Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. shabalaba ding dong mon ami. know what i mean ketamine eltraphonescape raphesca
  2. @Husseinisdoingfine I was contemplating this after meditating in a beautiful forest today...and I arrived at this realisation... meditating temporarily distances yourself from your thoughts and thought patternsis enabling you to disengage from the "locked in" nature of thought patterns and re-engage with a situation, thought or life with new perspectives, avenues and possibilities. Meditating is like putting a manual car into neutral, it allows you to change gears up or down to reach new speeds...which is why we can think 1000 times faster and more effectively than regular people. Everyone else is just pressing the accelerator and burning/maxing themeselves out where we are operating from elevated levels of performance (which is literally what gears do in cars). Or I suppose you could say that meditating is like stilling a vast pond, so to enable yourself to see through the surface of the water
  3. i love the fact that i can visualise a red apple and see it palpably in my minds eye and its 100% real. its incredible
  4. Meditation is a modulative process repeating over and over. It cleans and straightens thoughts when done effectively like brushing tatty hair. Creates space between thoughts and observation of thoughts allowing for elevated perspective. Psychedelics are different flavour entirely though
  5. I've manifested a lot of really good stuff and also not so good stuff haha. Fuck sake. The good stuff I've manifested is Leo, I attracted that energy and boom found em. Other really good coaches and business coaches etc. I manifested incredibls psychological strength and skills that are rare. I've manifested some interesting things where on a few occasions people in my presence have said out loud "wait hold on, I could have sworn I dreamed this before." I don't know if this is manifestation but there have been instances a small group of people laughing uncontrollably around me and then blurting out the exact same thing I say at the exact same time I say it. Its like the closest thing to psychic I've witnessed. Just energetic connection or something.
  6. @ShardMare gona do more psychs a little, hard to have a bad trip in the sun. I'm off psychs while learning business and game
  7. @Magnanimous just be aware of the fact that psychedelics are extremely powerful if you intend to use them. I know leos reccomended in the past not using them till you get to a certain age. Like any extremely powerful tool, gotta treat them with care and understand what it is they actually do and how they behave. They remove behavioural patterns basically and increase existential fluidity. But building a life requires an equal amount of building up of effective behavioural patterns. So just understand what they do and contrast that against what your trying to achieve.
  8. @Vision hero's journey is certainly more entertaining that working 9-5 in a shop I hate for 50 years only so I can order more Chinese food and more alcohol and slowly deteriorate in a weak existence. It would be like paying full price to go to the cinema and watch a 2 hour movie about a guy who nearly got bitten by a spider, but instead just sits at home haha
  9. Considering a very real element of self improvement is fulfilling your hearts desires and allowing yourself to burn through it...that seems pretty enjoying to me, entertaining
  10. I'm rich, ripped and enlightened and a pickup expert.. ;P
  11. If I posted half of the riskiest shit I've done here the fbi would come flying through my windies haha
  12. just listen
  13. NLT has the best accuracy to modern intelligibility ratio The "Message" translation is less accurate than NLT but could easily be understood by children KJV is the oldest, Shakespeare styled, poetic [and subsequently memorable] version, but is hardest to understand. Or if you want to read it from the original Hebrew and Arabic you can use a Bible Interlinear (https://biblehub.com/interlinear/) There are also extra books in the catholic bible called "Books Of The Apocrypha" which were rejected in protestant reformation. There are further books that were written that weren't included at all called "The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lost_Books_of_the_Bible_and_the_Forgotten_Books_of_Eden) You also have the book of mormon which is the only one i havent cared to look into as much (https://abn.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm?lang=eng&adobe_mc_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.churchofjesuschrist.org%2Fstudy%2Fscriptures%2Fbofm%3Flang%3Deng&adobe_mc_sdid=SDID%3D43545309C66023D8-238A26FE66D17777|MCORGID%3D66C5485451E56AAE0A490D45%40AdobeOrg|TS%3D1652026355) Mormonism is a offshoot of mainstream christianity, as are Jehovah's witnesses who each have their own translations of what would be considered by protestants the "original" bible. All christianity is based on Judaism and is a continuation of such. Typical jews only believe the first 5 books of the bible which they call the "Torah". Each sect and offshoot regards other sects and offshoots as heretical, with Catholicism and Protestantism the two most powerful strains currently in existence. However you will not extract the bullshit by using one version of the bible over the other...to extract the bullshit you have to allow the spirit to bring about direct revelation in your heart as to the hidden symbolism and mysteries that lie in biblical texts. Revelations like the baptism of the holy ghost (which i feel resembles awakening) which was seen to be a second experience with the spirit of God after faith was established (acts19:1-6) the baptism of fire and power. Or why the tree of damnation in eden was called the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" and reference back to leos video about how good and evil are dualities based on the illusory sense of ego. A good guide to christian mysticism would be listening to who i would call a christian half-mystic andrew wommack on youtube (and combine it with what you hear leo talk about, but still prioritizing Leo). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DufFDG6up0o --- side note: there is power in the bible and undeniable truths that the spirit has sustained through its refinement. Direct truths like "God is love" 1 John 4:8 or recognising that jesus is a symbol of yourself. Historical documentation does heavily suggest that jesus existed, but i have yet to witness any first hand miracles, and ive tried...ive tried hard (with an exception to very occasional and loose healing and prophecy). Psychedelics are the only real miracles ive witnessed...but im always going to remain open minded and after 5meo a miracle doesent seem that big
  14. ironically, through awakening the sense of self is strengthened and then detached from. Theres nothing wrong with having a strong sense of self and self purpose, awakening strengthens these things, its just then not identifying with it. Im pretty sure thats how it works. im also pretty sure that in meditation or self enquiry, people actively try to force the sense of self to go away which is conceptually creative (bad) when if you just relax, be honest with yourself about what it is you believe you are, not trying to get rid of it but allowing it to arise and noticing the space between it and the perceiver, it brings about faster results and more authentic results
  15. read psycho cybernetics
  16. god can heal but its more of like a gradual, get what you expect, psychological thing i think
  17. There seems to be a paradox between the inability to use the mind to awaken and the requirement of the mind to be allowed to become more conceptual in the stages leading up to the psychological stillness found in turquoise levels of development. In layman's terms, we cant use the mind (thoughts and concepts) to attain spiritual awakening (which is true)…but i feel like this may create a problem when stage blue, green and orange people simply stop thinking and stop using concepts altogether (like a religious person trying to stop sinning as if it'll get them into heaven). Or like when someone says that watching your breath is enough to attain awakening where leo clearly states it isint enough. I feel like it would be useful to note here that there are different stages in the journey, the most advanced of which focus on the stillness of the mind, where yellow stages focus more on advanced levels of conceptual growth etc. I feel like there is a trap for stage orange and green people, in that they hear turquoise teachers telling them to shut off their mind permanently, leaving out the fact that this stillness is designed to create space for more conscious, effective and heightened use of concepts, thoughts and ideas in a more pragmatic, survival oriented fashion concerning levels lower than that of awakening, levels that are [for most] required to pass through before moving wholeheartedly into the domain of actual enlightenment. I feel like for the longest time i was avoiding using my mind at all because turquoise teachers were teaching how to move into awakening by stilling the mind, failing to mention the fact that the conceptual mind has to be increased massively before the pendulum swings back in the direction of psychological stillness. green, orange and yellow level individuals need to know that the mind is not just some rabid beast in the corner to be caged and punished, it is a beautiful, loud instrument to be vibrantly expressed...especially when (unlike our Buddhist friends) psychedelics are our strongest weapon, not silence..