing at the same time. I would steer away from calling him smart or educated and never turn to him for any kind of wisdom. 


    The bits and pieces where he does make valid points are much better found in better teachings. 


    As for Prager, they are best seen as ideologues. They are parroting right wing view points with little added nuance. Best seen as providing intellectual masturbation for people who already agree with those viewpoints in the first place. 

  4. Im really not watching fox news... Hehe. 

    As a matter of fact im living and lived in western Europe in some of the most spirally Green countries on the planet and i think i understand what they mean by socialism.

    And this is what im challenging - not the bolshevik version of socialism but the western European socialism that somehow people in America believe is some kind of magical solution to problems. 

    European socialism is still comprised of a lot of wishful thinking about free stuff that magically has to be paid for by something. Basically what Bernie is talking about. 

    But in reality its just fantasy land. 

    As a result of these socialit policies, in here, everything is getting increasingly expensive, people are increasingly getting complacent, filth accumulates everywhere and the standard of living of being middle-class is continuing to decline. 

    Its a very destructive concept in nature. 

    And the state in order to maintain the status quo and maintain the flow of free stuff just has to increasingly tax and borrow. It hurts young people the most as most of them cannot really even afford to start a family or own a home. 

    I dont understand it, but again im just an orange guy living in a green country... Maybe im missing something... Still im open to new ideas... 


  5. Im just a lowly Orange person and i don't understand: whats so appealing about socialism to Green/yellow people? 

    How can one believe that its possible to have free this and free that without breaking the backs of your middle class via tax and inflation or impoverishing your children via ever increasing debt? 

    All socialist programs have turned western countries from clean prosperous places to filthy slums. Im old enough to remember the before and the after. 

    So what is it? Enlighten me, so to speak. 

  6. Im surprised at the naive notion peddled here that somehow one can use spiral dynamics to choose a candidate. 

    In reality all politics is nothing but lust for power and the politicians involved will embrace some sound bites of a certain level of the spiral because thats what resonates with a good number of their target base. 

    In general politics is nothing but hypocritical power hungry crooks fighting for survival. 

    So if you want my advice, vote for the guy who promises to change the least amount of things, the less revolutionary the better and then strive to fix things at the local level. Macro level policy will fix itself of the micro does first. 

    Read about fractal localism. 

  7. These talks give you the illusion of learning something but you rarely do. 

    Personal circumstances and randomness make so much more of a contribution to someones success or demise that listening to someone back-rationalizing what it is that made them succeed will not constitute actionable advice for yourself. 

    This of course, outside the common sense advice of "work hard", "be open", etc. 



  8. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Quicksilver 3rd world countries definitely come with more dangers, since they are by definition less conscious, less openminded, and operating more from base survival needs.

    A Washington Post journalist was dismembered in a Turkish embassy recently. So yeah... watch your ass in underdeveloped places.

    Not just 3rd world countries. 

    The general lesson here is watch your ass around stage red (or red-blue) and below people and communities. Especially around those who don't consider you "one of their own".