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Posts posted by Quicksilver

  1. 1 hour ago, brugluiz said:

    It's okay. If you can't resonate with Jordan Peterson, it's okay to skip his teachings. But anyway, you don't need to claim what you were claiming. You literally told people shouldn't listen to anything that JP says.

    Ideologues like Peterson can send you down some very deep rabbit holes. 

    And the way he lures you in is of course via some useful albeit very basic advice. 


    Any master/mentor will tell you to clean your room, from Jesus Christ to Eckhart Tolle, but thats just scratching the very surface. 


  2. 5 minutes ago, brugluiz said:

    Aren't you having black or white thinking by telling JP's a false prophet?

    Can't you learn anything with him? Because it seems if you're going to listen to someone, you have to follow his/her ideology. I don't know if it's healthy.

    I can even learn something from the homeless bum doing drugs by the bridge where i pass every night. It doesn't mean that i should. 


  3. My take on was simply to realize that the "racists" (as you call them) are a facet of the collective ego who is struggling for survival. 

    Understand the role the alt right and Trump plays in the grand scheme of things which is a backlash against the rapid change of the country. 

    The shift into Green of America is happening too quickly for some and its not properly integrating the needs of a large number of the population of the country who are now lashing out via this movement. 

    Also understand that the stage Green you see as portrayed by the alt right (the soyboys and the cucks) is a caricature of Green. Just like the way stage Blue-Orange is being demonized by Green into a caricature (nazis).

    Everyone is strawmaning each other and fighting caricatures of their opponents. 

    Once you are at peace with this insight and you manage to make peace with both sides will you be able to ascend. At least thats what worked for me. 

  4. Ive been pondering over this since i saw the video on non duality. 

    If myself as I-God am the only being in the universe, the observer of myself and all my expressions, then what is there left to do but observe? 

    In the realm of the movie, any frame is an experience each as interesting ans valuable as any other,anything that harms or pleasures the ego is equally observed by I-God. 

    For billions of years conscious forms of I-God have been loving and slaughtering each other in trillions of quadrillions of frames. Whats different about this one? 

    If everything is one, whats there left to do but *be*?